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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Demons Are REAL and They Look and Talk Like Us and They Walk Among Us. 'Walk Ins' Will Remove Your SOUL Then They'll Inhabit Your Body. Hence The 1950's Movie 'The Body Snatchers'. If You Want To Know The Truth of This Reality Just Sit Down and Watch Old/New Sci Fi Movies/TV Series.

The Truth Of This Reality Has Always Been Revealed Using Hollywood. The Cabal Have Been Revealing The Truth All Along In Hollywood Movies and TV Series. As I've Been Saying For Years 'If You Want Truth, Sit Down And Grab The Popcorn'.

German Energy Suppliers Go Bust Another German energy provider has ceased operations as a result of the unprecedented gas price surge on the European market, Focus news magazine reported on Friday.

According to the media, electricity discounter Stromio has become the seventh provider since October to halt supplies to household customers. Most of these companies have filed for bankruptcy. Stromio explained that the move is due to the “historically unique price development in the electricity market.” Industry experts believe that several hundred thousand customers will be affected by the termination. (((((Destroying The Old To Bring In The New FREE Energy.))))). Click HERE To View.

This is The Sun, Blasting Earth With Electromagnetic Waves. Believe it or Not My Home Planet The Sun Plays a Very BIG Role In Humanities Awakening Process. Her Blasts of Electromagnetic Waves is Connects With Your DNA and it Awakens and Fires Up Your Galactic Genetics.

If You've Been Vaccinated Your Original DNA Is Transforming Into a Transhuman. Transhumans Are Not Considered 'Natural' Because Their DNA Has Been Altered From its' Natural State. The Sun Can Not Connect or Transmute To Anything or Anyone That is Outside of What is Considered Natural. I Don't Know How The Awakening Process Will Affect Those Who've Been Vaxxed, I Don't Think Anyone Knows.

Author: Sen-I

Military Researchers Develop Corpse-Eating Robots Click HERE To View.

A Tesla Coil is a Type of Resonant Transformer Circuit Invented by Nikola Tesla Around 1891. It is used to produce high voltage, relatively high current, high frequency alternating current electricity. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations and they consist of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.

Tesla used these coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena, electrotherapy, radio technology and the transmission of electrical energy without wires.

The Tesla coil is an early predecessor (along with the induction coil) of a more modern device called a flyback transformer, which provides the voltage needed to power the cathode ray tube used in televisions and computer monitors. The versions of Tesla coil is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment.

Unlimited FREE Energy Is Literally In The Atmosphere. Nikola Tesla A Galactic Human and a Venusian From The Planet Venus Incarnated On Earth To Show Earth Humans How To Harness and Use FREE Energy. The Cabal Have Been Using Free Energy Since The Early 1900's.

The Cabal Murdered Tesla, Stole ALL of His Inventions and The Patents and They Withheld The Tesla's Technologies From Humanity. Human/Alien GREED Is Extremely Ugly.

Its' Now Going Into The Year 2022 and The Tesla Energy Towers Are Being Installed Throughout The World. Below is What an Abundance of Free Energy Looks Like. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Nikola Tesla Harnessing Free Energy.

Tesla's Energy is Not Only Beautiful T Watch Its' Also Fun To Listen Too. YES, Energy Can Make Beautiful Sounds and Music. Listen This Is The Sound of Energy. (((((Tesla Towers Make Music - If You Want to Understand the Universe, Think in Terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. Nikola Tesla)))))

Happy Holidays to Everyone Who Has Survived This Year and Who Has Put Their Trust Into Their Innate Immune System. Let Us Not Forget Those Who Placed Their Trust In The Fake Non Existing US Government Who Want Them Dead.

This is What Mass Mind Control Mixed With Ignorance Looks Like. The Cabal Use Certain Sounds and Colors To Alter The Brain Waves and Then Through Advanced Technology Program Commands Into The Minds of The People.

Just Look, Mass Mind Control is Occurring In This Video. They Are All Aiming Their Smart Phones At A Moving Banner That Reads 'Kyle Rittenhouse'. The People in This Crowd Are Being Programmed To Worship 'Kyle Rittenhouse'.

These Are Three of The Victims Shot In The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting That Happened In 2012. The Boy On The Left is 'Noah Pozner'. Noah Pozner Was Killed In The Sandy Hook School Shooting. Click HERE To View.

This Is Kyle Rittenhouse aka Noel Pozner All Grown Up Alive and Well. Fr Those Who Do Not Know The Sandy Hook Schoiol Shooting Was a False Flag, Pre Planned Staged Event. No One Was Killed It Was All Acted Out. Noel Pozner Was One Of The Main Characters In This Staged Shooting.

Today Noel Pozner aka Kyle Rittenhouse is Playing a New Scripted Role of Victim Turned Hero. Instead of Getting Shot and Dying as He Did in 2012, In 2021 He Was Convicted of Shooting The Young Men Who Wanted To Shoot Him.

The Cabal Enjoy Screwing The Minds of The People. To Bypass The Cabal's B.S. You Have To Take Time To Study Previous False Flag Events and You Have Too Know How To Decode a False Flag, Staged Event. It Takes Time and Dedication, But It Can Be Done. Once You Can Decode The MATRIX We Live In You re No Longer Entrapped or Enslaved In The MATRIX. Click HERE To View.

This is What I Call 'Recycled Crisis Actors'. A Recycled Crisis Actor is a Person The Cabal Use In More Then One Pre Planned, False Flag Staged Events. The Average Person Will Most Likely Not Realize They Are Being Deceived and Lied Too, But Then There Are People Like Myself Who Spent Years Researching and Learning The Cabals Game, So We Can Decode Their Bull Shit. Just Like The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, This Shooting Starring A Cabal Mind Controlled Puppet and 2nd Time Recycled Crisis Actor Kyle Rittenhouse is B.S. Too. Next.........................

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