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The Very Sad Truth About What Will Happen To Those Who've Been Vaxxed, Nothing Can Stop What's Coming. South West Ohio school board meeting. I (Sean Brooks, Ph.D., in Education) told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was if I had said nothing. Masks were put back in place for all people, inside all buildings, on this night as well. Tyrants. Click HERE To View.

Hollywood Plays A BIG Role In Programming The Minds of The Public.

Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum: Corona PCR "Test" is Implanting a Microchip. Click HERE To View.

WARNING To All New York Citizens, Under The Command of The Department of Homeland Security. Urban Areas In New York City Have Been Targeted For A Simulated Series of Biological Attacks In Urban Areas. Be Forewarned These Attacks Could Be A True Staged Simulation or They Could Be A Real Attack On New Yorkers. We Are In The Midst of an Ongoing War and The Do Not Take What You Don't See For Granted, Question EVERYTHING. Click HERE To View.

This Is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Better Known as ' Graphene Oxide'. Its' A Living Being, Its' Conscious and Very Intelligent. It Can Be Pre Programmed or It Can By Pass Human Command and Do Whatever It Chooses To Do. Off Planet This Is Known as 'Black Goo'. This Is Just ONE of The Ingredients Contained In The Vaccine/Bioweapon. If You or Anyone You Know Has Been Vaxxed This Black Goo is Now In Control Over Your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Former Governor Of New York Andrew Cuomo Has Been Convicted of 5,000+ Counts Of MURDER and Sentenced To Swift Death By Military Tribunal. Word Is He Has Been Executed By The Military.

This is Fuckin' Disgusting The Mother Right Along with The Two Cabal Bitches Injecting This Baby Need To Be Jailed In Solitary Confinement For The Rest of Their Miserable Lives. How Does Any Parent Allow The Medical Profession To This To Their Child? Jail ALL of These POS.

HOLD YOUR GROUND”: Chicago police union chief urges officers to DEFY vaccine mandate

Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara has not only urged Chicago cops to defy the vaccine mandate, but promised to take Mayor Lori Lightfoot to court if she enforces it. (WGN 9 News (

Any unvaccinated Chicago officers who don’t commit to regular testing will be placed on unpaid leave, prompting Catanzara to claim Chicago’s available police force will be less than 50% this weekend.

“John Cantazara says a lot of things, a lot of it offensive, and racist and foolish,” Lightfoot retorted, adding that "if you are not vaccinated, you are playing with your life, the life of your family, the life of your colleagues and the members of the public.”

VAX OR STARVE: German State Allows Grocery Stores to Ban Unvaccinated Click HERE To View.

This Is Former FAKE President George Herbert Walker Bush' Wife. This Was a SheMAN Barbara Pierce Bush. The Cabal Love Inverting EVERYTHING, Including Mix Matching Genders and Forcing Government Officials To Marry Transgendered People. Lets Not Forget Barack Obama's Fake Transgendered Wife Michelle Obams aka Michael La Vaughn Robinson aka Big Mike.

Bombing Of Underground Bases.

This is Just ONE of The Alien Beings/Creatures The Military is Dealing With In Underground Bases.

Grey Alien In Underground Bases.

I'm Not 100% Sure But I Do Believe These Are Annunaki Aliens, They Too Are Hiding/Living In Underground Bases.

Canada Issues Mandatory (NOT Law) Vaccinations and Forced Door To Door For ALL In 4 Weeks.

Free Range Productions, Global Voice Network and Dean Chambers have teamed up to bring you a candid look into our round-table discussions. You are invited to join us and listen in to what topics we have no idea will be covered before the chat. EXCELLENT Roundtable Discussion Click HERE To View.

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