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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Lights Out In Lebanon As Electrical Grid Shuts Down. I Can Not Say This Enough. 'We Are In The Midst of A Planetary War. It Would Be Wise That People Prepare Just In Case Food and Essential Supplies Run Low In Your Local Stores.

They Do Not Want To Shut Everything Down at One Time, Because That Would Create Panic and Chaos and The Chaos Would Lead To Further Destruction.

Months Ago it Was Decided By The Galactic Federation of Worlds To Keep Humanity as Calm as Possible The Implementation of The New Galactic System Would Happen Fast But Gradually as Oppose To Over Night.

Several Countries Power Grids Have Already Shut Down. Stock Your Home With Non Perishable Food, Water, Prescribed/Over The Counter Medication and Other Essential Supplies That You Will Ned To Survive In The Event The Power Grid Goes Down In America.

If You Have Pets In Your Home Make Sure You Purchase Enough Food, Water and Essential Supplies For Them as Well. If They Take Prescribed or Over The Counter Medication Make Sure They Have Extra Doses Just In Case. Click HERE To View.

World War 3 concerns were spiked in the wake of recent tensions with China over the Taiwan Strait. China sent Taiwan's airforce scrambling more than 140 aircraft into the airspace recently. The move sparked fears of all-out war.

Tensions are on the rise with the country, especially in the wake of the Aukus submarine deal between the UK, USA and Australia, designed to ensure the West is prepared in the face of China's ever-growing submarine fleet. has compiled a guide for the flashpoints where World War 3 is most likely to erupt in 2021.


((((( We Are Already In The Midst of World War 3 Has Already Begun. It Is Unlike Any Other War Ever Fought On Earth, Because It is Being Fought On Many Different Levels Using A Variety of Alien and Advanced Technologies. World War 3 Is Being Fought On land, Underground, In The Oceans, Beneath The Seas, In The Sky, In Space, and On Many Other Planets.

Earth Humans Who Were Taken Off Planet Decades Ago Against Their Free Will Are Also Fighting For Their Freedom. Thus Far Several Planets Have Been Freed. Many Alien Species Have Also Been Enslaved and This MEGA Battle is Also Being Fought To Free Them As Well. Hence The Saying 'Where We Go One, We Go All'. Believe it or Not, Like it or Not We Are ALL Connected to Alien Races, They Too Make Up Our Family Tree. )))))

Military Fighter Jets Escorting Alien Ship To Military Base.

Walmart Is Selling Children On Their Shopping Website. YES, The Rich Elite Maggot Cabal Have Been Purchasing Children Online Using Walmart's Website. Underneath ALL Walmart Stores Are Underground Bases and Tunnels. They Traffic Babies and Children To Their Underground Bases and The Children Are Abused, Drugged and Locked In Electrified Cages Until They Are Purchased.

While You Shop In Their Stores Right Under Your Feet Children Are Locked In Cages Like Merchandise Waiting To Be Purchased. Walmart is Not The Only Store Selling Children Through Their Online Websites, Wayfair, Amazon and Many Other Corporate Owned Brand Named Stores Are Selling Kids via Their Online Websites.

Social Media Platforms Such As Face Book Who Promote The Abuse and Suffering of Children Are The Ones Who Should Be HARASSED, CENSORED and DELETED, Not People Like Myself Who've Dedicated Our Time and Our Lives To Exposing These Satanic Tyrants and Bringing Out The Truth.


Hollywood Celebrities Often Bolster Cabal Symbolism Right In The Publics Face, But Most People Have No Idea What These Symbols Mean and They Themselves Wind Up Flashing These Satanic Signs In Honor of The Celebrities They Love and Idolize. Cabal Symbolism Will Be The Downfall of Many Hollywood Celebrities Who Sold Their Souls For Fame and Fortune To Worship Satan and The Dark Side.

The AI Organization Founder: "Nano-Tech Vaccines are Extinction Agenda"

Cyrus Parsa Joined Stew Peters ( to Reveal What He Believes Is the Real Agenda Behind the Covid-19 Bioweapon and The Shots Being Pushed, And Falsely Referred to as "Vaccines".

Live Video Of Actual War That is Happening Now. This Video Was Smuggled Out So It Could Be Shared with The Public. As The Military Copter Shoots at Its' Target Take Note of ALL The Glowing Orbs In The Sky. Those Are Galactic Orb Ships Patrolling The Skies. Aliens From Many Different Planets Are Here To Assist In The War For Humanities Freedom, Just Like Earth Humans From All Backgrounds Were Sent Off Planet To Battle For The Freedom of Many Alien Races.

Great Presentation On The Evil Gene Therapy Injections by Dr. Christiane Northru

The Satanic Cabal Created The Deadly Health Care System In America and Their Remedies and Teachings Are Loyal To Satan. The Medical Symbols Promote Satan.

She got the COVID-19 Pfizer (BNT162b1) vaccine. Her 'adverse reaction' is known as toxic epidermal necrolysis. She had no previous medical history of this condition. (This is Just ONE Example of The Permanent Injuries The Cabals Health Care System Has Purposely Inflicted Upon The Human Population. To The Cabal Humans Are Nothing More Then Live Lab Rats.)

Another Ingredient In The COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon Are Fetal Cells That Come From Babies Who've Been Aborted. Many of These Babies Are Aborted and They Are Still Alive Wiggling and Moving Within The Birth Sack.

They Are Taken To A Lab and Brutally Cut Open For Their Internal Organs, Cells and Body Parts. They Place The Fetal Cells Into Vaccines They Inject Into The Public. The Satanic Cabal View Aborted Babies as Human Sacrifices.

In My Opinion There is No Punishment Severe Enough For These Satanic Freaks and ALL Their Minions. Everything They've Done To Humanity Should Be Done To Them. Let Them Suffer and Feel Severe Pain as They Die A Very Slow Death.

That is What Should Happen To These Alien/Demonic Demons. As Many Horrific Things I've Seen Over The Years Pity For These Vampire Freaks Is Not In My Heart. Wait Til' Yall' See The Pictures and Videos of Them Torturing Babies, Toddlers, Children and Adults To Death or to Crack Their Minds, I Have Not Shown Yall' Anything Yet.

I Want These Freaks To Suffer For Every Human and Animal They've Harmed and Killed. I Can't Attack Them Here On Earth But Trust Me We For Damn Sure are Taking Them Out On Our Off Planet Missions.

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