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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

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As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Remember The Young Girls Who Played The Role of The Obama Girls 'Malia and Sasha' Keep In Mind They Too Were Child Victims. They Were Groomed, Mind Controlled, Physically and Sexually Abused To Keep Them In Character.

The Worse Thing Imaginable is Their Own Biological Parents Sold Them To The CIA For Lots' of Money Which They Received Monthly and They Were Placed In Prestigious Jobs. The Parents Literally Sold Malia and Sasha to The CIA.

Their Scrip[ted Role Has Ended and As Young Adults What The Hell Are They Sup[posed To Do After Being Mind Fucked By The CIA, Abandoned By Their Parents and Molested By A Man Named Obama Who Played The Scripted Role of Amereica's1st Black President. How Do Yo Maintain Your Sanity and Create A Productive Life For Yourself After Living Through A Nightmare. Keep In Mind Malia and Sasha Are NEVER To Speak About What They Went Through If They Want To Stay Alive.

Who Knows The Way The Situation is Now They Might Have Already Killed Malia, Sasha and Their Parents Because They Do Not Need Them Anymore and They Are A Liability, Because if The Girls or Their Parents Decide To Sing Like A Canary, ITs' A Wrap Because The Cabal Do Not Want The Public To Ever Know The Truth.

Author: Sen-I

There's A Lot More Going Behind Closed Doors When A Grown Man Kisses A Little Girl Like This. This is Not A 'Fatherly' Kiss, This is A Kiss of A Child Molester/ Rapist.

Any Questions?

The Image On The Left is The Real, Now Deceased Joe Biden, The Guy On The Right is An Imposter, Actor, Clone.

And Now There Are MILLIONS of People Lining Up To Take Johnson & Johnson Bioweapon Dubbed 'COVID-19 Vaccine'. I Can't Make This Shiyt Up, People Are Either Mind Screwed To A Point Where They No Longer Know How To Utilize Their Critical Thinking Skills, They Are Gullable as Hell, Too Lazy To Research or They Are Just Plain Stupid. Take Your Pick.

Why Would ANYONE Take A 'Vaccine' From A Company Who's Still Paying BILLIONS of Dollars To The Victims They Knowingly Injured and Killed with Their Pre Poisoned Powders Made For Baby and Adults? If You Got The Answer I'll Be Waiting To Hear From Yall', Because This Totally Baffles My Mind.


I Wasn't Going To Post This, But What The Hell The Expression On This Little Girls Face Says It All and is Priceless. The Costume Mocks Creepy Joe Biden, Because He Was Often Caught On Camera Groping and Sniffing Babies and Children. Ironically They Still Have The Actor, Clone Who's Playing The Role of Joe Biden Doing The Same Thing. Yuk!!!

💥BQQQQQQQM💥 DOCTOR ADMITS ONCE HE INTUBATES PATIENTS 99% OF THOSE PATIENTS DIED - It's never been about health or a cure...its about big pharma and hospitals scheming for profit.

This doctor calls it "politics."

If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13k.

If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, the hospital gets paid $39k---three times as much.

While HCQ is better known, has fewer side-effects, and costs about $20 a dose for out-patients, Remdesivir is a therapeutic course that costs $2,340/patient that has been proven to cause liver damage. Being intravenous, remdesivir requires expensive hospital care (hospital receives an addl $13k from Medicare.)

There have been many accounts of hospitals placing non covid patients on covid floors...increasing exposure and the hospital's chance of cashing in more. This is why some hospitals refuse to allow family in. It's not a "safety" protocol. They don't want patient advocates like the woman in this video.

Since Its' Creation Hollywood Has Played A Very BIG Role In 'Predictive Programming'. Showing The Public What's The Satanic Cabal Are Going To Do To Them Through Movies and TV Series Before They Do It. This Cartoon Was Made in The 1930's. EVERYTHING They Do To Humans On This Planet Has Been Planned Out Decades Before They Actually Set It In Motion.

Way To Go Chick-fil-A!!!

In My Opinion NOTHING Gets Better Then This.

Even The Animals Know Humans Should Not Wear Masks. I Hate To Call Them 'Animals' Because They Are NOT Animals They Are Intelligent, Loving, Caring, Compassionate, Patient Sentient Beings, They Have Feelings and They Express A Large Variety of Emotions. Humans Can Learn A lot From These Beautiful Sentient Beings. They Are Here To Teach Humans, Humans Are Not Here To Control or Teach Them. Sentient Beings Are Born Knowing ALL They Need To Know, IUts' Humans That Have Forgotten What They Should Know.

Globally Volcanoes Are Erupting. To Watch Full Footage Click HERE To View.

This is How The Native Aussies Receive The Authorities Trying To Force Them to Take Them 💉 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 with Bows and Arrows. This is How You Handle Your Business In War, You Fight Back With Whatever Weapons You Have. America Wake The Fuck Up, Because These Satanic Blood Thirsty Mother Fuckers Aint' Knocking At Your Front and Back Doors Anymore, They've Entered Your Homes, Because You Invited Them In.

A Video of The Two Suns. The Sun In The Front is The Fake Sun and The Sun In The Back is The REAL Sun.

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