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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Why is The Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Monitoring The Deaths of Those Who've Taken The COVID-19 Bioweapon? Click HERE To View.

Boy Posing as A Transgendered Girl Enters Girls Bathroom at School and Severely Sodomizes and Rapes A 14 Year Old Girl. and The Cabal Owned School Board Pretends NOTHING Happened, Because They Are Promoting The Cabals Perverted, Diabolical, Sadistic Agenda That Glorifies Boys Who Transgender Into A Girl.

For Parents Who Are Too See and Understand That The Satanic Cabal Cult Are Corrupting and Programming YOUR Kids Minds To Be Heartless, Soulless, Mindless, Discusting Rapist and Perverts Just Like Them.

In Case No One Was Listening or Paying Attention The Cabal Clearly Stated Over and Over Again That This Generation (YOUR) Kids Would Be Theirs To Groom, Control Mold Into Baby Raping Satanist Just Like Them.

Sadly Too Many Parents Are So Busy Doing Whatever and Their Minds Are Pre Occupied They Don't Have The Time, Energy or Maybe They Just Don't Give A Fuck. Its' Easier To Allow Their Kids To Do Whatever They Want Too as They Bury Their Minds Into The A.I. Controlled Internet.

Myself and Many Others Like Me Began WARNING The Public Years Ago About Keeping A Close Eye On Their Children Because The Cabal Were After Them. Now, Through The Use Mind Controlled Technology and Poisoned Vaccines, Food, Water, Air etc.

They've Managed To Mind Fuck Your Kids To The Point Where They Don't Even Identify as a Biological Boy or Girl, Because The Cabal Have Created Over 20+ New, Fake Genders That YOUR Kids Gravitate Too, Because They've Been Preprogrammed.

These Demonic Cabal Controlled Demons Posing as Caring Teachers Begin Pre Programing The Minds of Your Children As Soon As You Drop Them Off at Your Local Day Centers, That's Just How Desperate They Are To Gender Confuse Your Children. By The Time They Enter Middle School/Highschool Boys Dressed Like Girls Become Rapist of Both Boys and Girls.

This Teenaged Rapist as Far as I Am Concerned If He Can Not Be Destroyed He Needs To Be Locked In A Cell In Solitary Confinement For The Rest of His Life. These Kids Are Not Human They Are Genetically Modified Beings.

These Mind Controlled Cabal Demon Kids MUST Be Dealt with in A Harsh and Swift Manner. The Teenage Rapist in This Video Didn't Just Rape and Sodomize One Girl, He Went Top Another School and Did The Same Thing and I'm Quite Sure There Are Other Victims.

Author: Sen-I

Perfectly Healthy Baby Now Fighting For His Life After Being Injected With The Recommended Child Shots. STOP Allowing These Baby Murderers Inject Your Kids with Poisons. ALL Babies Are Born with Immune Systems That Protect Them From Illness.

Once You Start Allowing The Cabal Owned Medical System Inject Your Kids with Poisons That's When They Begin To Get Sick Physically and Mentally. Its' Been Proven 100 Times Over Childhood Illnesses and Mental Disabilities and Deaths Are Attributed To Regular Scheduled Vaccines.

How Many Parents STOP and Ask Their Childs Pediatrician 'What Are You Going To Inject Into My Child's Body and What Are The Possible Side Effects'? How Many Parents Do Their Own Research To Get an Understanding of The Potential/Possible Side Effects of The Ingredients That Are In The Vaccines?

Sadly Many Parents Trust Their Childs Pediatrician, So They Don't Bother To Ask Vital Questions That Could Save The Life of Their Child. They Believe Their Pediatrician Has Their Childs Best Interest at Heart and Many Pediatricians Genuinely Care About Their Patients.

The Problem, They Were Taught By A Satanic System That Wants To Cause Harm, Suffering and Death To ALL Humans. In The Minds of This Satanic Cult Who Own and Run The Healthcare System It Doesn't Serve Their Diabolical Agendas To Teach Incoming Medical Students How To Protect and Naturally Heal The Human Body. So, They Focus On Creating Many Ways To Slowly Destroy The Human Body.

