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This is One Of The Beetles Album Covers. The Music Group The Beetles Have an Untold History That is Very Shady and It Will All Be Revealed Very Soon. In The Mean Time Does Anyone Have an Idea of What This Album Cover Represents? Look at It Closely. Why Would Anyone Create an Album Cover Like This? Even Black In The 1960's Hollywood's Music Industry Was Full of Baby, Raping Satanist and They Used Celebrities Like The Beetles To Promote and To Flaunt Their Hate and Disrespect Towards Children.

These Sick, Demented Pedophile Fucks Torture and Frighten The Child Before They Drain The Child's Blood (Adrenochrome) From Its' Body.

Take A Good Hard Look at What They Did To This Precious Baby.

Sentient Beings 'Animals; Are Not Exempt From The Cabal's Genocidal Agenda. I Am A Lover Of ALL Sentient Life Both On/Off This Planet. Causing Harm To Humans Sets A Rage Off Inside of Me That No One, But Me Can Understand. However Causing Harm To Sentient Life 'Animals' is an Entirely Different Ball Game. Under The Galactic CODE X You Don't Harm Sentient Life, Unless You Are Prepared To Give Up Your Life. Get Ready To Meet Your Maker On The Other Side In The Astral Realm, We're Coming After Anyone Who Abuses and Harms Sentient Beings. ALL Life is Precious.

Starving Children 'as Young as NINE Forced to Give United Nations Officials Oral Sex to Get Food'. A Bullet To The Head, A Rope Around The Neck Is To Good For These Baby Rapers. Turn Them Over To The Public and Let Them Handle These Baby Raping UN Workers, If There's Anything Let Of Them Throw The in a Cell and Let Them Starve To Death. I Have No Pity Towards Baby Rapers.

San Francisco to Require Proof of Vaccination from Children Aged 5-11. Click HERE To View.

Colombian Gang Sold Babies for Satanic Rituals and Adoption to Gay Couples in Europe. Click HERE To View.

Leigh Dundas Human Rights Attorney speaking in Salt Lake City, Utah speaking about Nationwide Walkout Nov. 8-11, 2021.

The Vaccine Bioweapon Will Eliminate The 'Obedient', Those Who Can't Think For Themselves, and Obey On Command Without Question. Click HERE To View.

Vaccine Psycho Goes Nuts On Airplane. Click HERE To View.

I Do Understand This Woman is Concerned About Her Puppy Catching The Fake Virus

That Does Not Exist, But . . . . . Placing A Face Mask On Her Puppy Is Not Considered Animal Abuse, But Its' Also Totally Un Necessary. If People Would Just Take A Little Time To Do Some Light Research, It Would Make A World of Difference. Mask Are Just as DANGEROUS For Animals as They Are For Humans. STOP Being Stupid People. Humans and Animals Need 100% OXYGEN To Breath.

Indigenous Nations in Canada to Aid In The Arrest of Pope Francis; Elders Ban Him From Their Lands. Click HERE To View.

Another Off Worldly Event Taking Place In Afghanistan.

An Ancient Race of Aliens Was Rescued From Their Ship That Was Buried Under Tons of Snow and Ice In Antarctica. They Were Trapped In Their Ship For Thousands of Years. When They Were Finally Rescued By Earth Humans, Many Had Died, But Many Were Still Alive and Well and They Were Grateful To Be Rescued. This Ancient Race of Aliens People of Color. This is an EXCELLENT Video Revealing Some Information About What's Been Going On In Antarctica.

Is CERN The Large Hardron Collider Responsible For Switching Us Back and Forth Between Dimension? This is an Excellent Video Explaining What CERN Is and How it Can Alter Our Reality and Open Doors To Other Dimensions.

This is a Bottle of Adrenochrome That Was Harvested From The Blood of Children.

The Cabal Using and Exploiting Children To Promote The BIOWEAPON That Has Killed Millions Of People Throughout The World.

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