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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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A.I.Robot Is Replacing Human Soldiers.

Flying Hover Bikes In Production.

Take A Good Hard Look at What These Bioweapons Are Doing To The Children. I'll Say This With Sadness 'During This Genocidal Attack Against Humanity, Many Children Will Suffer and Die Because of Their Parents/Grandparents/Care Takers Cocky Ignorance'.

Afghans Are Selling Their Daughters as Hunger and Poverty Persist In Afghanistan.

La Palma - This is How a 600m Lava Fountain Looks Like.

Many People Who've Been Vaxxed Might Become Sterile and They Can No Longer Have The Ability To Create Children. Those Who've Been Vaxxed Are Also Being Advised NOT To Pro Create. WHY? Once Your Injected You Are Infected.

After The 1st and 2nd Injection Your DNA is Altered, From a Genetic Stand Point You Are No Longer Considered A Human Being. Therefore Any Child You Create Will Inherit Your Damaged and Infected DNA and That Child Will Not Be Human It Will Be a Mixed Species, A New Type of Hybrid Transhuman Being.

This is Just a Sample of The VITAL Life Altering Information That Should Have Been Revealed and Discussed Thoroughly and Legal Documents Should Have Been Presented and Signed With Before Verbally Agreeing To Take The Jab.

The Health Care System Did Not Reveal The Truth and The Public Did Not Do Their Own Research or Question The Authenticity of These Bioweapons Dubbed 'Vaccines', Therefore There Are Heavy Consequences That Can Not Be Undone. Once Your Injected You're Infected.

Humanity is Being Heavily Attacked With A Bioweapon, Specifically Designed To Permanently Alter Human DNA. Sadly Millions of People In The US Rushed and or Was Forced To Get Vaccinated Without Knowing The Dangers. Click HERE To View.

FDA Admits They Have No Idea How Safe & Effective Pfizer's Vax Is For Children, Approves It Anyway. Click HERE To View.

Washington State Trooper in Yakima, Wash. signs off after 22 years — Fired by Gov Jay Inslee for Being Unvaccinated.

What Effect Will Graphene Oxide Have Once It Is Injected Into The Human Body?

As People Throughout The World Turn A Blind Eye, Nearly One MILLION Children Go Missing Every Year Throughout The World.

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