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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

This is Joe Biden's Son, Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden and His Father Joe Biden Raped The Same Girl Together. Hunter Biden Was Sentenced To Death By Hanging By Military Tribunal. Hunter Biden Will Be Executed By Hanging On October 15, 2021. NOTE: Hunter Biden's Father Joe Biden Has Already Been Executed. Click HERE To View.

Food and Supply Shelves Begin To Go Bare in NYC and In Other States, Southwest Airlines Reaps Massive NON-COMPLIANCE from Pilots. Click HERE To View.

The World is In The Midst Of The BIGGEST Global Medical Fraud and If You've Fallen For The Ongoing Hyped B.S., Guess What? You've Been DUPED and SCAMMED, Any Questions?

Many Cities that Defunded Police Quietly Restored Funding. Click HERE To View.

Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccines | Dr. Franc Zalewski: “That’s Why There’s Graphene Added Inside the Vaccines, Which Nourishes the Egg” Click HERE To View.

Joe Biden Flying 1K Afghans to U.S. a Day Until German Base Emptied Click HERE To View.

23 million Chinese Are No Longer Allowed to Travel Because They Have Too Few 'Social Points'. I've Talked About Social Scoring and How it Would Be Implemented and Used as a Weapon to Take Away ALL of Your Rights and To Prevent The General Public From Moving About Freely. Here In America and In Other Countries They Are Trying To Roll Out 'Vaccine Health/Wellness Cards'.

These Cards Are Nothing More Then Social Scoring Cards That Will Be Used To Determine What You Can or Can Not Do Based On Your Vaccine Health/Wellness ID Card'. Follow ALL of The Cabal's New World Order Chinese Communist Rules, Get Fold Stars On Your Health/Wellness ID Card and You'll Have Access To Whatever They Say You Can Have Access Too. Disobey Their Draconian Style Laws and According To The Cabal 'You'll Have Nothing and You'll Be Happy'.

If You Have Access To NetFlix When You Have The Time Try To Watch The NetFlix Sci Fi Series 'Black Mirror'.

ALL of The Episodes In 'Black Mirror' Actually Imitate Our Current Reality On This Planet. One Episode of 'Black Mirror' Focuses On 'Social Scoring' In China an d How it Affects The Lives Of Chinese Citizens On A Daily Basis.

Covid is the new Jim Crow. The government has never cared for anyone including African people more so.

Ask yourself, Why they giving away gifts 🎁? Free meals, tickets to games, platinum membership cards? Doughnuts? To take those shots???

Why is it only now they care about your health? But never care about you having a job, being homeless never cared about you going to jail, or getting beat or even shot by Police, they don’t care about your cancer, HIV, diabetes, heart disease etc, but all of a sudden the government care about COVID-19 your vaxxine & health. Think about it.

CORRECTION: It Should Read 'When A DEAD Jesuit Pushes The Vaccine'. Fake Pope Francis Has Been Executed For Raping and Sacrificing Children and Babies.

The Great SICKOUT Spreads as Airline Pilots, Railway Workers, Air Traffic Controllers, Police, Firefighters and The Other People Who Keep Society Running Say NO to Vaccine Coercion and Threats. Click HERE To View.

Welcome to hell, Pizza gate is real. This is just a fraction of paedophile government officials who have been convicted of child molestation and child rape.

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Denver Police Officer Who Reluctantly Took the Jab Then Lost His Ability to Walk Is Now Hospitalized with Possible Stroke. Click HERE To View.

"If You Want to Find The Secrets of The Universe, Think in Terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration."

Dr Naomi Wolf Discuss "Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever".

Someone just posted this about the sudden cancellations of flights with Southwest:

“I just got this message: ‘I’m in the airline industry. Yesterday 668 Southwest Airlines flights had canceled by the time I went to bed. They are estimating 1,000-1,400 will be cancelled today. Want to know why? They told their pilots and flight attendants they had until November to get jabbed. So now they have to use all their banked vacation and personal time or lose it. And off duty crew are not picking up trips to cover. Jacksonville ATC walked out too, and Milwaukee ATC is expected to follow today. There is no weather. Southwest just doesn’t want to tell you the real reason why.'

"I asked one of the pilots about it. The answer I got was (paraphrasing):"

"80% of our pilots are ex-military. We see the tyranny that’s happening. They’re coming for essential workers first (nurses, doctors, firefighters, police, military, teachers and transportation workers) and they’re coming for the rest of America next. We’re not doing it for us, we’re doing it for America. We swore to defend the constitution against all enemies.’” Click HERE To View

THIS is bravery.

Explanation of the Covert Bio Weapon Agenda by Dr. McDowell Click HERE To View.

Explanation of the Covert BioWeapon Agenda by Dr. McDowell Click HERE To View.

Nano Particles Jump From Thing To Thing From Person To Person. Click HERE To View.


Air Traffic Controllers WALK-OUT over Vax Mandate Air Traffic Controllers at Jacksonville, Florida airport WALKED-OUT of their jobs last night over the COVID vaccine mandate. Six-hundred-fifty. Click HERE To View.

Secret Space Program.

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