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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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This is Why Myself and Many Others Have Been WARNING People To Remove Their Children From The Corrupt Cabal Owned School Systems. YES, I Understand People Work During The Day While Their Kids Are In School and If You Remove Your Child From School Who'll Look After Them and Who's Gonna Pay For Child Care? This is Where People Need UNITE andLearn How To Form 'Communities' Within Their Own Neighborhoods.

During War EVERYONE'S Life is Affected in Some Way and at Some Point We Might Have To Make Changes and Sacrifices To Protect Ourselves and Our Families. War is Not Pretty and It Sure as Hell Isn't Easy. When It Comes To Protecting Your Children From Harm as A Parent Their Shouldn't Be Any Limit as to What You Would Do, Especially When It Comes To Your Children Who Are Not Yet Old Enough To Make Life Altering Choices For Themselves. Click HERE To View.

Robotic Arm from Automaton Robotics Full Range of Motion. "We have achieved strong, fast, powerful, highly efficient, biomimetic, soft, safe, clean, organic and affordable robotic technology. Dumbbells weigh 7 kg (15.6 lbs), forearm with a brush only 1 kg (2.2 lbs) We want to develop a platform for reinforcement learning purposes, prosthetic arms and, ultimately, full-fledged humanoid robots that will serve people for entertainment, as butlers, cleaners, drivers, builders (also in space) and even achieve human immortality by transplanting a brain into a machine."

They Are Giving People A Blue Pill After They Are Vaccinated in New Zealand. Click HERE To View.

What Is The Black Cube and What Does It Have To Do With The Planet Saturn?

Stand The Fuck Up and Destroy Their Goddamn Game.

We Are The Future.

Graphene oxide nanotechnology is activated by radioactive Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).

This explains why the UK government was in such a rush to get 5g masts up while calling a international lockdown.

The death jab is a biological weapon which works in conjunction with radioactive Electromagnetic frequencies (5g).

If this is true, It Seems like a lot of Australia is under totalitarian government control. Almost 1,000,000 residents are trapped in lockdown for a fake virus with 99.98% survival rate.

This is what happens when we give away our freedom for security.

government probably using martial law and their minion military. This is what they want internationally on earth realm. Totally control of all it’s citizens.

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