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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Dr. Zelenko is One Of The Brave Doctors Who Spoke The Truth Regarding The COVID Scam, Now The Cabal Are Attacking Him. He Says 'If Anything Happens To Him He Is Not Suicidal and He's In Good Health'. The General Needs Tp Wake Up and Realize America Like The Rest of The World is in A Civil War and The Public is Not Only Being Attacked Collectively But People Are Being Attacked Individually.

The Cabal Use Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) to Cause Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Trauma, Harm and Death To Those Who Speak Out Against Them. D.E.W. Weapons Can Kill Anyone in A Matter of Seconds Without Leaving Any Identifiable Evidence.

While Your Local Mainstream Media News Outlets Have Abandoned The American Public To Serve Their Cabal Masters, Regular Ordinary People Like Dr. Zelenko Are Literally Placing Their Lives and The Lives of Their Families and Friends On The Line To Keep The American Public Informed with The Truth.

Author: Sen-I

Dr. Lee Merritt Explains The Connection Between COVID-19 & 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Sickness.

Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing. In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53. Click HERE To View.

Bayer Pharmaceuticals President S. Oelrich Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic” Coercion

“Ultimately The mRNA Vaccines Are an Example for That Cell and Gene Therapy. I Always Like to Say: If We Had Surveyed Two Years Ago in The Public, ‘Would You Be Willing to Take a Gene or Cell Therapy and Inject It into Your Body?’, We Probably Would Have Had A 95% Refusal Rate.”

Does The American Public Still Require More Proof That They've Been Scammed and They Have Willingly Taken Part In The Worlds BIGGEST Medical Experiment an Experiment That Will Sadly Sicken, Permanently Disable, Destroy and Take Most of Their Lives and The Lives of Their Children.

Another Ancient Alien Clue That is Connected To The History of Humanity.

This is an Old Post It Still Speaks The Truth Today.

Dozens of Athletes Are Dropping Like Flies and Nobody’s Allowed To Ask Why. Correction 'People Are Afraid To Ask Why, Because They Arre Afraid To Question The Narrative. This is The BIG Problem People No Longer Use Their Critical Thinking Skills, They Believe Whatever They Are Told To Believe or Whatever They Say is True.

In Todays World Most People Do Not Question Anything. Whether They Are Vaxxed or Not Those Inclined to Believe Whatever They Are Told is True Have Already Transformed Into A Programmable Robot. I am So Grateful I've Never Lost or Given Up My Ability To Think Outside of The Box.

I've Always Been The Type of Person When You Tell Me 'NO', I Say 'YES' and I Move Forward Doing What I Feel is In My Best Interest. I Never Was One Who Followed Crowds, Trends and Public Narratives. People Like Myself Are Generally Viewed as Loners, Outsiders, Weird, Outcasts, Conspiracy Theorists, Crazy, Defiant etc.

That's Because We Are Willing To Stand Strong For What We Believe In, While Many People Around Us Cave In, Question Nothing and Point Their Fingers and Cast Judgement at Us Because We Choose To Stand Strong and Fight Against The Tyranny.

I Bid Big Kuddos To All Freedom Fighters Who Chose To Stand Strong During This Planetary/Global War. We're Not Only Fighting For Ourselves, But We Are Fighting For Those Who Can't Fight ie; The Disabled, Sickly, Elderly and Those Who've Turned Their Backs On Us. How Many More People Must Die Before The American Public Wake Up Out of Their Slumber? Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Pfizer Pill Becomes 1st US-Authorized Home COVID Treatment. Wow These Satanist Are Truly Desperate To Kill Off Humanity. How Did BIG Pharma PFizer Come Up With a Home Treatment For The COVID-19 Omicron Variant? The COVID-19 Virus Doesn't Exist Because The Actual Virus Was NEVER Identified So Therefor It Could Not Be Isolated, So Therefore an Invisible/Non Existing Virus Can Not Create Any Variants. Anyone Who Falls For This B.S. Once Again You Are Officially Been Transformed Into a Mind Controlled Transhuman Robot and Sadly You've Probably Lost The Ability To Use Your Critical Thinking Skills. You'll Believe and Do Whatever Your Cabal Masters Tell You To Do. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

(((((We Were Told The Experimental COVID Vaccines Were Going to “Stop The Spread.”

