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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The War For Control Over Earth and Humanity Is Heating Up, Speeding Up and Becoming More Dangerous and Visible For Those Who Are AWAKE and Paying Attention. In Sea Ports Located Throughout The US The Cabal Have Placed Several Different Types of Bombs Of Mass Destruction in Many of The Thousands of Shipping Containers That Have Been Sitting Idle For Weeks With Tons of Food and Essential Supplies. These Shipping Containers Are Positioned Facing The US. The Psychopathic Cabal Have Threatened To Set Off These Bombs If Their Demands Are Not Followed Accordingly. Click HERE To View.

A Few Weeks Ago In The Southern Rural Part of Canada A Nuclear Bomb Was Ignited From Underground. Keep In Mind The Galactics, Military and The White Hats Are Underground Destroying Alien/Military Bases and They Are In War With Various Alien Species, So, It Is Not Yet Clear if The Nuclear Bomb That Went Off In an Underground Based in the Southern Rural Part of Canada Was an Accident or If It Was A Deliberate Attack Against The Canadian People.

Many Rural Canadian Citizens Are Now Experiencing The Symptoms of Radiation and A Nuclear Fall Out. From What I Understand This Nuclear Fall Out Thus Far Has Reached As Far as The Southern Parts of California and Wild Life In The Affected Areas Are Becoming Ill and Dying Off Because They Are Suffering Radiation Poisoning.

Please Take Note How ALL Main Stream Media Outlets Here In America Have Not Yet Mentioned This Very Dangerous Situation To The American Public. This Again Proves You Can Not Trust MSM News and During This Dynamic War That is Being Fought On Many Different Levels and Playing Fields YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourselves Informed. To Watch The Video Click HERE To View.

For Additional Resources For Anyone Located On or Near The Radiation Fall Out Zones Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

How Many Are Aware That Right Now In A Court Located In New York City One of The Biggest Child Rape and Child Trafficking Trials is Being Held and In Its 2nd Week? The Trial of Ghislain Maxwell Began Two Weeks Ago.

Ghislain Maxwell Worked Alongside Jeffrey Epstein. Ghislaine Procured Thousands of Underage Girls For Jeffrey Epstein To Rape and Sell To His Elite List of Clients Hollywood Celebrities, Government Officials, Top Cops In The NYC Police Department etc. Lots' of Celebrity Names and Corporations are Listed and Part of This Trial. Once Again MSM News Remains SILENT. Click HERE To View.

The Silent War Against Humanity Click HERE To View.

These Are The Made Up COVID-19 Variants/Strains That The Cabal Have Un Leashed Onto The American Public. Learn The True Meaning of The Word 'Omicron' and You'll Understand The True Origins of This Made Up Variant/Strain. REMEMBER The Cabal Practice Witchcraft and Black Magic and In Their Dark World Every Word Has Two Meanings. One Meaning Gives A Word POWER When They Cast A SPELL On A Particular Word. The Word Omicron Might Mean One Thing To The General Public, But To The Satanic Cabal Who Cast SPELLS On Words it Means Something Totally Different. Click HERE To Listen To 'Jordan Maxwell Secret Societies and Word Meanings Part 1'.

NJ Military Base Warns Nearby Residents of Ground-Shaking Explosions... Nothing to Worry About! Its' Just WAR with The Military and Aliens Battling It Out Underneath Your Feet In Underground Bases.

New Jersey's Biggest Military Base Will Carry Out Major Artillery and Weapons Testing Friday and Saturday That Will Be Heard for Miles Around.

Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Will Carry Out Mortar and Howitzer Fire as Well as Crater Explosions, Which Even Officials Have Admitted Would Cause "Abundant Noise."

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING: This is Not A TEST, This is WAR. Keep Your Children and Family Safe and Near Home Base.

The Religious Cult Created By Kanye West. Kanye West's Mind Has Not Been Right Since The Day He Offered His Own Mother as a Sacrifice To The Cabal. How Can Any Person Live With Their Conscious Knowing They Set Up Their Mother's Murder To Increase Their Fame and Financial Status? Hollywood Celebrities Have Had Their Own Children Sacrificed and Murdered Just To Maintain Their Fame and Wealth, They've Sold Their Souls To Satan.

N.J. Rabbi Committed ‘Horrific Acts’ of Child Sex Abuse While Jewish Organizations Did Nothing, Lawsuits Say. Click HERE To View.

This Guy Who Takes a Bath in Animal and or Human blood first before devouring his Human/Animal Prey Underground...

Lots of Them (Different Species In My Cell Phone From DUMBs/Underground Battles).

This Guy (This Species Technology) Can Rip Open and Burn Anyone or Anything That Threatens Its Safety- He Can Emit the #Direct Energy Weapon (D.E.W.) Laser Beam Energy and Burn Anything On Its Path.

That's Why Our Intergalactic Alliance Federation of Worlds of Light Beings / Sisters of Light Beings had to First Enter The Deep Underground Military Basses (D.U.M.B.S.) Tunnels to Destroy/Capture These Dark Beings Before Our Human Special Forces Could Go in and Clean Up The D.U.M.B.'s.

Dr. Tenpenny With A WARNING: Be Prepared Mentally And Spiritually For Seeing MILLIONS Of Dead Kids! Click HERE To View.

These Are Just A Few of The Millions Upon Millions Of People Who Were Eager To Get The Jab So They Could Get Back To Their 'Normal' Lives. There is No Going Back To What You Considered To Be Your 'Normal'.

Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament:

"I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime which tramples on human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law...

I am a German and we once asked our grandparents how they could have just stood by in silence allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about. Anyone could have known, all they had to do was open their eyes, and take a look. The vast majority chose not to.

