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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

This is An Actual Picture Of Just ONE Of The Type Beings That The Galactic's and Global Human Military Alliance Are In Battle with Deep In The Underground Bases That Are Located Throughout The World.

COVID Testing Exposed. Facts You Need To Know. Are You Aware Every Time You Get Tested For COVID-19 (Which Does Not Exist) The Swab They Stick Deep In Your Nose Cavity or Swipe The Inside of Your Mouth is Tainted With Several Different Poisons and Toxins, One of Which is Known To Cause Cancer.

Did You Know Every Time You Take A PCR Test To Check For COVID-19 The Only Thing They Are Doing Besides Poisoning You or Your Child is Harvesting Your Genetic DNA. They Are Harvesting Your DNA For Testing To Identify Your Genetics. They Need To Know Which Alien Species You Originated From, So They Can Identify Your Galactic Abilities.

The PCR Test Has NOTHING at All To Do with Testing You for COVID-19 IT is Not Cape able of Testing for Any Virus'. When/If Yall' Get A Chance Take A Little Time To Listen To at Least The First 10-20 Minutes of This Informative Video. Click HERE To View.

Man Receives Up to 10 COVID-19 Vaccines In One Day. Click HERE To View.

How Many Pro Athletes Will Have To Pass Out and Die On Their Courts and In Their Stadiums During Game Play Before The Main Stream Media News Delves Into What's Going On? Many Pro Athletes Have Were Forced To Take The COVID-19 Bioweapon In Order To Continue Playing Their Sport Which is Their Career. Those Who Refuse To Take The COVID-19 Jab Lose Their Sport Contract, Can No Longer Play with Their Team and They Are Heavily Fined Financially.

The Affects of Direct Energy Weapons. D.E.W.) These Fires Are The Result of D.E.W. Take Note How Each Fire Targeted a Specific Area. D.E.W. Weapons Have Been Used To Sicken, Disable and Murder US Citizens In Many Different Ways For Several Decades.

They Can Target ONE Person with A D.E.W. Weapon or They Can Target Thousands Upon Thousands of People at One Time. In Most Cases When People Are Targeted To Be Tortured or Murdered with D.E.W. No Traceable Evidence is Left Behind. If They Murder A Person By Giving Them A Heart Attack or Cancer There's No Evidence To Prove Other Wise.

The CEO of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin Says Those Who've Been Vaxxed Have To Get Three More Doses of The Jabs, Plus The Initial Dose, and a Booster, of Course. Click HERE To View.

Violent Youths Force Their Way Into Apartment In Minneapolis, Viciously Beat Teen And Her Mother. This is Why Being Armed, Loaded and Ready is Vital During These Dangerous Times. Whether This Incident is Fake, Staged or Real and Created to Generate Shock and Fear Among The Public.

Its' Time For People To 'Lock and Load'. Anyone Come In Your Home Uninvited to Attack You or Your Family Do What You Gotta Do To Defend Yourself, Family and Your Home. One of The Reasons The Cabal Tried So Hard To Disarm The American Public is Because They Want The American Public To Be Defenseless Against Pre Planned Attacks Like This. I Could Be Wrong, But My Spirit Tells Me This is Cabal Staged Event.

Author Sen-I

A 4-Year-Old Isolated Outside Because Of COVID Possibility Ends Up With Hypothermia. I'll Say It Again 'Take Your Kids Out Of These Demonic Cabal Owned Schools. What The Cabal Have Been Doing To The Children and Adults That They've Enslaved In Underground Bases, Through Their Satanic and Corrupt School System They Are Now Abusing and Torturing Your Kids.

If You Allow Their Abuse To Continue it Will. A few Days Ago They Had Nursery School Kids Eating Lunch, Sitting On Buckets Outside In The Freezing Cold. The Schools Lame Ass Excuse 'That Was Their Social Distance Protocol'. Heed The WARNING, 'Get Your Kids Out of These Fuckin' Schools Before They Wind Up Severely Injuring Them or Killing Them'. Click HERE To View.

Psaki: It's OK To Let Children Eat Lunch In The Cold 'to Keep Kids Safe' Take Psaki's Reptilian Alien Ass and Lock Her/It in A Meat Freezer and Forget About Her. Yall' Do Know These Are Reptilian Aliens Cloaked as Humans. Click HERE To View.

Video Shows Kindergarten Students Forced to Sit Outside On Buckets In Freezing Weather. I'll Say It Again 'Get Your Kids Out Of These Demon Owned Schools Before Your Child Becomes Their Next Victim. Click HERE To View.

Dr. Joel Wallskog, Orthopedic Surgeon, Discusses His Severe Vaccine Injury.

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