Yet, Over 620 Residents of Oregon Died of COVID-19 Despite Being Fully Vaccinated, Recently Published State Data Shows.))))) COVID-19 Does Not Exist. People Are Getting Sick and Dying From A Pumped Up Version of The Flu That is Being Activated and Pumped Up By 5G.

Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) Are Also Being Used On The Public.

Over The Past Few Weeks I've Talked Extensively About The Dangers of Direct Energy Weapons and How The Cabal Can Use D.E.W. To Sicken and or Kill One Person or Millions and Not Leave Any Evidence.

Those Who've Experienced The Symptoms of Fake COVID Were Hit By and or D.E.W.. If The Cabal Decide To Zaop You Using Direct Energy Weapon They Can Create Any Type of Life Threatening Disease In Your Body Including Stage 4 Cancer In a Matter of Minutes, So Creating Flu Like Symptoms In A Human Body Is A Piece of Cake For Their Direct Energy Weapon.

Anyone Who's Been Sick With Fake COVID-19 Virus Was Zapped By The Cabals D.E.W. or 5G Activated The Nano In Your Body. Since The Mid 1990's The Cabal Have Been Poisoning The Human Body with Nano Particles.

Nano Particles Have Been Placed In The Air, Water and Food Supply. Nano Particles Are Programmable Miniaturized Computers. They Are Either Pre Programmed or They Can Be Activated at A Specific Time When It Connects with 5G.

If You Have Any of The Latest Tech Gadgets That Hook Up To WiFi at Some Point Your Smart Phone/Gadgets Connect To 5G To Power Up. Your Smart Phones and Gadgets Connect To 5G and Then It Connects To The Nano Particles That Are Inside of Your Body.

Believe This or Not Your Smart Phones and Gadgets Activate and Program The Nano Particles That Are In Your Body. In Short They Can Program Your Body To Create The Symptoms of COVID-19. Once You Arrive at The Hospital Your Life is In Their Hands, Because The Staff at Many Hospitals In The US Have Been Instructed On How To 'Wrongly' treat and Handle The Influx of Fake COVID-19 Cases.

Hospitals Make Over $60,000 For Every Person They Place On A Ventilator Who Has COVID-19. They Make Over $100, 000 For Every Person Who Dies of COVID-19 and They Make $35,000 For Every Person They Diagnose with COVID-19.

Yall' Get The Picture Now? They Are Making BIG Bucks Off Of Fake COVID-19. Every Person Who Walks Into A Hospital They Are Overly Quick To Assume They Have COVID-19 Because They Want The Money and They Don't Give A Rats Ass About The Patient.

Patients Have Become Dollar Signs and Some Hospitals Have Become 'High Kill Zones'. Unless Its' Absolutely Necessary I Urge Everyone To Stay Away From The Hospitals. If Possible Self Treat Your Minor Illnesses at Home. Stop Running To These Cabal Owned Hospitals. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

I Can't Help But Laugh at This, If You Know The Truth Then You'll Understand This Post. Sadly Many Who've Been Vaxxed Have A High Risk of Dying From Heart Related Illness During The Winter Months of 2021. This Poster Proves The Cabal are Already Trying To Create Excuses That Will Explain The Sudden Deaths of Hundreds if Not Thousands of People. I Wont Even Talk About The Sudden Deaths of Babies and Children, Which Has Already Begun.

They Say 'If You Don't Get It Right The First, Second, Third Time Around History Will Continuously Repeat Itself'. Believe it or Not We Are Witnessing and Experiencing The Holocaust of The 21st Century.

Author: Sen-I

Immunization Expert: ‘Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous; Vaccinated People Are Dangerous For Others’ Click HERE To View.

A Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) Forced the FDA to Reveal INTENTIONALLY HIDDEN DEATHS of KIDS! The agency said it would take 55 YEARS to release the data, because over 300k pages need to be REDACTED to protect “trade secrets” for Pfizer and BioNTech!

Large Galactic Ship Recently Spotted In The US.

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