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Thoughts On The Coming Android Invasion. The Main Thrust Of This Bioweapon Agenda IS Transhumanism... The Dead and Injured Are Just Considered Collateral Damage. Recently a source said that a Chinese lab HEATED a vial of the vax from 70 degrees to 98.6 degrees and voila … a plethora of miniscule creatures started coming alive that they had never known were there! You have to ask yourself WHY did they need to insert so many toxins and actual living parasites and poisons into 1 so called VAX? Aside from the obvious population reduction and the Graphene neuro network link up that we already know is in there.. WHAT ELSE IS THIS DIABOLICAL SUBSTANCE called the vax and its many variants and versions doing?? Food for thought.

You see the idea behind ALL THOSE STRANGE CREATURES INSERTED IN TO THE VAX begins to tell a different story… they are planting something into the VAX that NO ONE realizes or recognizes… and it may have to do with priming the TRANSHUMAN FOR built in immunity to many diabolical creatures that they could encounter off or on world…

The question is how much does TRUMP KNOW about this side of the VAX agenda? And why they need so many TRANSHUMANS…for space travel yes… but perhaps also for the coming Android invasion that is said to be headed here in the next few years…


Author: Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot

3 Block Long Zombified Sheeple People Line Up in Northwest DC To Get Their Free Defected and Fake Home PCR Test. They Habe No Idea This DANGEROUS Nose Swab Tes Can Easily Rupture and Puncture The Membrane That Leads To Their Brain and Kill Them Instantly or Cause Irreversible Brain Damage and Other Serious Health Related Issues.

If They Did A Little Research They'd Realize These PCR Tests Are Not Made To Diagnose Virus' . The PCR Tests Are Being Used as A Tool To Further Promote The Cabals Scam. The PCR Test Are Also Being Used To Collect The DNA of Those Who Submit To It and It Also Inserts Dangerous Nano Particles Into The Body. The Sleeping Zombi Sheeple Would Know The Truth if They Did A Little Research Instead of Reacting Out Of Fear.

Fake President Biden Puts On A Christmas Singalong in The East Wing of The White House. People Dressed as Healthcare Workers Sing Cristmas Carols To The Non Existing Audience at The White House. Only Problem is The White House Has Been Shut Down Since The Beginning of 2021. This Christmas Fiasco Was Staged Using Fake White House Set Props. This is How Stupid and Uninformed They Think The American Public is. Sadly Many Uninformed Americans Who Tuned Into This Crap Show Fell For This Insulting B.S. Hook Line and Sink.

The official figures from the UK Health Security Agency Show That The Fully Vaccinated Population of The UK Accounted for Four in Every Five COVID Deaths Over A 4 week Period. This is not data from some conspiracy theorist on the Internet. These are the official figures from the government of the United Kingdom. Eighty-two percent of the people dying of COVID-19 in the UK are double or triple jabbed. The "vaccines" do not meet the legal or scientific definition for a vaccine, and they do not work. Click HERE To View.

Thousands of New York City Residents Have Been Waiting in Lines in Below-Freezing Temperatures for Hours to Get Tested for The New COVID Omicron Variant.

Dr. Robert Willner Accuses Dr. Fauci and the National Institute on Health (N.I.H.) of Genocide in 1994

Austrian City Seeks “BOUNTY HUNTERS” to Pursue and Fine Unvaxxed

A city in Austria is looking for employees who will be tasked with enforcing fines against those unwilling to get the Covid jab. The recruitment drive comes weeks ahead of a sweeping vaccine mandate in the European country.

Successful candidates will be issuing penalties, processing appeals and taking measures against those who fail to shell out their fine for being unvaccinated, the job ad for the city of Linz says.

The opening line says the job will suit those who “take pleasure in working with legislation and administrative procedures,” with a starting salary from $3,126 per month. Click HERE To View.

US Military Claims Vax to Cure ALL Covid Variants The US Defense Department has said it's weeks away from announcing a new universal Covid vaccine, a top medic told Defense One.

According to Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad, chief virologist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the jab would work not only against the existing novel coronavirus strains, but also those that emerge in the future.

The vaccine, named Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle, or SpFN, successfully completed animal trials earlier this year, as well as the first phase of human ones.

(((((There is No COVID So Where In Hell Are All Of These Supposed Cures Coming From and What Is The Hidden Agenda?))))) This Is The Question The Public Needs To Ask Before Considering Being Injected with Yet Another Bioweapon. Always REMEMBER Humanity is in the Midst of WAR and GENOCIDE. In War You Can Not Trust The Enemy and In This War Your Next Door Neighbor Could Suddenly Become Your Enemy. Click HERE To View.

Fake President Biden's Christmas Gift To You and Your Kin 'FREE PCR Test Kits'.

DC Mayor Mandates COVID Vaccines to All Eligible Students from March — District to Bring Back Masking

Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that beginning March 1, 2022, all students eligible for an FDA-approved Coronavirus vaccine must be immunized to attend classes.

She also said that Washington DC’s indoor mask mandate will be brought back through until at least January 31 in an attempt to slow the spread.

