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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Dec 9, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Listen, Learn and Share This with EVERYONE Before They Remove it, This is VITAL Info Regarding These BIOWEAPONS. Click HERE To View.

Luciferian billionaire David Rockefeller states that controlling the world population growth is the Elite's top agenda. He thinks him and his rich iIIuminati bIood cuIt buddies have the right to mass murder most of the population to have the planet to themselves.

Fake US President Joe Biden's Double Busted.

These Are The Demons The Mind Controlled Transhuman/Sheeple People Still To This Day Worship and Believe In.

The Fake White House Presented By 'Castle Rock'. Its' All A BIG Staged Show.

Double JABBED are the ones getting the NEW Omicron VARIANT Click HERE To View.

THE FOLLOWING CLIP is talking about taking the RNA from China and “beaming “ the VAX into a center or “your home” and then PRINTING IT ON A PATCH…. What technology is this for spreading the VAX?

Lue Elizondo AATIP "DEMONIC BEINGS", "The Balance" & "Humanity NOT The Top of The Food Chain". Click HERE To View.

Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’ Click HERE To View.

The Omicron Variant Appeared to Spread Between Two Fully Vaccinated People in Separate Hotel Rooms In Hong Kong. 'Once Your Injected Your Infected and You Have The Ability To 'Shed and Spread'. The Omicron Variant Wil Affect Thopse Who've Been Vaxxed. WHY? It is Not A New Variant That is Making Them Sick and Die, It s The Side Effects of The Poisoned Vaccine/Bioweapon Kicking In.and Causing Te Vaxxed To Get Extremely Ill and Die. Click HERE To View.

Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: FBI Reveals Epstein Safe With Huge Collection Of Images Of Nude Underage Girls Click HERE To View.

“DEATH OF THE TRUTH TELLERS & The Evil Rulers Of The Dark World EXPOSED!” is a BRILLIANT Documentary which WASTES NO TIME in revealing how a small group of SUPER RICH, ELITE CRIMINALS have been scurrying around like COCKROACHES buying up virtually everything on the planet, and their END GAME IS TO OWN & CONTROL IT ALL, including all of us! From the media, health care and travel, to the food industry and even ENTIRE GOVERNMENTS, their SATANIC END GAME is simple: IMPOSE a NEW WORLD ORDER by using a FAKE COVID PLANDEMIC & LOCKDOWNS to obtain enough POWER in the RIGHT PLACES, thereby allowing them to control the entire world and it’s Global Population! Click HERE To View.

Speaking Truth Its' Time To Put This Nonsense To an End.

People Who Once Shunned People Like Myself and Labeled Us As "Conspiracy Theorists" Because We Were Trying To Bring Forth The Truth Sadly, Now Through Their Own Personal Tragedy and Through The Ongoing Medical Tyranny Are Now Forced To Learn Truth The Hard Way. My Heart and Spirit Reaches Out To ALL Who Are Suffering Through This Battle.

Sometimes We Need To Be Reminded That Some Battles Are Not Meant To Be Fought in The Physical Realm and Sometimes We Gotta Step Back and Just 'Let Go' Because Some Battles Are Way BIGGER Then Us.

We're In The Midst of an Ongoing Battle For The Removal and Control Over Our SOULS. This Planetary Battle is Between Giant Demi GODS Roamed Earth Millions of Years Ago and They Have Returned and Their Emissary Demons Who Control and Rule Through Many Un Seen Dimensions.

In Human/Galactic Form We Can Not Battle This Type of Evil, Because What We Are Witnessing Goes Way Beyond Evil. All We Can Do is Remain Aware, Step Back, Let Go and Allow and Try Not To Step Beyond The Boundaries of Nature. We Must Allow The Unseen Forces of Good/Evil Battle it Out. No Matter How Crazy and Scary The Situation Gets Nature Will Restore Ballance and Evil Will Not Prevail.


I Have Not Yet Gone Too Deep Into The Topic of Religion and The True Origins Of Religion or The Hidden Meaning of The Word 'CHURCH'. For Now I'm Just Going To Say "When It Comes To ALL Religions and The Building Where People Go To Worship 'Church' Its' All A Sham/Scam". I've Mentioned Many Times in The Past 'The True GOD(s) You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It is YOU'.

ALL Gods They Indoctrinated Their Human Slaves To Worship Is Connected To Satan/Lucifer and When You Walk In The Church To Praise The God(s) They Indoctrinated You To Believe In You Are In Fact Praising Lucifer.

