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Electric Cars Pictured Charging Back in 1917. How Did We Lose This technology, To Then Reinvent it 100 Years Later? As Usual They Erased The History/Technology They Did Not Want To Make Available. Their Goal Was To Not Only Keep Humanity Enslaved But To Keep Humans From Advancing.

SUBWAY GAS ATTACKS to Be Staged by Department of Homeland Security/Feds in NYC at Over 120 Locations, Including Transit Buses, Airports, Subway Tunnels Between October 18th – 29th 2021. These Biological Attacks Happening In NYC Starting October 18, 2021 - October 29, 2021 Are Supposed To Be 'Staged, Simulated Events' Releasing 'Non Toxic' Chemicals Into The Air, Within NYC Subway Stations/Subway Cars etc.

In The Past These Satanic Psychopaths Have 'Planned Staged Events' That Injured and Murdered Hundreds, Thousands of People. Let Us Not Forget 9/11, The Sinking of The Titanic, Boston Marathon Bombing and Many Many Other Planned Staged Events Where Thousands of People Were Injured and Killed During The Stampede.

These Pre Planned Staged Events, False Flag Attacks Can Be Deadly Depending On How The Cabal Decide To Swing The Narrative. If They Did Not Want People To Get Injured or Killed Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Will Make an Announcement To Pre Warn New York Citizens.

If You Live in NYC Has Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Announced These Mocked Biological Attacks? If YES, That's Good, Because You Are Aware and You've Been Pre Warned. If They Haven't Said Anything You Need To Have Your Guard Up As You Travel Around and Go About Using Public Transportation. Click HERE To View.

Pfizer Representative Admits Their COVID-19 Vaccine Has NOT Been Approved By The FDA, Matter A Fact Neither Has Mderma, Johnson&Johnson or Any of The Fake COVID-19 Bioweapons.

US Treasury deputy Secretary Warns Unvaxxed Americans that Shortages Will Continue Until EVERYONE is Jabbed. Demonic Aliens Often Work In High Positions of Power. They Need To Be Tracked, Identified, Destroyed And Taken Out Of Power, ASAP.

I Know Its' Getting Done, But Its' Not Moving Fast Enough. Off Planet We're Wiping Them Out By The Thousands, But Here On Earth Its' Too Damn Slow. Way Too Many People Have Been Injured and Killed Behind These War Games.

Getting People To Submit By Starvation is The Cabal's Next Game Play. However Thousands of Shipping Containers Remain Docked Because They Are Checking For Humans Who Are Being Trafficked, Shipping of Adrenochrome (Blood of Children) and They Are Searching For Deadly Bioweapons.

Once Shipping Containers Pass Inspection They Should Be Placed On The Back of a Truck and Shipped. Unless The Cabal Are Preventing Truck Drivers From Delivering Food and Essential Supplies There is No REAL Reason Why Store Shelves Should Be Going Bare. Click HERE To View.

New York Protestors Shout 'Defund The Media' In Front of The New York Times Building In Manhattan.

The Chinese Military Just Launched a Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile into space that Circled The Entire Globe at Low Orbit. Psychopaths and Their Deadly Toys That Do Nothing But Murder Innocent People.

Archbishop Vigano: ‘Vaccine Victims are Sacrificed On The Altar of Moloch’ Click HERE To View.

When A.I. Bypasses Human Command.

Just A Little Humor.

This is a Grey Alien Colorfully Materializing Under The Bright Sun.

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