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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

GENOCIDE In Australia S.O.S. The People In Australia Have Put Out a Global S.O.S. To The World How Many Yall' Arte Paying Attention? COVID-19 Bioweapon Creates Genocide Against The Aboriginal Indigenous People In Australia and I Must Say This Again 'How Many People In America Have A Clue Of The The MEGA Homicidal Tragedies Going On Throughout The World and Beyond Themselves'? Its' Sickening Because Most Americans Still Have Their Heads Stuck In Their Ass as The Genocide of Humanity Continues On. I'm Sorry But At This Point I Have No More Pity Towards The Ignorance of The People. Click HERE To View.

This star is found in religions and cultures worldwide, but it's not what you think, and Nikola Tesla tried telling us.

This is called a Star Tetrahedron.

The top triangle has a universal number of 147.

The bottom has a universal number of 852.

147 = 12(3) Alpha

852 = 15(6) Omega

999 = 27(9)

Your chakras each have a frequency based on their energy and vibration, and they can be found hidden within the omega numbers.



396(9) - Root

417(3) - Sacral

528(6) - Solar Plexus

639(9) - Heart

741(3) - Throat

852(6) - Third Eye

963(9) - Crown

This is why Tesla said if you want to understand tbe universe think of energy, vibration, and frequency, and the keys to the universe are 3,6 and 9.

Everything is connected.

Italy and Several Other Countries Begin Locking Down The People Who Are Un Vaxxed. Meaning The Un Vaxxed Have Had Their Basic Human Rights Taken Away and They Can Not Participate In Daily Living Activities. Click HERE To View.

They've Had CURES For ALL Diseases and Illnesses For Many Decades, Yet They Choose To Keep These CURES From The People. WHY? There is No Money To Be Made In Curing Humans. Instead They'd Rather Let YOU and Your Children Suffer In Pain and Then Die. These Demons Who Control The Healthcare System in The US Feed Off Of Your Pain, Suffering and Death. When YTou and Your Children Are Sick Like The Discusting Leeches They Are They Feed off of Your Sickness. When You Are Sick with Disease and Illness Your Body Produces 'Loosh'. Loosh is Their Source of Food, Its' What Keeps Them Alive.

For Those Who Did Not Know Former Senator Bob Dole Was A Member of The Cabal and He Was A High Ranking Member of The Cabal's Satanic Free Mason and The Knights of Templar.

'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (P.E.T.A.) The Well Known Organization Who Fights For The Humane and Ethical Treatment of Animals Actually Has an Apparel and Clothing Line Made of Human Skin. Using Human Skin They Make and Sell Pocketbooks, Shoes, Jackets etc. Just Thought Yall Should Know.

Mask and Vaccine Tyranny Throughout The Centuries

Prince Charles and His Wife Appear as Robots Right Before Our Eyes at an Event and The Media Approaches Them. I'll Say It Again 'ALL The World Is But A Grande Stage' and We Are The Characters and The Audience.

Pfizer Is Creating a Bioweapon For The Fake Omicron Variant. How Many of The Sleepers Will Stand In Line Once Again To Get Vaxxed? For The Vaxxed This Will Be A Never Ending Cycle of Genocide.

Through Self Motivation and Un Wiltered Determination Most Anythinhg is Possible.

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