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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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All McDonalds Across The Globe Ordered Closed After FBI Discovered They Are Serving Human Meat. FBI Finds The Remains of Humans at McDonalds Meat Supplier. Immediate Closures also involve Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar’s Red Ruby Rings, Red Shoes and Keystone Foods, All Used for Disposing of Dead Bodies.

Since The Outbreak of Fake COVID-19 McDonalds Restaurants Have Been Shutting Down Globally. Processed Meat Factories Across The World that Use Rona’d: Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Pasties & Any Other Processed Meats.

All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten Getting Ground Up & Put Inside Jewelry, Shoes etc. See Those Red Jewel Rings, The Red Shoes The Cabal, Elite and Hollywood Celebrities Wear? They are Made With The Remains of The Millions of Right Children They've Murdered.

Look Up Cemex & Heinz too. Cemex Is a Company That Mixes The Cement and Then They Make Bricks. The Pulverized Remains of Children and Adults They've Murdered is Mixed In With The Cement and Then it is Molded and Shaped Into Millions Upon Millions of Bricks, These Are The Same Bricks Used To Build The Buildings and The Homes We Live In.

TAKE NOTE: They Will Use COVID-19 as an Excuse to Close McDonalds and Many Other Eateries Worldwide.

I Hate To Say This But I Will 'We Told You So, But Yall' Didn't Listen, Maybe Now You Will'. The Tampering of Americas Food & Water Supply Has Been Ongoing Since The 1960's'. Check Out The 1960's Movie 'Soylent Green', Starring Burt Reynolds.

Mc Donalds is a Staple Here In America Among Toddlers, Kids, Teens, Adults and Seniors. Prepare Yourselves Emotionally Because There Will Be Many Other Top Named Eateries That Will Be Shutting Down, Because They Serve Human Meat.

Author: Sen-I

Below Are The Links to Some of The Mc Donalds Closures

5O Mc Donalds Restaurants Close In Kuta Beach Click HERE To View

50 McDonalds Restaurants ''Temporarily' Close Click HERE To View.

Australia Closes 76 Venues (Because of Exposure To Corona Virus) Click HERE To View.

UK Closes 33 Mc Donalds Click HERE To View.

Mc Donalds Closures In Indonesia Click HERE To View.

McDonalds to Cose Hundreds of Locations in Walmart Stores Click HERE To View.

Times Square’s Glitzy, Four-Story McDonald’s Is Shutting Down After 17 Years Click HERE To View.

A Dozen McDonald’s Across Victoria Close Click HERE To View.

McDonald’s Suffers Cyberattack in US, South Korea and Taiwan Click HERE To View.

Woolworths, Coles and McDonald’s Are Exposed to COVID Putting Thousands of Customers On Alert Click HERE To View.

Some Meat Processing Plants Shutdown Due To COVID-19 Cases Click HERE To View.

Salmonella Outbreak In 17 States Linked To Italian-Style Meats, CDC Says Click HERE To View.

Dangerous’ Chemicals Found in 80% of McDonald’s, Burger King & Pizza Hut Meals Click HERE To View.

Media Mogul Byron Allen Sends Open Letter Calling for McDonald’s President/CEO’s Resignation Click HERE To View.

The FDA Allows 4% of Human Flesh in All Meat Sold In The US. Each Year In The US Alone Over 300,000 Children Go Missing and Lets' Not Forget About The Number of Adults That Go Missing Each Year.

At Least 95% of The People Who Go Missing Wind Up Being Trafficked, Sacrificed, Shipped Off Planet, Tortured and Murdered. What Do You Think They Do with The Remains of The People They've Slaughtered Here On Earth? How Do They Get Rid of The Evidence?

They Drain The Blood Grind Up The Bodies and Mix It In The US Food Supply. This Tainted Meat Winds Up Being Sold To The Consumer at Local Supermarkets and High End Restaurants and Fast Food Eateries. NYC Has ONE Restaurant That I Am Aware of That Caters To The Elite, Cabal and Celebrities and They Specialize in Preparing and Serving Human Meat To Their Customers.

The FDA Approves of Human Sacrifice, Human Flesh Being Added To The Food Supply. This Shouldn't Surprise Any of Yall' Because The FDA Also Approved of The M'derna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Bioweapons Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine.

All of These Alphabet Soup Government/Non Government Agencies Are Corrupt To The Core and They Are In Cahootz With The Satanic Cabal. Matter A Fact They Are Owned and Controlled By The NAZI Based Cabal System Who Are Ruled By Demonic Alien Races. Click HERE To View

Author: Sen-I

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