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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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If You Are Still Eating KFC Chicken You Are Eating Genetically Modified Organism, Its' Not REAL Chicken. GMO Chicken is Grown In A Laboratory From The Cells of Live Chicken. Lab Grown Chickens Grow Just Enough To Produce The Parts of TGhe Chicken That People Eat. When They Are Harvested They Have No Heads, No Feet or Internal Organs. Bon Apetit'.

Coerced Flight Attendant Who Took COVID-19 Jab Under Duress Suing Airline For Adverse Reactions. Click HERE To View.

CDC Director CDC Lets It Slip, ‘Admits’ People Might Be Dying From COVID Vaccine. The BIGGEST Task Now is Telling Those Who've Been Vaxxed and Have Allowed Their Children To Be Vaxxed That They've Been Deliberately Poisoned and They Most Likely Will Become Severely Ill, Disabled and Die Within The Next 1-3 Years.

Who's Going To Tell Those Who've Been Vaxxed The Truth. How Do You Tell Parents That They've Allowed Their Children To Be Poisoned? As Of November 8, 2021 Over One Million Children In The US Have Been Vaccinated, Since The FAKE FDA Approved The Bioweapon For Children Age 5-11. I've Seen Videos of Parents Standing Online with Their Children Waiting To Get Them Vaxxed.

They Have No Idea WTF They Are Doing To Their Children They Are So Mind Fucked They Are Like Walking Mindless Zombies, Doing Whatever They Are Told To Do Without Questioning Anything. Sadly Many Children Will Suffer and Die Because of Their Parents Blind and Cocky Ignorance.

Already Millions Upon Millions of Pre Teens, Young Adults, Adults Have Died From Side Affects of The Bioweapon. Their Deaths and Mass Burials/Cremations Were Cleverly Hidden From The Public. America is in The Midst of A Hidden Holocaust and The Bulk of The US Public Has No Idea What's Taking Place Right Before Their Eyes.

I Hope No Child or Adult Dies and as Horrible as it Might Be To Say, I Believe The Sudden Onslaught of Sickness and Deaths of The Children Who've Been Vaxxed Will Quickly AWAKEN The Sleeping Sheeple. No Matter How Main Stream Media News and The Cabal Try To Hide The Truth From The Public.

They Will Not Be Able To Hide The Sudden Deaths of Children. Parents Will Go After Them and That's Why Many of The Elite Cabal Are In Hiding in Their Underground Bunkers. They Know The Parents of Injured or Deceased Children Will Hunt Them Down and Kill Them. No Matter Where These Repto Snakes Try To Hide, They've Already Been Tracked and They Will Be Taken Out. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

They've Reached an All Time Low, Using Sesame Street Characters To Promote The Bioweapon and or Show The Harmful Side Effects of The Bioweapon To Toddlers and Children. This is What is Known as 'Pre Programming or Predictive Programming' of The Mind.

Preparing A Persons Mind To Easily Accept What Has Already Been Pre Programmed Into The Brain. The Minds Of Children Are The Easiest To Pre Program Because They Have No Pre Conceived Notions About Anything. Their Brain is A Clean Slate.

By Now Any Sane Adult Who Does Not Realize The Diabolical Ulterior Motive Behind The Biggest Global Medical. HOAX In My Personal Opinion is Just Plain Stupid and Dumber Then A Frozen Brick. I Can No Longer Pity The Ignorance of Sane Adults.

I Pity Their Children, Because It Will Be Their Children Who Are Destined To Suffer Severe Life Altering Consequences of Their Parents/Caretakers Blind, Cocky Ignorance. .

Looking For Something Special To Get Your Child For Christmas? How About Some Toys That That Will Constantly Remind, Teach and Pre Program Your Childs Mind About COVID-19, A Fake Virus Created To Scare People Into Being Injected with A Dangerous and Deadly Bioweapon.

Pharmacy in Virginia 'Knowingly' Gave 112 Children Wrong Doses of COVID Vaccine Ted Pharmacy “incorrectly administered” partial doses of adult Coronavirus vaccines to kids after reportedly trying to make up for not having enough shots. (New York Post)

According to the NY Post, there’s a chance the pharmacy could have given too much of the vax or even too little of the jab.

“Because they did not have the children’s formulation they used the adult formulation but only gave a third of the amount to the children,” the Loudon County health dept. director told WaPo. (And The Children Begin Their Suffering Because of The Blind, Cocky Ignorance of Their Parents/Caretakers.) Click HERE To View.

If This Post is AUTHENTIC and I Say That Because Those In Power Pushing This Deadly Bioweapon On Humanity Have Many Methods of Promoting Their Propaganda To Get The Sleeping, Dumbed Down Sheeple To Do What They Want.

Ignorance Is Purely Bliss. Hopefully This Womans Child Will Be as Ok as He Can Be Under The Horrific, Gruesome Circumstances Behind These Bioweapons. However if This Precious Baby Boy Suffers Any Mild, Severe Adverse Affects or Dies His Now Doting, Bragging Mom Will Have To Deal with The Consequences of Her Quip, Non Researched Decision To Get Her Child Vaxxed.

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