REMEMBER The Cabal's Satanic Cult Feed Off Of Human Suffering and That Includes The Ongoing Suffering of Your Babies and Children. Whenever You Suffer or Experience Pain Your Body Produces a Chemical Known as Loosh.

Every Day These Satanist Feed of Of of The Loosh Humans Produce. Making Your Children Sick off of Their Poisoned Vaccines Your Child Could Provide These Satanist With A Life Time of Loosh as They Suffer with Physical/Mental Illness Throughout Their Lives. Protect Your Children and STOP Allowing Them To Use Your Children as Their Food Source.

Author: Sen-I

Any Questions?

This is The Result of Mind Control and Paranoia.

Demon Possessed Baby Raping Satanist Ex Fake Ass President Bush Senior with His Very Young Sex Toy.

Bus Labeled 'COVID-19 Vaccine Bus' aka 'The Death Bus' Lives Up To Its' Name in The UK.

Mark Van Ranst Explains in a Presentation How Mainstream Media Use Propaganda to Manipulate The Masses.

Lynn Savage’s daughter, Amber, underwent brain surgery. Because Amber is non-verbal and partially paralyzed after suffering a stroke, her mom did not want to leave her side... so the hospital had her arrested for trespassing. (Some of The Staff That Work at Hospitals Are Have Become Nothing More Then Mind Controlled Cabal Cabal Flunkies. They've Lost Their Humanity and They Have No Respect For Life, All They Do is Follow Cabal Orders,) Click HERE To View.

Nursing Home Drugs Elderly Resident in Order To Get Her To Take The COVID-19 Bioweapon. The Resident Suffered Severe Reaction and Died. How Many Elderly People Have Been Deliberately Murdered By Being Forced, Drugged or Coerced Into Being Vaxxed? The Staff Responsible For This Woman's Death Should Be Executed or Jailed For The Rest of Their Lives.

A Mayor in Ohio Threatened The City's Entire School Board with Charges of Distributing Pornography To Under Age School Children.

The Titanic Was Deliberately Crashed to Kill The Millionaires Onboard Who Posed a Threat to The Rothschild's Central Banking!

This is a Galactic 'Electrical' Being. It Can Form Itself Into Any Shape Human, Animal or Just A Ball of Electrical Energy. Click HERE To View.

Baby Becomes Magnetized After Receiving Scheduled Baby Vaccine.

These Are The Identification Codes of Those Who've Been Vaxxed, Using Your Smart Phone Scanner Mode You Can Pick Up The I.D. Codes That Have Been Injected Into Anyone Who Has Been Vaxxed. What Does The Word COVID Stand For? The Word COVID Stands For (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID)entification.

Those Who've Been Vaxxed Were Injected with A Micro Chip That Contains Their Vaccination Identification. They Are Viewed as Merchandise and They Have Legally Become The Property of The Cabal, Because They Are No Longer A Human Being, They Are Transhumans.

Another Mind Fucked Cabal Controlled Minion Following Masks Wearing Orders That Make No Fuckin' Sense.

The Lost History Of Earth 5 Hour Documentary Click HERE To View.

The Earth is Hollow and There Are Many Different Species of Aliens That Have Inhabited The Inner Earth For Billions of Years. These Detailed Documents and Pictures Prove the Existence of the Hollow Land and The Continent of Agartha. These Documents Includes an Official Letter from the US Army Signed and Sworn in By The Captain of The Time and Photos Taken by The ESSA-7 Satellite On The Date: 23 of November 1969. (EVERYTHING We Were Taught About History is A LIE. People Are Going To Have To Forget Most EVERYTHING They've Been Taught/Indoctrinated To Believe and Begin The Process of Re Educating Themselves with The TRUTH, So They Can Educate Their Children and Grandchildren. ) Click HERE To View.

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