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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Oct 21, 2021

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How Many Adult IDIOTS Will Respond To This Advertisement By Bringing Their Children To The Health Funday at Knoll Park? How Many Mind Controlled, Dumbed Down, Adult Idiots Participate In This Genocidal Event By Leading Their Own Kids To Slaughter, How Many?

British Royalty Dined On Human Flesh, But That Was Over 300 Years Ago, No Chance That, That Disgusting Habit Was Passed On To The 21st Century.

Yes Britain’s Royals dined on children’s flesh right after torture & molestation. “It was 300 years ago so don’t worry”.

It probably wasn’t your children they were eating. Just your ancestors.


A paedophile who loves molesting children but is a cannibal at the same time. They love drinking blood and eating the flesh of poor little helpless children. torturing and sodomising little children right up to the point of death then they eat their little body parts up.

They believe drinking the blood of young children after torturing keeps them young. where do you think Vampires come from? A chemical called Adrenaline is released as children are being tortured this chemical is extracted and made into a drug called Adrenochrome.

This drug can even be found online and in Hollywood. A lot of Celebrities and most certainly the royal family live on this drug.

Marina Abramovic Was The Top Witch To The Elite Cabal. The Cabal Often Spent Time with Marina at Her Mansion Home Dining On The Cooked Flesh of Children They Tortured To Death. After They'd Sit By A Roaring Fire Laughing, Talking, Discussing The Days Events While They Make A Toast and Sip The Blood of The Children They Just Ate For Dinner Marina's Fancy Blood/Wine Glasses.

The Cabal Elite Are Addicted To Adrenochrome. Children's Blood Gets Them High and Keeps Them Looking Fit and Young. These Modern Day Vampires Will Experience Serious Withdrawal Symptoms If They Don't Get Their Daily Fix of Children's Blood.

Children's Blood is an Anti Ageing Elixir and The Elite, Hollywood Celebrities, The Royals etc. Crave Adrenochrome From Children and Adults, But They Prefer The Blood of Children, Because Its' Pure and Untainted. Take Away Their Get High and Just Like The Vampires They Are They Begin To Shrivel Up and Age Rapidly, Until They Die.

Marina Abramovic Was Captured and Executed After She Gave Potent Information On Everyone Who Attended Her Gory Dinner Gatherings.

This is What is Known As 'Hidden In Plain Site'. The Cabal and The Churches Have Always Revealed Their Sexual Lust For Children But People of The World Were Too Blind To See It.

Back During The 1940's, 50's, 60's 70's Children Were Sexually Abused By Members of Their Own Families, Family Friends, Strangers.

When Children Told Their Parents/Caretakers They Were Being Sexually Abused No One Listened and They Were Made To Shut Up and Accept It or Forget About It and Move On. Back Then There Were No Support Systems Set In Place For Abused Women and Abused Children. Just Like The Cabal, The Priest and Anyone Else In Authority Family Members, Family Friends etc. Got Away With Abusing Children.

NOTHING On This Planet Happens By Coincidence. If The Cabal Have and Agenda To Uphold They Will Find Some Way To Pre Program The Minds of The People Through Their Method of 'Predictive Programming' Getting The General Public To Ignore and Call A Blind Eye To a Child's Cry of Sexual Abuse Worked For Many Decades.

The Dumbing Down of The Population Worked So Well To This Day Many Parents Still Have No Idea That Their Children and Grandchildren Might Very Well Be Sexually Preyed Upon While They Attend Day Care, School, Church, Afterschool Programs etc.

How Many Parents Know When They Drop Their Kids off at Certain Events The Cabal Minions Sweep In, Put Your Kids On A Bus and Take Them To Hotels and Sex Parties and Then They Return Your Kids Just In Time For You To Pick Them Up.

Children Are Their Easy Prey Because They Are Innocent and Gullable and It Doesn't Take Much To Win Them Over. Mind Swiping Techniques Are Used On The Children Who They Feel Might Tell What Happened. Sexual Abuse of Children Has Been Ongoing For Centuries On This Planet.

