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NOTHING On This Planet Happens By Coincidence Most ALL Major Events Are Carefully Planned Out Decades In Advance. The Cabal MUST Tell People What They Plan To Do Before They Go Forth with Their Diabolical Agendas.

As I've Been Saying For Years Now, The Cabal Use Hollywood Movies and TV Shows To Show People What They Plan To Do To Them. The Problem is Most People View Movies and TV Series as Entertainment and Nothing More.

People Don't Necessarily Believe The Movie or TV Series They Are Watching Is The Cabal Using The Entertainment Industry as a Method of 'Predictive Programming'. They Are Subliminally Programming The Subconscious Mind of The Public By Using Hollywood's Entertainment Industry.

A Perfect Example of Predictive Programming Would Be The Movies 'Metropolis and 1984'. The 'SILENT' Movie Metropolis Came Out In The Year 1927, Yet It Mirrors Humanities Enslavement To The Cabal. It Actually Shows The Rescuing of Abused Children Who Live Underground. The Movie Metropolis is 94 Years Old, Yet it Blatantly and Eeerily Mimics Life Today On This Planet.

George Orwell's Book 1984 Was Turned Into a Movie at Some Point and It Too Mimics Our Life Today On This Planet. Since Its' Conception Hollywood Has Been Filming and Broadcasting Our Life On This Planet, Sadly Many People Have Not Yet Connected The Dots. You Can Literally Invite Family and Friends Over, Grab Some Popcorn, a Cool Drink and Sit Down and Watch Movies and TV Series To Know What's Going On.

The Cabal Invert EVERYTHING. Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Are Paid To Tell The Public The Truth About What's Really Going On, However They Promote Propaganda and They LIE About Most Everything, On The Other Hand Hollywood's Entertainment Industry Brings Out The Truth via Movies and TV Series. TV Was Also Created as a Tool By The Corrupt Cabal Owned CIA To Program The Minds of The People. Hence The Term 'Television Program'.

The Cabal Have Placed Clues Everywhere, But People Must Be Awake In Order To See Them. They Have To Be Willing To L@@k, Explore and Think Beyond Their Comfort Zone.

Author: Sen-I

Kindergarten School Located in NYC Forcing a Baby To Wear a Mask. This is Physical and Emotional Child Abuse.

Robots where in existence in 1883. History always repeats itself. Now we are seeing robots people, dogs 🤖 etc. popping up from darpa in Boston USA and especially China 🇨🇳.

This goes to show how far technology has gone since tartarian times.

Now they hide the technology from us. We are probably 500-1000 years behind In technology as a civilisation. The government are hoarding technologies from us.

Stargates, time travel (going to the past or future) , inter dimensional travel, teleportation, human super powers like telekinesis etc have all been hidden from humanity to try and dull us down. Just take a Look at what Tesla built.

Remember films like terminator and robocop?

For more truth, raw knowledge, guidance and wisdom follow my Telegram messenger channel.

Author: John F. Kennedy Jr.

ALL Sentient Beings Referred To By Humans as 'Animals' Have and Express a Variety of Emotions Including Love and Until Every Earth Human Realizes This Fact, They Will Not Evolve. This is Pure Love Expressed By a Sentient Being That Humans Refer To as an Animal. This is NOT an Animal, It Is a Loving, Caring Sentient Being.

These Are A Few of The Hybrid Human Alien Babies They Found In an Underground Base. They Have Both Human Alien DNA and And Grey Alien DNA. They Were Recently Rescued From a Laboratory In One of The Underground Bases. They Were Taken Aboard One of The Galactic Medical Ships That Are Parked in The Skies Waiting To Take In ALL The Victims That Are Still Being Rescued From Their Underground Prisons.

Once Their Conditions Are Stabilized All Who Are Rescued Will Be Transported To Other Planets That Have Longed Prepared To Take In Refugees From Earth and Provide Ongoing Medical Care, Healing Support and Long Term Housing. Their Arrival Has Been Anticipated For Many Years. .

In Due Time Babies/Children Will Be Placed In Suitable Homes with People of Alien Origin Who Will Care For Them and Provide For Their Needs. Many Earth Human Adults Will Temporarily Live Aboard Galactic Ships and Then They'll Be Provided with Permanent Housing On Specific Planets.

