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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

The Great Narrative and The Metaverse: A Dystopian Vision of the Future. Click HERE To View.

Those Who Rushed To Get Themselves and Their Children Vaccinated Will NEVER Be Fully Vaccinated. WHY? The Vaccinated Will Be Required To Take A Series of 'BOOSTER' Shots To Top Off Their Two Original BIOWEAPON Jabs. We Tried Desperately To WARN You, But Yall' Laughed at Us, Mocked and You Chose To Ignore Us, Even Worse YOU Did Not Do Your Own Research. You Allowed These Insane Satanic Psychopaths To Inject You and Your Children With A Deadly Bioweapon Full of Poisons, Toxins, A.I. Nano Particles, Graphene Oxide, Metal etc. Which Could Possibly End Your Lives Within 3 Years. This Tragic Era is On YOU. Click HERE To View.

FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data. Click HERE To View.

Dr. Robert Malone: 13,000 Scientists and Physicians Signed The Rome Declaration.

A Subvariant of Delta Known As 'Delta "subvariant" AY.4.2' That is Growing in Britain is Less Likely to Lead to Symptomatic COVID-19 Infection. Prepare For These Satanist To Create A Variety of New Variants So They Will Always Have Reason To Give The Vaxxed BOOSTER Shots. Click HERE To View.

A Rare Case of Contagious Monkeypox Was Confirmed in Maryland Tuesday 11.17.21 Night After a Traveler Returned to The United States From Nigeria. Prepare For The Cabals Bio Terror Attacks Using Bioweapons That Will Infect The Populace with an Assortment of Virus' That Can Sicken and Kill Humans. Click HERE To View.

"Hell No!" US Trucking Association CEO Warns of Supply Chain CATASTROPHE - if vaccine Mandates Pushed. “37% of our drivers not only said ’no,’ but “hell no,” to Biden’s vaccine mandate Chris Spear said.

He went on to suggest that if 3.7%, hypothetically, not 37% were affected by the mandates and left the workforce, the trucking industry would be short 250,000 truck drivers amid the supply chain crisis.

Well, 'truck' that!

Now Italy is Set For 'Lockdown of the Unvaccinated' Five regions demand Rome Follows Austria in Imposing Medical Apartheid Amid Ferocious Fourth Wave of COVID as Merkel Calls for Tougher Curbs in Germany Five Italian Governors are urging the govt to follow Germany and Austria’s medical apartheid lead, amid rising COVID case rates in the country.

“Eventual new lockdowns should not have to be suffered by those who are vaccinated. Restrictions should only apply to those who are not immunized,” one of the five governor’s said in a statement. Click HERE To View.

Talking to the Prostasia Foundation, a child abuse charity based in San Francisco, Allyn Walker argued that non-offending MAPs ‘have an attraction they didn’t ask for,’ claiming that their abstinence is ‘moral behavior.’

The professor came under fire after clips from the interview were shared to Twitter, with some arguing that Walker is working to excuse, normalize, and destigmatize pedophilia.

Walker has been put on administrative leave... which might be less stigmatizing than fired in the morning.


I'll Say This Again 'These Are The Cabal Mind Controlled Pedophile Trangender, Demon Freaks That Need To Be Rehabbed, Relocated To a Different Planet or Destroyed. 'Some' of These Beings Masked as 'Humans' Were Bred, Raised, Groomed, Pre Programmed Underground and Set Loose On Humanity.

Whatever The Fuck They Are They Do Not Belong Here. They Are Pre Programmed To Seduce, Mind Fuck and Go After YOUR Kids. Their Cabal Based Goal is To Convert YOUR Children Into Sexual Freaks Like Them. They Can Not Exist In Our Ever Changing Society, They MUST Go. 'Rehab, Relocate or Be Destroyed'. Any Grown Man Promoting Pedophilia Needs To Be Harshly Dealt With. Click HERE To View.

Sadly Without Question or Any Research Many of The Mind Controlled Sheeple Will Believe Whatever Their Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Subliminally Programs Their Minds To Believe. Hopefully Those Who Give Birth To Vaccine Injured Babies Will Rise Above The Planned Narratives and They Will Use Their Critical Thinking Skills To Advocate and Speak Out For Their Babies.

However Those Who've Been Vaxxed Are Legally No Longer Considered Human and According To The Supreme Court Here In America They Have No Rights, They Willingly Forfeited Their Rights When They Willingly Took The Jab. But As It Stands Now It Seems Like Human/Non Human Rights No Longer Exist 'IF' They Ever Truly Did Exist. Click HERE To View.

School Torture Exposed; Kids Locked Into “Isolation Space” And Deprived Of Water & Bathroom Access. Click HERE To View.

When Parents Stop Turning Their Kids Over These Demon Fucks, That's When This Shit Will Stop. When Parents Start Busting The Asses of The Demons Who Are Harming Their Kids That's When This Shit Here Wil Stop.

Fight The Fuck Back What The Fuck is Wrong with You Dumb Ass Parents? You Are ALLOWING These Fuckers To Harm Your Kids. Why Are Yall' NOT Fighting For Your Kids? When I Say Fight I Mean Just That. Any Fucker Put Their Hand On My Children To Harm Them They Better Be Prepared To Draw Back Some Nubs.

WARNING REPORT: Upcoming Booster Mandate! Click HERE To View.

Main Stream Media News Outlets Force Feeding The Sheeple Propaganda

Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Data: The Vaccine Causes The Recipients To Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV Is Just ONE Of The Ingredients Listed In The BIOWEAPON. Click HERE To View.

Fauci Confessed That Vaccines Don’t Work! The Vaccinated Population – ENDANGERED! Click HERE To View.

BREAKING: Reports Say a New "Vice President Nominee" May Be Voted On Imminently! Click HERE To View.

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California School Board Votes Not to Support, Enforce or Comply with Pending COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Click HERE To View.

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