That Might Have Been One of The Reasons Why Its' Difficult For Some Adults To See, Even If 100% Proof is Blaring In Their Face. Its' Very Easy To Ignore What We Refuse To See or Acknowledge. When It Comes To The Continued Rescue and Well Being of These Children, We Can No Longer Ignore What's Being Blatantly Thrown In Our Face.

Author: Sen-I

'These Demons Have Always Been 'Hidden In Plain Site' Religious Leaders and Clergy Have Been Throwing Their Sexual Perversion and Lust For Babies and Children In The Face of Humanity For Centuries. For Centuries They've Sacrificed Children To Moloch, Their GOD, Satan.

If The Public Only Realized How Many Hollywood Celebrities Had This Picture Copied Onto Their Clothing and Feel Proud To Wear It. In The Past I've Posted The Actual Gruesome Picture of The Little Girl Who Was Brutally Raped, Sodomized and Tortured By Hillary Clinton and Her Lover Huma Abedin.

After They Tortured Her Hillary Took A Vegetable/Fruit Grater and Began Peeling The Terrified Little Girls Face Off, While She Was Still Alive. As The Little Girl Lay There Screaming In Unimaginable Pain Hillary Took The Skin of The Girls Face, Placed it On Her Face and Her and Her Lover Started Singing, Dancing Around The Girl Praising Their Satan GOD Moloch.

They Ended Their Sacrifice By Cutting Open The Girls Abdomen, Removing Intestines Eating It Front of Her While She Was Still Alive. The More Terrified Their Victims Are and The More Painful Their Torture The More Adrenochrome Their Produces. A Childs Adrenochrome Gives These Satanist A High, Adrenochrome Is A Drug of Choice To These Satanic Vampires.

They Raped, Tortured and Murdered This Little Girl Then They Turned Her Suffering Into Wearable Art. Death Is Way Too Good For Them, They Need To Suffer In Pain Just Like They Caused This Girls Suffering, Every Day Til' They Die. I Have No Pity Towards Anyone Who Causes Harm To A Child. A Bullet To The Head, Hanging Is Painless and Way Too Easy. For These Satanist They Need To Implement The Old Fashioned Torture Chambers.

Their Blatant Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall.

Always Keep In Mind Within Every Living Species There Are Good Beings. Reptilians Come in Over 20+ Different Species. Just Like The Human Species The Higher Reptilian Species Enslaves The Lower Species. Their Are Many Reptilian Species That Genuinely Care About The Human Species and They Are Assisting Humanity In Their Battle For Freedom. Don't Be So Quick To Pre Judge an Alien Species Based On What The Cabal Tell You To Believe. Learn How To Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills. Research and Educate Yourselves On Whatever You Might Not Understand and Draw Your Own Conclusions.

Just A Short Video of Grey Alien Hanging Out In an Abandoned Underground Base.

A Launched Attack Using Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.)

Direct Energy Weapon.

Direct Energy Weapon.

Loud Eeeeerie Unexplainable Noise Coming From The Inner Earth or Up In The Sky. This People From Around The World Have Been Hearing This Strange Sound For Over 20 Years Now. Authorities, Specialists, Scientist etc. Have Been Called In and Yet No One Can Give A Definitive Answer as to What This Noise is.

About 20 Years Ago I Astral Traveled To A Planet and I Too Heard This Same Type of Loud Sound. I Too Have No Answer as To What it Might Be, But If I Had To Guess I'd Say it Sounds Like An Earth Size Galactic Ship or The Merging of Two Dimensions. On The Flip Side It Also Sounds A lot Like Godzilla To Me.

This Aerial Drone View Shows How Precise Direct Energy Weapons Can Be.

These Demons Are Pathetic. Do Not Put A Medical Mask On Your Child if They Are Going To Wear A Mask For Halloween. Children/Adults Need OXYGEN To Breath. These Are Mind Controlled Demons Telling You How To Kill Your Child. Wake The Fuck Up People or Your Children Will Suffer For Your Blind, Cocky Ignorance . Don't Forget Halloween is ONE of The Satanic Cabals Biggest Events To Sacrifice Children. Protect and SAVE Your Children From These Demon Fucks.

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