Living Aboard Ship Is Just Like Living Aboard A Luxury Cruise Liner, Only Difference is You're Floating and Living In Space. When You Think About it Planet Earth Floats In Space, ALL Planets And Galactic Ships Move About and Float In Space.

Sadly The Military Had To Humanely Put Many of The Alien/Animal/Human Hybrids and Some of The Humans To Sleep Because Their Medical Conditions Were Beyond Help. They Were Used For Breeding and Horrific Experimental Purposes, Many of Them Were Created in a Labs So They Were Severely Disfigured, Had Partial Bodies. Anything You Can Imagine In A Horror Movie is Underground. The Military Say Its' Nothing Like They've Ever Seen.

I've Been In an Underground Base, I Was On A Top Level. The Lower Levels Are Pretty Bad. My Galactic Guides Sent Me To Check On On A Missing Child. That's A Mission I NEVER Want To Do Again, But I Will Do It Of Course If I Have Too.

Throughout This Planet Underground Bases Exist, an Underground Magnetic High Speed Rail System Makes Traveling From Base To Base, Country To Country Lightening Fast. This Makes it Easier and Faster To Ship Their 'Human Cargo' Throughout The World. Underground There Are Portals, Worm Holes, Star Gates etc. That They Use To Transport Humans Off Planet to Be Sold to Various Alien Races.

YES, There Are Millions of Children and Adults Who Trafficked, Born and Lived Underground, Right Under Our Feet ALL of Their Lives. Many Have NEVER Seen or Been Told About The Surface of Earth. They've NEVER Seen The Sun, Rain, Snow, There is No Form of Weather In An Underground Base.

Many of The Military Rescuers Have Had To Seek Support Counseling After Returning From a Rescue Mission Underground. Imagine The Worse Horror Movie You've Ever Seen 1000 X's Worse. So, For Any of Yall' Who Have Doubts, I Suggest You Do Your Own Research and Figure it Out For Yourselves. Trust An Entire World Exist Underground and Its' As Real as Life is On The Surface of Earth. One of The Cabal's Quotes They Use Often is "As So Above, So Below".

Author: Sen-I

In Alberta Canada Any Child Who Misses School is Counted as COVID. Using Children To Boost Up Fake COVID-19 Cases. This Is Deception at Its' Finest. Click HERE To View.

Why is The Military Training Soldiers To Deal With a Zombie Pandemic? Because Millions of Americans Have Been Vaxxed Over The Past Year, For Those Who Survived The Jab Thus Far The Full Effects of The Bioweapon Are Going To Start Kicking In. This is an 'EXPERIMENT' and No One Really Knows How The Toxic Ingredients That's In The Bioweapon Will Affect The Human Brain.

Nano Particles, Graphene Oxide (Black Goo), A.I., Miniaturized Computer Operating System, Spider Eggs, Aborted Fetal (Baby) Tissue etc. These Are Just A Few of The Toxic Ingredients Used In This Bioweapon. Once The Ingredients Travel To The Brain and Throughout The Body and Blood Stream Its' Going To Affect People In Many Different Ways. Keep In Mind ALL Who've Been Vaxxed are Transforming Into a New Species a Transhuman Being.

Imagine How Those Who've Been Vaxxed Are Going To React When They Are Told They Fell For A Global Medical SCAM and That They Were Injected with a Potentially Deadly Bioweapon That Will Kill Them Within 2-3 Years After They Were Injected and Infected.

Just Imagine How Many Parents Had Their Children Vaxxed Believing They Were Protecting Them From A Deadly Virus. The Fact That They've Been Scammed In The Worse Way Will Fuck With The Minds of The People, Anger, Rage and Backlash is Imminent. They Are Also Expecting The Death Rate of Those Who've Been Vaxxed To Increase 10 Fold During The Winter Months.

I Wont Even Talk About The Ongoing Cargo Shipping Shut Down, That's a Story In Itself. Store Shelves Are Becoming Bare and Many Americans Are Not Prepared For A Food Shortage. We've Trying To WARN People For Several Years Now 'PREPARE', Many People Chose To Turn A Deaf Ear.

