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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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For Those Who Might Not Have Figured This Out Yet 'Most Every Major Life Altering and Tragic Event We Experience On This Planet Individually and or Collectively is Artificially Induced. The Cabal Have Access To A Variety of Deadly Exotic Alien Derived Technologies That They Use To Terrorize, Cause Harm Too and Murder The People of Earth.

They've Had Access To Technologies To Control The Weather and Cause Deadly, Earthly Cataclysmic Events Since The 1920's. Activating Volcanoes That Have Been Asleep For Hundreds, Thousands of Years Is Nothing More Then a Game To Them, Because It Wont Be Them or Their Families and Friends In The Line of Fire, It Will Be Humanity Left To Suffer and Die.

In The Past I've Explained In Detail How They Create Tsunamis, Floods, Droughts, Earthquakes and Wake Up Volcanos That They Know Will Injure and Kill Many People While Causing Extreme Environmental Damage To Specific Areas of The Planet.

Yesterday Northern California Experienced A 'Bomb Cyclone'. WTF Is A 'Bomb Cyclone?' Have Any of Yall' Ever Heard of A Weather Event Referred To as a 'Bomb Cyclone?' Most Likely Not, Because It Was Magically and Instantly Created By The Satanic Cabal Using Their Deadly Toys of Destruction. Click HERE To Look at What Rolled Through California Yesterday.

Keep In Mind The Cabal Feed Off Of Human Pain and Psychological Suffering. Right About Now They Are Starving To Death Because Their Human Supply of Food is Being Rescued From Underground Bases and From The Thousands of Supply Shipping Containers That Remain Stuck at Various Ports and Docks Located Throughout The World.

Their Next Source of Food Can Be Generated From The Surface Population Of Earth All They Have To Do is Create A Destructive Event That Will Cause People To Become Fearful, Depressed, Angry, Sad, Confused, Injured or Killed.

They Feed off of That Negative Energy. Have Yall' Ever Wondered Why There is Never True Peace On This Planet? There's Always Something Bad Happening Somewhere To Someone 24/7. Demons Roam This Planet With Intent On Creating Havoc and Destruction, That's All They Know How To Do. if Everything Was Peaceful, 'Normal' and if People Were Healthy and Free of Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Mental/Physical Illness They'd Starve To Death. Y(OUR) Suffering is Their Food Source.

If The Volcano In La Palma Causes A Chunk of That Island To Break Off and Fall Into The Ocean, Its' A Wrap For Much of The Eastern Coastal Areas Millions of People Will Die and or Be Severely Injured. The Pain, Devastation From That Alone Would Feed These Psychopathic Demons For Months if Not Years.

Keep In Mind Moist of What The Cabal Do To Humanity Is Broadcasted via Hollywood Movies and TV Series. Our Lives On This Planet is Being Played Out On The Big Screen. People Watch Movies and TV Series and View it as Entertainment Only, But Its' Not, They Are Blatantly Telling and Showing You What They Plan To Do To You and Your Families.

Myself and Many Others Like Me Have Been Informing People of This Very REAL Fact For Many Years Now, But Not Many People Believe Us and They Look at Us Like We've Got 5 Heads. All We Can Do is Bring People The Information We Can't Make Them See Truth, Because Everyone Will Have Their Own Version of What They Believe is The Truth.

Much of Our Lives On This Planet Has Been Staged and Manipulated To Enslave Humanity While Continuing To Fulfill The Cabals Diabolical Agendas Which Are Designed To Kill Off and or Re Enslave Humanity Using A Variety of High Tech Alien Derived Methods.

Setting Off Volcanos Is Just ONE Of The Tricks The Cabal Have in Their Magic Bag of Destruction. If Any of You Have Access To NetFlix I Encourage Yall' To Watch The NetFlix Series Called 'Squid Games'. Click HERE To Watch The Trailer For The 1st Season Click HERE To Watch The Trailer For The 2nd Season. If You Watch It Keep In Mind Its' Based On Reality and it is Not Fantasy, Its' Very REAL. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

War Boats In The Oceans Ready For The Battle.

WWII Explosives River Thames... With the announcement that explosives are suspected in the Thames opposite the Houses of Parliament contained in a Second World War US arms supply ship. Attention is focused on the large displacement of water from such a blast (1,500 tons) Which would not wash away the Houses of Parliament but clearly associate them with the water theme that seems to be such a topic at present.

