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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Australia Begins Seizing Bank Accounts, Homes And Licenses To Enforce COVID Tyranny Against Those Who Refuse To Take The Deadly, 'Not Approved By The Fake FDA' Bioweapon.

This Entire Medical Fiasco NEVER Had ANYTHING To Do With Protecting Humanity From a Virus. This Medical Fiasco is All About Population Control via Murder By Use of a Chemical Weapon aka Bio Warfare.

Its' About Murdering 95% of The Population and Re Enslaving The Remaining 5% By Transforming Humans Into Transhuman Being Then Controlling Them By Use of A.I., 5G Technology.

In Regard To Australia, That Country Has Since Been Taken Over By A Specific Negative, Violent Alien Species. Just Like The US, Australia's Government and Police Force Has Been Heavily Infiltrated By Aliens, Demon Walk Ins Posing as Humans. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

There Are Billions Upon Billions of Aliens Within This Universe. YES, Many Are Demonic, But Not ALL Aliens Are Demonic. Do Not Throw Everyone In The Grab Bag and Give Them One Label. That's Like Saying ALL Humans Are Psychopathic Murderers. Are YOU A Psychopathic Murderer? Would You Like To Be Labeled as a Psychopathic Murderer? Alright Then. Leave Room For Your Minds To Expand Past What The Satanic Cabal Want You To Believe.

Vaccine Spike Protein Unleashes an Explosion of Cancer, immunodeficiency, Autoimmune Disorders and Accelerated Aging Click HERE To View.

Research Whistleblower Exposes Falsified Data & Regulatory Oversight Issues From Pfizer COVID-19 Jab Trials. Click HERE To View.

COVID Vaccine Approved In Largest Demonic Child Sacrifice Ritual, YES, This is A Mass Child Sacrifice. Every Childs Death Related To These Bioweapons Will Be Viewed as a Ritualistic Sacrifice To The Cabal's GOD Of Satan Moloch. Moloch Demands Child Sacrifices. Click HERE To View.

Chaotic scenes as New York’s Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Comes Out of His Office to be Confronted by Yelling and Jeering Anti-Mandate Protesters.

We Went But We Had Help. That is Stanley Kubrick's Footage Which Was Done for a Number of Reasons… See Kerry Cassidy's P1 & P2 Interviews With William Tompkins to Hear The Real Truth About How We Got There and The Hundreds of Reptilian Aliens That Were Waiting For Us When We Arrived. Click HERE To View Part One Click HERE To View Part Two

An S.O.S. From Australia.

And The Lion Shall Lay Down and Sleep Beside The Lamb.

Just Because . . . . . I Have A Deep Love and Respect For Nature, LIFE and ALL Sentient Beings Referred To By Most Humans as 'Animals'. They Are NOT 'Animals They Are Loving, Caring, Compassionate, Patient, Kind, Loyal, Devoted Sentient Beings. Their Place On This Planet is To Love, Care For and Teach Humans How To Be Kind and Respectful To Each Other and ALL Living Beings.

Chemtrails Mixed With Graphene Oxide. Graphene Oxide is One of The Deadly Ingredients In The Vaccine/Bioweapon. They Want To Kill Off Humanity and They Are Going To Try and Attain Their Goal Any Way They Can and That Includes Spraying Us With A Large Variety of Poisons and Toxins. This is BIOWARFARE. Click HERE To View.

Men Grab Your Balls and Women Grab Your Tits and Stand The Up For Your Rights. When You Come Together and Fight Towards A Common Goal The Yellow Belly Demon Bitches Will Back The Fuck Down. However Once You Cower and Give In To Their Whims All They Do Is Tighten The Noose Around Your Neck.

So, Stand The Fuck Up and Fight For Your Lives and For The Lives of Your Children and For Those Who Can Not Fight or Defend Themselves. For All You Sleepers, Haters, Doubters and Still Riding The Fence Clowners Just Stay The Fuck Out of The Way.

The Woman Presenting This Commercial Promoting Nano Bots and A.I. Is NOT A Real Person. I'm Not Sure What She Is, But She Looks Like A Reptilian Cloaked In A Holographic Human Body. Then Again She Could Be A Holographic Image, Whatever The Hell She is She Is Not A Real Human.

These Are a Few of The Children Who Were Used For Sex By The Elite. Those Black Circles Around Their Eyes Are Caused By Blood Vessels That Have Popped While They Were Being Sodomized (Anal Rape) The Pain is So Unbearable The Blood Vessels Around The Child's Eyes Swell and Burst, Causing The Eye To Appear Black and Blue. Their Eyes Resemble The Eyes of a Panda Bear.

Many Hollywood Celebrities Paint Black Eye Make Up Around Their Eyes, They Too Resemble The Eyes of A Panda. Whenever You See A Celebrity with Black Make Up Painted Around One or Both Eyes It Means They Have Raped and Sodomized One or More Babies, Children. Wearing Panda Eyes is Their Way of Mocking The Children/Babies They Raped and Sodomized.

The Panda Bear Logo Is Used and Blatantly Displayed By Many Cabal Owned Corporations and Companies. Whenever You See Any Company Displaying The Panda Bear as Their Logo That Means They Represent and Promote Child Rape and Sodomy.

The Restaurant Chain 'Panda Express'. Excellent Food, But Its' A Cabal Owned Company/Corporation and 9 Out of 10 Times The Corporate CEO(s) of Panda Express Are Into Raping Children.

I'm Not Saying Boycott These Companies, Because They Are Too Ingrained In Our Society. What I Am Saying is Learn The Cabal's Basic Symbols and What They Stand For and Then You Can Decide If You Want To Patronize A Business That Promotes Pedophilia. Just 'KNOWING' The Truth is Half The Battle.

Author: Sen-I

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