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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Government Confirms: 5 Million Aliens Alive on Earth. They Walk Among Us. Click HERE To View.

US Government Outlines Plans for "Unhackable" National Quantum Internet. Click HERE To View.

Transhuman = Transcendence Alien Invasion Advanced Pathogen Happened long ago

'They Always Show Their Plans Through Movies'. Click HERE To View.

The CIA Released Documents Admitting We Live In a Simulation. Click HERE To View,

Its' Time To Travel Down The 'Tunnel Of Lost Time'.

The Day ALL Clones Are Deactivated.

The Beauty of Sacred Geometry.

This Is The Flower Of ALL Life.

Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact With Earth Humans Began Centuries Ago, The Ruling Elite Made The Unilateral Decision NOT To Tell Humanity. Click HERE To View.

Marine One Departing The White House.

The More The Sheeple Comply, The More Restrictions They Inflict Upon The Public. The More The Sheeple Comply, The More Restrictions They Inflict Upon The Public. The Complying Sheeple Are A BIG Part of The PROBLEM and They are So Mind Fucked They Do Not Know How To Become Part of The SOLUTION.

Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna Making Combined Profits of $65,000 Every Minute

Big Pharma is Cleaning Up from COVID-19 Vaccines - Raking In A collective $65K Per Minute, The People’s Vaccine Alliance has calculated.

The Alliance Estimates the Three Will Rake In Pre-Tax Profits of $34 Billion This Year Between Them, Which Equates to Over $1,000 Per Second, $65,000 Per Minute or $93.5 Million a Day.

Interestingly, 98% of People in Low-Income Countries Are Yet to Be Fully Vaccinated with Pfizer and BioNTech Delivering Less Than 1% of Total Supplies to These Countries While Moderna Hovers at Just 0.2%, The PVA Said.

Satanic BIG Pharma Continues To Rake In Billions of Dollars Based On The Cocky Ignorance of The Sheeple Who Continue To Stand In Line For The Death Jabs. You IDIOTS Represent A Non Stop Flow of Cash For Them.

Oh, But Wait Now You're Getting Your Kids Vaxxed and They Stand To Make BILLIONS as You Sacrifice Your Children To These Demons. Guess What IDIOTS YOU and Your Children Will NEVER Be FULLY Vaccinated.

As Long As You and Your Children Continue To Survive You'll Be Required To Take Booster Shots For The Rest of Your Lives, Until They Kill off You and Your Kids. Yall' Would Have Been Aware of This if You Had Taken Time To Do Your Own Research or If You Payed Attention To The Tons of Info. People Like Myself Have Been Freely Giving To The Public Over The Past Year.

State of Emergency: Record Flooding in Washington & British Columbia

A Category 5 atmospheric river has brought more rain in just two weeks to the state of Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia... than is usually seen in the whole of November.

Extreme rainfall, river flooding, damaging winds and even landslides have battered the region destroying homes, infrastructure and in Washington’s case knocked out power to at least 170,000 people. (Digital Journal reported)

A state of emergency has been declared in Washington, with rescue missions ongoing.

(Watch The Water).

The Playing Board Is About To Be Cleared. Game Over.

Austria Orders Lockdown ONLY On Unvaccinated. Stop Wasting Time and Get Rid Of These Satanic Demons and Show The World Tangible Proof These Monsters Have Been Destroyed. Either The People Themselves Will Stand Up and Fight Back Hard Against These Criminals or The Army That Represents Each Every Country Will Stand Up, Fight To Defend The People In Their Country. Enough with Marching and Protesting Hands On Physical Intervention is What's Required Right Now.

Here In America, Governments That Do Not Serve The Peoples Best Interest Can Be REMOVED By The People. I Don't Know if That is The Same In Other Countries, But at This Point Guess What? I Don't Think It Matters When It Comes To Protecting Your Human Rights and Your Lives.

They Continue To Do Their Shit Because They Know The Majority of The People Are Too Scared or Too Mind Screwed To Fight Back Hard. YOUR Lives Are Nothing More Then A Goddamn Game To Them. If Your Next Door Neighbor Violated Your Rights and Your Life The Way Your Governments Are Doing You'd Kick Their Ass From One End of The Road To The Other End and Back Again.

Yet You Allow Your Governments To Walk All Over You and You Sit Back and Wait Til' They Throw More B.S. at You. NEWS FLASH: World Governments Have Been Placed In Position To Serve The People. YOUR Salaries Pay Them. They Represent YOU and If They Are Not Holding Up Their End of The Bargain They Got To Get The Fuck Out Of The Way.

I Don't Give A Rats Ass What Country You Live In This Specific Rule of Law is UNIVERSAL and if it Aint', It is Now. Stand The Fuck Up and Take Your POWER Back From These Alien/Human Demonic Demons. Click HERE To View.

How Are They Going To Explain All The Newborns With Cardiac Problems? Pregnant Women Who Took The Jabs Have Injured Their Unborn Babies In Ways They Can't Begin To Comprehend. Now, How Are These Vaccine Pushers Gonna Explain This To Parents Who Are Going To Demand Answers? Lets' See How The Vaccine Pushers Will Try To Ignore This and Push It Under The Rug. All I Se is 'Pre Meditated Murder' via a BIOWEAPON Posing as a COVID-19 Vaccine. Click HERE To View.

CIA/Project Monarch Mind Control Child Trafficking and Hollywood. Click HERE To View.

OBAMAGATE Exposing The Pedophiles Sitting In The White House.

"Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL" Click HERE To View.

These Are The Mind Control Cabal DEMONS That Need To Be Rehabbed or Destroyed. They Are Bold Enough To Strut Their Nasty Asses In Public. Instead of Bumb Rushing This Satanic POS The Mind Fucked Public Stands Around and Pulls Out Their Smart Phones and Start Filming.

Oh, I Also Took Note To The ONE Person Wearing A Purple Sweater, For Those Who Do Not Know This The Satanic Cabal Use Certain Colors To Identify Each Other and To Give Props To Their Satanic Leaders.

This Mind Controlled Satanic Thing Walking Around with a Dildo Stuck Up Its' Ass Is Nothing More Then A Cabal Minion Programmed To Parade In Front of The Public Like A Transgender Slut. See, I'm Gonna Say What Most of Yall' Don't Want See, Hear or Acknowledge.

Aint' No More Hiding This Shit, Deal With These Demons or Get The Fuck Out of The Way. These Are The Discusting Transgender Demons That The Cabal Have Set In Place To Target YOUR Kids. They Are Walking In The Street, Parading In Front of Your Dumbed Down Asses and What Are Yall' Doing Taking Pictures and Video.

(The Cabal Will Keep Doing What They Do, Because The Public Will Continue To Allow It. Wow 'If Yall' Like It, I Fuckin' Love It'.)

Ali Shultz is a warrior attorney who has been PERSONALLY impacted as she watched the hospital murder her mother-in-law and try to do the same to her father-in-law.

She was able to save Chuck, and they appeared recently on the program.

Here’s a video Ali just released, and I’d like to ask you to watch and consider sharing.

Using Cartoon Characters To Indoctrinate and Program The Minds of Children To Accept Being Vaccinated.

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