So what will you tell your grandchildren? Will you tell them you did not know? Will you tell them you were just following orders?

You need to understand it is not about breaking the fourth wave. It is about breaking people...

We need to stop our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes. We need to do it now. We need to stand up now."

2 Billion People Have Already Left Earths 3D Dimension and They've Shifted To The 5th Dimensional World. Exiting Earths MATRIX Can Be as Easyu and Simple as This, Once You Remember and Acknowledge Who You Are and Reclaim Your Galactic Abilities. As I Mentioned In a Recent Post 'There Is No One Below or Above YOU. YOU Are The Creator Of ALL That Exist In YOUR Reality.

The Reason Negative Alien Races and Demon Possessed Cabal Hate Humans So Much is Because They Have The Natural Ability To Create Reality. For Many Centuries Dark Forces and Negative Alien Races Have Harnessed Humanities Ability To 'CREATE' and They've Used Humans Ability As A Weapon Against Them To Feed Off Of Their Energy and To Keep Them Enslaved On This Planet.

Now Is The Time For ALL of Humanity To Wake Up, Remember Who They Are and Step Back Into Their Galactic POWER and Destroy This MATRIX. ALL Of YOU Are The SAVIORS You've Been Waiting For. YOU Are Part Of EVERYTHING That Exist In The Past, Present and Future. The Entire UNIVERSE Dwells Within Each of You, Not Outside of You.

ALL Of You Are 'Conscious Energy' and You Have The Ability To CREATE Anything Through The POWER Of Your THOUGHTS. NOTHING Exist Outside of You, Until You Create and Manifest it Through The POWER Of Your THOUGHTS.

The Aliens Who Created Humanity Created Humans To Be Their Slaves, What They Did Not Count On Was The Multi Faceted Galactic Abilities Their Human Slaves Would Have, That They Don't Have. Through Many Centuries They Figured Out How To Harness and Use Humans Abilities For Their Purposes, Their End Goal Was For Humanity To Remain Asleep and in a Trance So They'd NEVER Find Out Who They Are or How Powerful They Are.

Once You AWAKEN and Reclaim Your Galactic Abilities They Can No Longer Use or Control You. Hence The Mad Rush To Put The AWAKENED Back To Sleep or To Destroy Them and Create A Robotic, Transhuman Species That is Already Being Controlled Through A.I. and 5G.

NEVER Forget You Have The Natural Ability To EXIT This 3D MATRIX. I Had The Natural Ability To EXIT This MATRIX When I Was Just 5 Years Old. I'm Only Here In Physical Form To Assist Humanity In Their Fight For Freedom From These Alien/Demon Tyrants. Because. I Never Forgot Who I Was/Am My Galactic Abilities Were NEVER Far From My Reach.

I Am Able To Travel Freely Between This MATRIX and The Universe. ALL of You Have The Same Ability, But You MUST 1st Remember Who You Are and Why You Agree To Incarnate On This Planet. YOU Have A SOUL Purpose, Try To REMEMBER Your SOULS Purpose. I Will Talk More About This Topic Again Shortly.

Author: Sen-I

Forget your immune system it’s old news… just Keep on taking your boosters, keep on being jabbed, we promise you will be fully vaccinated, things will go back to normal very soon.

Keep on Listening to your government, your health advisors, doctors and your employers, you must trust the science they most certainly know what’s best for you.

Keep on using masks or we may fine you, don’t forget to use hand sanitizer in every single building you enter.

keep on following this satanic agenda. Don’t forget to social distance, take Daily PRC tests up your nose and soon in your bum hole (for better results). Keep on listening to your saviours.

Keep on waiting for “Jesus” and all your other man made religious “gods”. they will come to save you very soon We promise you.

First you must Worship and obey your lord and only saviour, bow down take this injection it was made by “god” or burn in hell for eternity.

No one is coming to save you, the only person who can possibly save you, is yourself. The only way that’s happening is by NOT taking the mark of the beasts mRNA, Luciferase, graphene filled, DEATH JAB.

It’s The jab they’re talking about, possessed actor claims it’s black magic to open doors for demons while taking your soul.

Which Iv already explained many times, they’re after YOUR SOUL. Once you take the “the mark of the beast” you’re no longer recognised by nature, the universe, or the true creator.

In my eyes Jesus is made up by satan “books are written by man” to deceive man.

Remember “demons” lie with the truth, who in the right mind would believe all what an actual possessed demon has to say.






Why are these demons pushing this jab so hard?

I can tell you one thing it is not for your health. The mRNA technology melds with your DNA to make cDNA anyone who takes it becomes transhuman (a kind of human) and is now owned by the government or in this case bill gates. The mRNA & graphene oxide works in conjunction with those 5g masts that were put up by the government while we were in lockdown.

The death jab also contains a chemical called Luciferase which is used to detect who has received the jab, it can be used like a barcode and is most definitely the mark of the beast.

In the year ‘1999’ Bill gates had a game created for Microsoft Windows called omikron, it was about demons pretending to be human in order to harvest their souls.

Remind you of anything?

I Do Not Agree With His Point of View, BUT I Understand Where He's Coming From.

This Woman Is SOULLESS. You Can Tell When A Demon Has Taken Over A Human Body By Looking Into The Eyes. If The Eyes Look Empty, Cold, Lifeless, Its' A Demon Possessed Body. A Demon Can Inhabit A Body For A Short or an Extended Amount of Time It All Depends On The Task They Are Trying To Fulfill. In This Case Poisoning A Childs Body is The Task of This Walk In Demon. 'The Eyes Are The Window To The SOUL'.

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