When You Scream, Holla, Stomp Your Feet and Cry 'AMEN' You Are Calling and Waking Up The Demons That Exist Under That Esoterically Exist/ Under The Church. For Those Who Don't Know This The Word 'AMEN' is The Name of an Ancient Demon. Every Time You Say 'AMEN' You Are Summonsing The Demon 'AMEN'.

Every Church Large/Small That is Exist On This Planet is Built On Specific Ley Lines That is Connected To The Underworld. so, Before You Give Away Your Spiritual Energy To Invisible and False GOD(s) Know Who You Are Praising and Who and What They Represent. On This Planet The Deceit and Manipulation of The Mind, Body & Soul is Endless.

Allow Me To Say This Again 'The True GOD(s) You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It is YOU'.

If In Fact Jesus Did Exist Everyone Avoids This Questions Like The Plague, 'How Was Jesus Conceived and What is an Immaculate Conception?' The Only 'Immaculate Conception' I Know of is Alien Based. YES, Aliens Are MASTERS In Genetics and They Have The Know How and Technology To Impregnate A Woman Without The Use of Sexual Contact.

By Choice and Per My SOUL Agreement On This Planet I Have 7 Hybrid Children That Were Created By Two Different Alien Species. I've NEVER Interacted Sexually with These Aliens.

ALL 7 Of My Impregnations Were Done Without Pain or Any Discomfort They Used Their Technology. Each Child Grew Within My Body For A Short Period of Time and Then They'd Remove The Growing Embryo and Continue Developing It Off Planet in A Lab.

I Am Blessed Because I've Been Granted Permission To Visit with My Hybrid Children at Different Stages In Their Lives and They Are All Amazing Beings. They Have All Been Raised with Different Loving Alien Families, But They Know I Am Their Birth Mom and They Understand Why I Can't Be With Them Right Now.

If Jesus Existed, He Was an Alien Hybrid and His Mother Mary Was Impregnated By Use of Alien Technology and She Was Allowed To Carry Her Child Full Term and Then Give Birth To Him On Earths Soil.

Welcome To 'Hotel Quarantine' Located in Canada. Ok, We Have Definetly Entered The 'Twilight Zone'. I Don't Think Things Can Get Any Weirder and Creepier Then This.

Man Refused Petrol/Gas for His Vehicle For Not "Signing Into a COVID Tracking System. I'm Not 100% Sure What's Taking Place in The UK, But I've Heard Several Different Stories. 1- The UK Has Been Taken Over By A Negative Alien Species, 2- The UK Has Been Taken Over By The 4th Reich NAZI Regime, 3- The New World Order Has Been Implemented in The UK. I'm Still In Process of Researching What's Really Going On In The UK. What I Do Know is The Citizens In Various Partys of The UK Are Having A Very Rough Time Right Now and Some Type of Demonic Force Has Taken A Strong Hold In The UK.

The Longer This COVID Shit Show Goes On The Angrier People Around The World Are Becoming.

Suicides Among Seniors, Adults, Teens, Children Have Increased Dramatically Over The Past Year or So, Yet This Topic is Not Being Discussed.

I Think By Now Alot of Newly Awakened People Feel The Way This Little Boy Looks Right About Now. I Don't Mean To Laugh, But This Meme is Too Funny and it is Truer Then True.

Christine Massey Reveals To Health Ranger COVID-19 Has NEVER Been Isolated, Therefore The Public Needs To Ask 'What Arte They Testing For and What Are The Vaccine/Bioweapons For?

Darpa Creating Super Humans: Former Government Employee Predicts Cataclysmic Extinction Level Event. Listen To The Cabals Plan To Remove The Current Version of Humans and Replace Them with A New Version aka Transhumans. These Seems To Be Straight Out of a Sci Fy Movie, But it is Reality. Click HERE To View.

PFizer Is Making A New Vaccine/Bioweapon For The Omicron' Variant. If You Do Not Want To Take Their New Omicron Vaccine/Bioweapon You Can Get A 3rd Dose/Jab of Their COVID-19 Bioweapon.. Are Yall' Following What I Am Saying? Once You've Been Vaxxed Every Few Months They'll Come Out With A New Fake Variant and Create A New Bioweapon or They'll Want You Take Another Booster Shot or a Another Dose of The Previous Bioweapon. They Have This Mess Planned Out To Last For As Long as it Takes To Murder and or Transform at Least 5% Of Humanity Into A New Species of Robotic Mind Controlled Transhumans.

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