  • If You Live Near The Southern Border Of Texas...

  • Stay indoors.

  • Repel any invasion of your home.

  • Stay within the constitution and local state ordinance.

  • But defend your family and your home!

Below is a report from the Southern border:

We have two friends on the Texas border who we called last night to warn them about the potential of a border war.

They confirmed that there were 80,000 angry Haitians headed their way and were expected to get there by Wednesday. They hadn’t heard that the cartel was mounting a large armed force, however.

The people in Kenney County are terrified as well because they only have one sheriff and five deputies to protect them.

Author: Simon Parks

Once Again Main Stream Media News Refuses To Keep Americans Informed With The Truth of What's Taking Place.

Army Deploying To Southern Border.. US regular army is deploying to Southern border as a huge armed militia is making its way up with the intention of forcing a way into the USA. This constitutes an invasion by a foreign power (the leaders behind this) and we should expect to see the American military stand and fight.

La Palma Volcano... As Tensions Escalate Globally Concerns Grow For The States Located Near The Coastal Areas Such As New York City. ( The volcano at La Palma, with mysterious earthquake patterns has had one of its largest measured quakes, debate as to the safety of such cities as New York is now back on the discussion table.

If this situation is artificial as I believe, who is behind it? What is their plan? Why don't the white hats intervene? Or is it after all a white hat operation?

Author: Simon Parks

China's Concentration Camps Exposed.

A Projection of Two Rainbow Colored Skies. It Appears The Breakdown of The MATRIX Is Causing Strange Projection Glitches. We Live In A False Reality Much of What We Experience Is Projected Onto The Planet. Sometimes You Can Catch Glitches In The MATRIX.

Large Migrant Caravan Has Left Tapachula, Mexico Headed for the US. They Are Carrying Signs Stating They Are Coming In Peace. Keep In Mind Thousands of Haitians Are Also On Their Way To The US. This is a People Pre Planned Invasion of The US Created By The Biden Administration. He Created The Policy of 'Open Borders' Allowing People From All Countries To Crash Through The US Border. If This is Allowed To Continue There Will Be Bloodshed at The US Border. Hopefully The US Military Will Stop Them From Entering The US, Before Anyone Gets Injured or Killed. `

Animal/Human Hybrids Click HERE To View

This Young Man Said Exactly What I Feel. I Say 'Fuck The Cabal and Their NAZI Based New World Order'. There is No Place These Bitches Can Hide Because We Are On Their Asses 24/7.

The US Government Used Humans In an Experiment For Sexually Transmitted Diseases. On This Planet is Viewed By Alien Species as a 'Human Laboratory'. Since The Day of Your Birth Every Human On This Planet and Their Children Have Been Viewed and Used as Live Lab Rat for an Un Accountable Amount of Diabolical Experiments That You Did Not Know About or Consent Too.

Buckingham Palace is Empty. The Queen and All of Her Pedophile Reptilian Family Have Been Removed and Executed. Queen Elizabeth's Blood Line Was is Connected To The Reptilian Aliens. Queen Elizabeth Was Executed Months Ago For Child Rape, Satanic Ritual Abuse and Murder of Children. The Remains of Many Children Were Found On Her Property.

A Few Years Ago A Young Naked Teenager/Man Was Filmed Climbing Out of a Window at Buckingham Palace. Could He Have Been One of The People They Trafficked Into The Palace To Be Sexually Abused and Sacrificed? The News NEVER Talked About Why A Naked Young Man Appeared To Be Fleeing For His Life Climbing Out of A Window at Buckingham Palace. Anyway Watch The Video. It Was Filmed By People Who Happened To Be Watching A Parade The Palace Presented To The Public That Day.

A Combination of drugs called Remdesivir, Dexamethasone & Vancomycin being used in hospitals to treat the fake virus is causing massive kidney failure and the subsequent filling of the lungs with liquid. (Dr Bryan Ardis) This is how you drive death figures up in the name of covid. Stay away from the hospitals if you can help it. Your life depends on it.

Mice Test Proves The Power of Frequency On Behavior. Among Other Things 5G is Being Used To Control The Minds of The People Who've Been Jabbed aka 'Behavior Control'.

The Cabal Have Created A Device To Literally Grow Babies at Home.

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