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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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These Are The Codes The Elite, Hollywood Celebrities and The Cabal Use To Order The Babies and Children They Want To Rape, Torture, Sacrifice, Murder and Consume/Eat. One Year When Obama Was In The White House Playing His Scripted Role of US President at 1:00 a.m. He Placed an Order For '50 Hot Dogs'.

The White House Has Trap Doors That Lead To Underground Tunnels. They've Been Trafficking Babies/Children Directly Into The White House For Decades. For Those Who Are Unaware

The White House is Shut Down and it Has Been Shut Down For Almost Two Years. Its' Being Gutted From The Inside Out and it is Part of The Global Child Trafficking Investigation.

When Trump Was President He Refused To Stay at The White House, Because He Knew Many Babies and Children Had Been Raped, Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered In The White House. Fake Biden and Cabala Harris, YES, I Said 'Cabala' Harris, Because That is Who He Answered Too When He Was Alive.

Anywhoooo Whenever They Do Make A Public Appearance at The White House Its' a Poorly Staged Replica of The White House. Over The Past Two Years I've Posted Quite A Few Pictures of Fake Biden and Caballa Harris Taping and Playing Out Their Scripted Role On The Fake White House Stage Prop.

The FDA Allows 4% of Human Flesh in All Meat Sold In The US. Each Year In The US Alone Over 300,000 Children Go Missing and Lets' Not Forget About The Number of Adults That Go Missing Each Year.

At Least 95% of The People Who Go Missing Wind Up Being Trafficked, Sacrificed, Shipped Off Planet, Tortured and Murdered. What Do You Think They Do with The Remains of The People They've Slaughtered Here On Earth? How Do They Get Rid of The Evidence?

They Drain The Blood Grind Up The Bodies and Mix It In The US Food Supply. This Tainted Meat Winds Up Being Sold To The Consumer at Local Supermarkets and High End Restaurants and Fast Food Eateries. NYC Has ONE Restaurant That I Am Aware of That Caters To The Elite, Cabal and Celebrities and They Specialize in Preparing and Serving Human Meat To Their Customers.

The FDA Approves of Human Sacrifice, Human Flesh Being Added To The Food Supply. This Shouldn't Surprise Any of Yall' Because The FDA Also Approved of The M'derna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Bioweapons Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine.

All of These Alphabet Soup Government/Non Government Agencies Are Corrupt To The Core and They Are In Cahootz With The Satanic Cabal. Matter A Fact They Are Owned and Controlled By The NAZI Based Cabal System Who Are Ruled By Demonic Alien Races. Click HERE To View

For Those of You Who Love and Wear Diamonds. Do You Know How Diamonds Are Made? Diamonds Many of You Purchased and Proudly Show Off and Wear Are Made Of Human Ashes. For Many Decades The Cabal Have Converted The Ashes of Those They've Murdered Into Diamonds and Then They Place Them In Jewelry Shops Where They Are Purchased By The Every Day Consumer.

This Video Shows The Lighter Side of Converting Human Ashes Into Diamonds as A Remembrance of a Departed Loved One Who Has Died. Once The Diamond is Formed With Your Loved Ones Cremated Ashes, You Can Place The Diamond in a Necklace, Bracelet, Earing etc.

This is of Course The Lighter Side of Converting Your Loved Ones Ashes Into A Diamond. The Truth is The Cabal Have Been Doing This For Many Decades, But They Never Told The Public The Diamonds They Purchase are Made Out of The of The Humans They've Murdered. This is Yet The Another Method The Cabal Use To Dispose of The Bodies.

Author: Sen-I

Woman In Vietnam Dragged Out of Her Home in Front of Her Crying Baby and Forcefully Vaxxed. Don't Ever Think That This Would Not Happen In America. Cause All You Have To Do Is Think Back Two Years Ago and Then Look at The Condition of America Today. The BIG ?????? 'Will Americans Allow This To Happen In Their Country'?

Another Pro Athlete Drops/Crashes On The Court From A Heart Attack. This is Yet Another Vital Topic Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Are Not Touching. So Far 120 Pro Football Players Have Collapsed and Died While Performing Their Sport On The Court and In The Stadium. Over 500 Pro Athletes Have Become Seriously Ill and Had To Quit Their Sport. They ALL Were Vaxxed and Most Suffered Sudden Heart Failure. They Were Once Healthy Fit Men and Women.

REMEMBER The Cabal 'INVERT' Everything. With That Being Said, Its' The 'UNVACCINATED' That Will Be Healthy and Strong Over The Winter Because They Have Not Jeapordized Their Immune System With an mRNA Experimental Bioweapon That is Not Designed For Humans.

According to the Inventor of mRNA 'Robert Malone' mRNA is Not for Human Use Click HERE To View.

EMA Recommends Approval of Novavax Covid Jab European Medicines Agency (EMA) experts have said that the US-manufactured Novavax vaccine should be approved, with the EU bloc already signing up to order 200 MILLION doses.

Researchers hope that since the protein-based jab uses more conventional decades-old technology, and produces fewer side effects, it will help combat vaccine hesitancy.

Novavax has already been granted emergency approval in Indonesia, and awaits full approval in the UK, Canada and Australia. Protein-based vaccines are also being developed in India, China, Canada, South Korea and by a British-French company.

Time Lapse of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 2028-3000+ Click HERE To View.

This Video Contains A Listing of Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Symptoms Many People Might Be Experiencing During This Time of Earth and Humanities Planetary Evolvement/Ascension Process as We Exit The 3D MATRIX and Enter Into 5th Dimension. Click HERE To View.

Video Selections From Cosmic Agencies YouTube Channel

1- 22+ Extraterrestrial Races Forming a Human Being? Click HERE To View.

2- There Is No Material World Part 1 Click HERE To View.

3- There Is No Material World Part 2 Click HERE To View.

4- There Is No Material World Gosia's Input Click HERE To View.

5- What Happens After Death? Why Is There No Material World? Click HERE To View.

6- Liberation of Earth Worlds and Planet Click HERE To View.

Three Ships Blasting Their High Beams.

Portal Opens In A Garage And Swallows Up A Man Who Walked Right Into It. Portals Are Opening Up All Over The World. If You See One Opening Stay Away From It. Once You Are Sucked Inside a Portal You Could Be Transported To Another Planet/Dimension, Never To Return. Click HERE To View.

Injured Alien Examined By Dr. Jonathan Reed. Click HERE To View.

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