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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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WARNING The Pictures and Video Clips Posted Below Are Extremely Graphic and Horrific c and Might Not Be Suitable For ALL Adult Viewers. This Material is Definetly Not Suitable For Children. Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised.


WARNING: This Video is Very Disturbing and Heart Wrenching. It Shows One of The Ways They Torture Toddlers To Make Their Body Produce Adrenochrome. A Persons Body Releases Adrenochrome Into The Blood Stream When A Person is Frightened or Terrified. Adrenochrome is The Chemical These Human Vampires Crave and Need To Survive and Stay Young. Adrenochrome is Extracted From The Childs/Adults Body Once They Finish Torturing The Victim.

There is a Market For Adrenochrome, The Elites, Government Officials Hollywood Celebrities etc. Will Pay Top Dollar For an Ounce or Two of Adrenochromne. Adrenochrome is The Elites Drug of Choice and YES, It Gets Them High, But it Also Acts as an Elixir and It Keeps These Modern Day Vampire Demons Looking Young.

Throughout The World There Are Human Farms Where They House Adults and Children Who Are Used To Feed The Elites Lust For Adrenochrome. When They Are Needed They Are Tortured Until They Are Terrified and Then Their Blood is Extracted From Their Body. They Are Used and Kept In Enslaved Until They Die or are Rescued.

This Video Shows Just One of The Ways They Torture and Terrify Children. Out of Respect To Anyone Who Watches This Video, This is The Shortened Edited Version, The Original is Longer and Much More Graphic and it Included a Toddler Who Was Forced To Stand and Watch.

Believe it or Not This is The Children's Uncle Torturing These Toddlers. I Am Happy To Say This Monster Was Reported, Caught and Killed. Its' Sad To Say This But Many Parents and Relatives Actually Sell Their Own Children Into This Type of Enslavement. In Many Cases Women are Paid BIG Money To Get Pregnant and Sell Their Babies To These Monsters.

They Also Abduct Young Girls, Hold Them Captive On Baby Farms Where They Rape The Young Girls Impregnate Them and Take Their Babies. The Babies Are Sold To The Elite or Whoever Wants Them and They Are Raised, Groomed To Be Sex Slaves, Sex Kittens or They Are Tortured Sacrificed and Eaten at Some Point In Their Young Life.

I Don't Like Showing Yall' This Horrific Material, But I Have Too, Because Many of You Do Not Believe This is Happening and You Need Visual Proof. Adults of This Planet Need To Pay Attention, Because When This War is Finished The Remaining Humans Must NEVER Allow This To Happen Again.

These Babies, Children Have Been Crying For Help For Thousands, Millions of Years and No One Took The Time To Hear Their Cries, Because It Wan't Their Child Gone Missing. You Must NEVER Allow This To Happen Again. No More Excuses. Look at These Pictures and Videos and Try To Imagine What These Children and Adults Went Through Before They Were Savagely Murdered.

Author: Sen-I

Another Poor Child Being Tortured So They Can Harvest His Adrenochrome.

YES, These Are The Remains of a Real Human Who Was Baked To Perfection In Special Oven Designed To Cook Human Remains.

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