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Human Trafficking and The Elite Pedophiles.

Breaking The Chains Here's a Classic Alex Collier Lecture From 1995. In it, Alex Raises Many Exopolitics Issues Regarding The Draco Reptilians, Gray Abductions of Children, NSA Space Program, ETs Running 22 genetic Experiments, etc. Click HERE To View.

More People Who Own Businesses Need To Post More Signs Like This. Time To Get The Public's Attention By Exposing The Harsh and Ugly Truth That The Public Continues To Ignore.

The constant use of masks cause blood disorders, brain damage & bacterial lung infection (pneumonia),

they will call it covid infection.

Take your masks off, you need fresh air to breathe.

PCR test are fraud & purposely made to show false positive results, so you think you’re sick or “asymptotic” (no such thing). They want healthy people to accept & believe they’re sick when in reality perfectly fine.

The experimental death jab will eventually kill you it breach’s Nuremberg code, also contains mRNA gene therapy , graphene oxide nanotechnology, animal & human DNA mercury & aluminium to say the least.

The word “Covid” was brought in to replace the flu “Influenza” crash the economy, push fear, the nwo and bring in the great global reset.

Mainstream media propaganda, globalists, paedophiles elites and the government are the real virus, This is what we really have to watch out for.

Shanghai Disneyland Sparks Chaos As 33,000 Visitors Locked-Down, Forced To Undergo COVID Testing. This is Just ONE Way World Governments Can Trick, Trap and Then Force Thousands of People at One Time To Take A Dangerous FAKE COVID PCR Test. Click HERE To View.

18 Fire Companies Out of Service Following NYC Vaccine Mandate. Click HERE To View.

WTF, Just A Tiny Bit of HIV Was Also Added To The Vaccine/Bioweapon.

The Cabal Portion of The US Army Does Not Want Anyone Who THINKS Outside of The Box and Refuses To Partake in Their Diabolical Agendas. Strong Minded People That Will Not Submit To The Cabals Tyranny Are Considered Enemies and The Obeying, Mind Screwed Sheeple Are Placed On a Pedestal.

19 Year Old Teen Suffers Severe Blood Clotting Throughout Her Body After Taking The Pfizer Bioweapon.

NYC Vaccine Mandate Will Force 24K City Workers to Stay Home. Click HERE To View.

This Is What's In The Blue Masks Many People Are Wearing. Anyone Wearing A Blue Paper Masks Are Breathing In Poisons.

An Interview With An Alien At Area 51.

The People of Belgium Protesting The Vaccine/Bioweapon Mandate In Style.

Mask Free..... This is What Can Happen When Citizens Join Together and Fight For A Common Cause.

Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine/Bioweapons Being Deliverefd To Phsarmacies, Clinics etc. for Children Ages 5-11 Arriving to Clinics Across the US, Could Be Injected Into Kids as Early as Tomorrow

Parents Please Make Sure You Are 100% Certain You Understand The Severe and Deadly Risks Of These Vaccine/Bioweapons Before Giving Your Consent To Have Your Children Injected. For The Well Being, Life and Love of Your Children Please Use Your Critical Thinking Skills Before Making The Ultimate Decision You Will Not Be Able To Reverse or Undo.

How Many More People Will Have To Suffer The Horrific Side Effects of This Bioweapon Before This Sick Game Ends? How Many More People Will Die as a Result of These Deadly Bioweapons? I Mean No Disrespect To Anyone Who Practice Religion and Worship A God, But I Am Asking ALL Of Yall' Who Believe In These Million and One Supposedly Loving and Caring GODS 'Where Are They'?

Massive Protest in Tel Aviv Last Night. Children as Young as 5 Years Old Will Be Forced To Take An Experimental Medical Treatment for a Disease with a 0% Mortality Rate in Their Age Group.

Levitation technology works by applying electricity through coils that generate an electromagnetic field. This mean that the gravity does not exist.

This Is How The Cabal Use Hollywood Celebrity Puppets To Mock and Make Fun Of The Dumbed Down Public, That They Dumbed Down.

Alien Races Harvest Humans For Food. Aliens Have Been Harvesting Humans For Adrenochrome. WARNING This Video Contains Graphic Pictures and Video of Alien Abductions and The Human Bodies They Mutilated To Harvest Their Adrenochrome. Click HERE To View.

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