Bowser will also enforce a vaccine booster mandate for city workers and will offer free at-home rapid test kits available from some city libraries.

Woman Politely Asks A CVS Pharmacist to Pull A Moderna Safety Insert From Package.

and The Insert Was Blank! The Pharmacist Was Very Nervous and Uncomfortable, Because He Had No Answers or Excuses. All He Could Think To Say Was 'I'm Just Doing What I Am Told'. I Felt Very Sad and Sorry For Him, But Pharmacist and Anyone Else Injecting These Poisons Into Another Living They Can Not Use The Excuse 'I'm Just Doing What I Am Told'.

The Public is Placing Their Trust In Those Who Are Administering The Jab and They Are Responsible For Participating In Injuring and Murdering People. But At The Same Time Every Adult Who Agrees to Take The Jab is Responsible for Their Decisions and Doing Their Own Research Before Making Their Final Choice To Take The Jab is Their Responsibility As Well.

Bill Gates Warns Omicron Surge will be “Worst Part of Pandemic” Microsoft founder Bill Gates has looked into his crystal ball again, saying Omicron is breaking out “faster than any virus in history.” The billionaire said it's forced him to cancel his holiday plans as the “worst part of the pandemic” approaches.

In a Twitter thread he added that he expects Omicron waves to be relatively short, at less than 3 months.

Gates is sticking to his earlier prediction that the world will be on top of the virus in 2022 - says the man invested heavily in the response to the pandemic.

((((( For Those Who Don't Know Bill and Malinda Gates Were Killed/Executed Over 10 Years Ago and The Aliens/Cabal Replaced Them with Demonic Reptilian Look A Like Clones.)))) Click HERE To View.

Pfizer’s First COVID-19 Pill Treatment Approved for Emergency Use in US. Paxlovid tablets were given emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration. The first pill treatment of this kind, it can be prescribed to high-risk patients aged 12 and older.

“Today’s authorization introduces the first treatment for Covid-19 that is in the form of a pill that is taken orally – a major step forward in the fight against this global pandemic,” the director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research said.

The combination of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir packaged for oral use will be available to treat mild-to-moderate Covid-19 in people who test positive and are at “high risk for progression to severe” disease, including hospitalization or death, the FDA said Wednesday. Click HERE To View.

If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember This 'Believe NOTHING and Question Everything'.


Hospitals in US Pushed Into Bankruptcy as Health-Care Profession Suffers “Great Resignation” Hospitals are buckling under nursing shortfalls as hiring replacement costs spiral wildly out of control and the winter surge of Covid grips the nation. (Bloomberg)

“This is like survival stakes,” the head of health-care practice at BDO USA said. Winners are “whoever’s highest on the food chain and who has the biggest checkbook.”

According to Bloomberg, institutions with smaller budgets and are oftentimes serving the poor, remain understaffed while larger hospitals pull in workers. And if they try to compete for employees, budget shortfalls end in financial catastrophe. Click HERE To View.

Unfair and Square? The Issue of Transgender Athletes is Back in The US News. The Cabals Transgender Agenda is Yet Another One of Their Diabolical Plans To Confuse Children About Their Gender.

ALL Of These Transgender Beings Were Created By The Cabal Using GENE Therapy To Manipulate and Disarrange Their Genetics While They Were Developing in Their Mothers Womb. YES, They Have The Technology To Alter The Genes That Control Male/Female Hormones.

Their End Goal Was To Have Girls Think They Were Boys and Boys Think They Were Girls. Their Experiment was Not Too Successful On Girls, But as Yall' Can See It Worked On The Male Population. Here in The US Over The Past 10+ Years Many Young Boys are Identifying Themselves as Girls. Some Males Start Identifying as Girls as Early as 3-5 Years Old.

This is The Result of The Cabal Altering Their Genetics as They Developed in Their Mothers Womb. Altering Human Gender is as Easy as The Mother Popping A Specific Medication/Vitamin During Her Pregnancy. The Gender Altering Gene is Also Placed in Vaccines and In The Food/Water Supply.

It Works Mainly on The Human Male. If You Ever Wondered Why There is a Sudden Influx on Male Children, Teens Young Adults Identifying as Female, Its' Because The Cabal Have Been Experimenting Altering Their Genes That Control The Flow of Their Male/Female Hormones.

Take Note of Their Fascination of Making Their Male Minions and Male Hollywood Celebrities Dress and Act Like Women. Their Demon God Moloch Demands The Inversion of The Male/Female Gender, But it Mainly Wants To Invert The Male Gender.

Author: Sen-I

Perfectly Preserved 72-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Embryo Has Been Discovered in China. The specimen was found in Ganzhou, southern China, and is one of the most complete dinosaur embryos ever unearthed believed to between 66 and 72 million years old.

"Baby Yingliang” is unique among dinosaur embryos and reminiscent of today’s modern birds, developing a bird-like posture before they hatched.

The egg is 6.7 inches long and 3.15 inches wide, and the skeleton itself is 9.84 inches in length.

What is a Prison Planet? Click HERE To View.

Humanity Has Entered The Storm. We Will Stay Afloat and Swim Away or We'll Sink and Drown.

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