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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Sexualization and Degradation of Children.

2017 Study Discusses Controlling Graphene With Sound Waves; A Potential Cause Of Astroworld? Click HERE To View

Stew Peters Exposes Elite Celeb Demonic Sex Abuse Circle! Click HERE To View.

American Kids Basically Test Dummies For The Rest Of The World Click HERE To View.

Prepare Yourselves For People Collapsing and Dying Suddenly From The COVID-19 Bioweapon.

Take These Elite Satanic Mother Fuckers Down., DESTROY Them and Their Demon Offspring ASAP!!!!

What Was Being Injected Into People During The Travis Scott Concert and Who Was Behind The 'Injection Attacks'?

This is One of The Travis Scott Concert Goers. I Could Be Wrong But This Person Looks Like A Dummy. If This is a Dummy Then The Mayhem That Took Place at The Travis Scott Concert Could Have Been Partly Staged. I Know It Was Pre Planned, But How Much Was Acted Out and How Much Was REAL, Most Important How Many People Were Injured and How Many Lost Their Lives?

Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell Speaks to Press for First Time since Arrest. She Said She No Longer Showers, as “Creepy” Guards Would Stare at Her While She Did. Ghislaine Gets No Pity at All From Me. Maybe Her Feeling Uncomfortable Will Give Her an Idea of How Those Young Girls She Procured For Epstein

Hunger Pains! Food Banks Across US Are Struggling to Feed Hungry Americans. I Can Not and Will Not Speak On Countries Outside The US, BUT I Do Know Here In America We Are In The Midst of a Manufactured Food and Supply Shortage. The BIG ????? Is' Who Is Behind It, The Cabal or The White Hats'? Click HERE To View.

This Is How Desperate Retailers Are Getting Because of The Supply Chain Crises. Click HERE To View.

The Book of Giants Found Amid the Dead Sea Scrolls & the Destruction of the Nephilim. Click HERE To View.

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