Good, Bad Indifferent, When The Shyt Gets Funky They and Their Children Might Be Pushed Into a Situation Where They Will Be Forced To Survive By Their Choices. YES, Its' Going To Be a Very Interesting Winter.

Author: Sen-I

People From Africa's ZULU Nation Come Out In Full Force Against Vaccine Mandates.

Tribal People Who Live Peacefully In Seclusion Are Not Going To Allow These Satanic Demons To Poison Their Body. These Tribal People Greeted Healthcare Workers Who Wanted To Vaccinate Them With Bows and Arrows Drawn. As The People Continue To Rise Up, The Demons Shall Fall.

White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11. The Biden Administration on Wednesday Unveiled its Plan to 'Quickly' Vaccinate Roughly 28 Million Children Age 5-11, Pending Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Within Hours of Formal Approval, Doses Will Begin Shipping to Providers Across the Country. Its' Time For Parents, Grandparents, Caretakers of Children To Fight with Everything They Got To Protect The Lives of Their Children. Click HERE To View.

Very Interesting Take On The Shipping Supply Stance. There are Several Reasons Why Shipping Supplies Have Come to a Halt and Why Thousands of Cargo Ships Remain Stuck In The Ocean. One of The Main Reasons is They Are Checking For Boats That Are Trafficking Humans. This Guy On This Video Mention Another Strong Possibility That I Hadn't Thought Of.

This Years COVID-19 Crisis Actor Award Goes Too. Yall' Do Know They've Been Pay People To 'Play Scripted Roles of Sick COVID-19 Patients. When There is No Real Defined Virus The Cabal Must Pay People To Act Out Certain Scenes To Make This Global Medical HOAX Look Scary and Believable.

Working For The Cabal Crisis Actors Can Earn Good Money, Free Travel, Hotel and Food Included. The Bad Thing is They Hire Ordinary Citizens To Fulfill Specific Scripted/Non Scripted Roles. Ordinary Citizens Are Helping To Deceive The Public and They Are Un Knowingly Participating In Acts of Domestic Terrorism, Which is Punishable By Life In Prison or Death.

Doctor Admits During COVID-19 Crisis (HOAX) Once He Intubated Patients 99% of Them Died, Because They Did Not and Should Not Have Been Intubated. This is Scheming For Profit Because Hospitals Are Paid $13,000 for Every Patient They 'Falsely' Diagnose as Having COVID-19. If The COVID-19 Patient Goes On A Ventilator They Are Paid $39,000 Per Patient.

While HCQ is Better Known, Has Fewer Side-Effects, and Costs About $20 a Dose for Out-Patients. However Hospitals Are Giving Patients Remdesivir. Remdesivir Costs $2,340 Per Patient and It Is a Known Fact That It Causes Liver Damage and Eventual Death. Hospital Who Give Patients Remdesivir as Treatment For COVID-19 Receive an Additional $13,000 From Medicare.

People Are Dying But Not From a Virus, They Are Dying Because They Are Being Murdered For Profit and Personal Gain. I Wont Even Discuss The Fact That Every Person In America Has a Hidden Life Insurance Policy Worth 10 Million - 20 Million Dollars. When You Were Born The Cabal Took Out A Life Insurance Policy On You and Any Children You Had. When/If You and Your Children Die They Cash In Your Life Insurance Policy. If You Die In A Hospital, They Split The Policy with The Hospital.

None of Your Cabal Insurance Policy is Donated To You or Your Family To Help with Burial Costs. Oh Wait Social Security Gives The Deceased Family a Whopping $244.00 and if You Don't Have Life Insurance Your Family or Whoever is Left With The Responsibility and Financial Burden To Pay For The Burial or Cremation Cost. These Low Life Demons Have a Good Racket Going On. From The Day Your Born Til' The Day You Die and There After They Are Making BIG Money Off Of Your Suffering.

Author: Sen-I

Invasion of US/Texas Border Has Begun. And Their Blood Will Flow, There Will Be Bloodshed. Click HERE To View.

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