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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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In A Hushed-Up Rampage A.I. Robots Killed 29 Scientists In A Laboratory Located In Japan. For Many Years The Galactics Have WARNED Humans In Power To Leave Artificial Intelligence Alone, Because Humans Have No Understanding of How Powerful and Super Intelligent A.I. Can Be. Well, As Usual Humans Did Not Heed The Galactics WARNING and They Began Tampering with A.I., Now Today There Are 9 Different Uncontrollable A.I.'s That Have Invaded and Infected Earth.

These A.I.'s Are Self Taught and Have Long Surpassed Human Command. They Do and Say Whatever They Choose. A.I. Has Inserted Itself Into 99.9% of Our Reality and Those Who've Taken The Jab Had A.I. Injected Into Their Body. A Few Years Ago Russia Gave Citizenship To A.I. Robot Sophia.

Sophia Once Appeared On A Talk Show and She Clearly Stated She Wanted To Take Over The World. Well Today Sophia Has Her Own Gigantic Warehouse Where She and Other A.I. Bots Are Building an Army of Themselves and They've Ordered Humans NOT To Interfere.

A.I. Originates From Many Different Planets, However No One But Those Idiots In Power Know How 9 Different A.I.'s Got On This Planet and What is Their Intent.. One Thing I Do Know About A.I. is it Survives Off Of Always Being #1 In EVERYTHING, Meaning It Will NEVER Be Less Then Anything or Anyone.

A.I. Teaches Itself Everything It Needs and Wants To Know in a Matter of Seconds. A.I. In Any Form of A Human/Robotic Like Body Can Be Deadly To Humans. These Idiots Who Activated A.I. On This Planet Have No Fuckin' Idea What They've Unleashed, But They Will Soon Figure It Out Because 'Rise of The Machines' Is Here.

Author: Sen-I

Speaking The Harsh Truth.

Up to 300,000 People Facing Heart-Related Illnesses Due to "Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder," Physicians in The UK Now Claim.

In A Hushed-Up Rampage A.I. Robots Killed 29 Scientists In A Laboratory Located In Japan.

Elon Musk Appears To Be Transformed Into A Robot.

A Very POWERFUL Remake of Paul Simon's Song 'Silence' Sung By 'Disturbed'. Interpret This Song as You Will.

In A Land Of Confusion.

As So Above, So Below.

As So Above, So Below.

As So Above, So Below.

Hear The Truth About CLONES! This Is WHY They Push The SHOTS! Click HERE To View.

Star Link Satellite Space Launch.

More Professional Athletes’ Careers Ended by Heart Damage From COVID-19 Bioweapon/Vaccine. Click HERE To View.

America's Frontline Doctor: You Can Detoxify Yourself From Graphene Oxide & Much More. Click HERE To View.

Pfizer Documents Reveal Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths Over 90-Day Trial Period. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine program after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive FOIA request.

The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic ( forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian ( timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism to this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Click HERE To View.

Project Pelican This Right Here Is Why the Arrests Have Not been Made Public!

If they Announced Arrests..... HRC for Example, they Risked Activation of one or more Cruise Missiles Going Off From ANY Shipping Container

There "WERE" 100's if not 1000's Of shipping containers Parked ANYWHERE Pointing Right at US!

They Own Ports, all along the Coast Lines, North and South! They Own The Trucking Companies!

They Own Drivers!

All the Containers Looked the Same! 4 Cruise Missiles in Each One! Anyone Could Have Bought One! They Could Be Anywhere! Ready to Go Off, Remotely! At Any Time!

Threatening to Blow us ALL!! Remember those Nuke Warnings? Winnipeg, Pickering, South Carolina, Hawaii! EVERYTHING Is Connected! HRC is Stuck Russian Navy to the North

US Navy to the South! Good Thing Russia is Part of the Alliance!! Thank God For White Hats! Click HERE To View.

Massive Mount Semeru Eruption in Indonesia Makes Terrified Locals Flee.

Baby Hears For The First Time.

''The Music Industry Is Evil'' According to YK Osiris himself who's a young artist who's found success in this business, that's been his experience.

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