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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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My Name is 'Boriska' 'I’m from Mars But Was Reborn On Earth to Save Everyone From Nuclear Apocalypse'. Boriska Just Like Myself and Millions of Other Galactic Humans, We Left Our Home Planets To Incarnate On Earth To Assist Humanity. Click HERE To View.

People Are Totally Oblivious To What's Taking Place. The Rap Celebrity 'Travis Scott's Astro World Concert That Took Place a Few Days Ago Was A Satanic Ritual. and The Sleeping Sheeple Literally Walked Into The Mouth of The Satanic Beast Named Moloch.

The Cabal Use Many Tricks To Lure Unsuspecting People Into Their Demonic Traps. They Give Many WARNINS, But If People Ignore Their WARNING Signs It Means You Give Them Permission To Do Whatever They Want. I've Always Said it is VITAL That People Learn The Basic Symbols The Cabal Use So They Do Not Fall Into Their Death Traps.

The Fiery Stage Represents The Belly of The Beast. Many of The Fans Were Hypnotically, Subliminally Lured To Enter Enter The Concert By Walk Through The Mouth of The Statue That Resembled Travis Scott, BUT In Truth That Was The Mouth of Moloch The God That Represents Human 'Sacrifice'. Once Fans Walk Through The Mouth They've Entered Into The Belly of The Beast, Which is The Fiery Stage. Thousands of Yong Adults Were Lured Into The Bely of The Beast to Be Sacrificed In Whichever Way The Cabal See Fit.

ALL Hollywood Celebrities Are Nothing More Then Puppets and Minions of The Cabal. Once You Sign Your Name In Blood On A Contract Sponsored By The Cabal They Own You. You Will Do Whatever They Tell You To Do or Suffer The Severe Consequences of Disobeying.

Most Celebrities Have Sold Their Souls To Satan. The Original Soul That Inhabited Their Human Vessel No Longer Exist, It Has Exited and or Been Forcefully Removed and Replaced By A Demonic Entity. This Demonic Entity Takes Control Of The Human Body When They Perform On Stage.

Hollywood Celebrity Singer 'Beyonce' Has Often Talked About Her Alter 'Sasha Fierce'. She Says That Her Alter 'Sasha Fierce' Takes Control Over Her Mind, Body and Spirit Whenever She Performs On Stage. 'Sasha Fierce' is A Demonic Entity That Has Control Over Beyonce's Physical Body.

Walk In Entities Need a Physical Body In Order To Function On This Planet. Using The Human Body They Are Able To Do Whatever They Need To Do. NOTE: Not ALL 'Walk In' Spirits Are Demonic. There Are Many Walk Ins That Can Only Inhabit A Human Body By Prior Agreement with The Original Soul.

When/If A Soul Decides It Can No Longer Remain Here On Earth In Human Form 'IF' A Prior Agreement Was Made A Walk In Can Replace That Soul and Continue Living That Persons Life In That Persons Physical Body.

On The Other Hand A Demonic Walk In Doesn't Give A Rats Ass They Will Snatch A Soul Out of Its' Body and Use It For Whatever They Want and Need It To Do. If You Notice A Significant Difference In A Persons Behavior, Quite Possibly A Walk In Has Inhabited That Persons Body Temporarily or Permanently.

Depending On Whether A Celebrity is Trustworthy or Not They Can Be Replaced By A Clone or a Walk In. If The Cabal That Runs Hollywood Views a Celebrity as a Liability They Will Kill and Replace Them with A Clone and a Demonic Entity or They Will Remove The Original Soul and Summons A Demonic Walk In By Use of Black Magic. It Is Safe To Say at This Point The Original SOULS of Many Hollywood Celebrities Have Been Removed From Their Body and Replaced with a Demonic Entity.

Until This Deadly Concert at Astro World In Texas I Never Heard of Rap Artist Travis Scott, But Then Again I Don't Pay Attention To Todays Rap Artists Because I Do Not Like The Rap Music They Put Out, My Spirit Can Not Vibe To It.

Author: Sen-I

The Non Believers Live Among The COVID Zombie Mask Wearers Who Have No 'REAL' Idea Why They Are Wearing A Mask Other Then 'Everyone Is Wearing One or Because of COVID'. Well 'Where The Hell is COVID and What Is COVID'?

NEWSFLASH: COVID Doesn't Exist, Therefore COVID Variants Are FAKE Just Like COVID. COVID Is Nothing More Then The Flu That Has Been Weaponized and Activated By 5G and Any Previous Vaccines You've Had Injected Into Your Body.

There is No COVID, There Are No COVID Variants. The Word COVID Stands For (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (I)dentification and You Get That Once You Are Vaccinated with The Bioweapon Posing as a COVID Vaccine.

This Nonsense Will Continue Until The People Stand Up and Tell These Cabal Demons To Fuck Off. The More You Give In To Their Demands They Will Continue Tightening The Noose Around Your Neck Until You and Your Kids Become Severely Ill, Disabled or Dead.

When These Kids Start Dying From The Injuries Caused By The Bioweapon, What The Fuck Are They Going To Tell The Parents? his is The Most Discusting Thing I've Ever Seen. Using Kids To Promote Death To Children. The Bastards Behind This Need Their Asses Stomped and They Need To Be Buried Under A Jail Cell.

What Are The PCR Test Really About? Do You Know What Is Happening To You Whenever You Submit to a PCR Test?

New York City News Reporter and The Other Dumbed Down Idiots Cheers On As a Young Girl Takes Her First Bioweapon Death Jab. These Adults Should Be Charged with Pre Meditated Murder.

Swedes Could Be Allowed To Change Gender From Age 12. Sweden’s Ministry for Social Affairs published a proposed bill on Tuesday that would allow children as young as 12 to legally change their gender without medical examination or approval.

“When talking about changing gender identity in the population register, it deserves to be different from having an intervention on one’s genitals,” Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren of the Social Democratic Party told public broadcaster SVT.

Children would still have to wait until 18 to undergo gender reassignment surgery; a 2018 law attempting to lower this age to 15 was rejected, while Swedish Democrat MP Angelica Lundberg last year proposed raising the age to 25.

WARNING This Video Is Extremely Graphic, It Shows An Actual Reptilian Humanoid Shape Shifting. This Video Was Shot In an Underground Base. This Reptilian Alien Appears To Be Cloaked In A Childs Body.

Senomyx Is The Company Responsible For Putting Aborted Fetuses Into The Human Food Supply.

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