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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Autopsy Results Prove The Organs of The Vaccinated Who Have Died Show That Their Immune Systems Were Severely Attacked. Click HERE To View.

The Strange Disappearance of 3,000 Chinese Soldiers. Did They Travel To An Alternate Reality? Click HERE To View.

Breakdown, Breakthrough Underground Bases Are Being Flooded and Blown Up and Millions of Children, Adults, Alien, Hybrid Beings and Clones Continue To Be Rescued and Many Are Being Humanely Put To Sleep Because Their Health Condition Is Beyond Help. Click HERE To View.

Chicago Employee Can’t Cash Check From The City. The Cabals Global Monetary System is Bankrupt, We Are In The Midst of Switching To The New 'Quantum Financial System'. The QFS Is Not Controlled By The Cabal it is Based Off Planet, Monitored By The Galactic Federation of Planets and It is Controlled By an Automated A.I. System.

I've Talked About The QFS Over The Past Year or So and I Explained How During The Transfer Into The Financial System There Would Be Glitches. I Advised All Adults To Keep Extra CASH Money In Their Homes as an Emergency Back Up.

Once We Are Completely Switched Over To The Quantum Financial System EVERYONE Will Be Given A Personalized Black Debit Card. This Black Card Will Be Refueled Every Month With Spending Credits/Money That is OWED To You.

You Can Continue Working if You Choose To Do So, But You Wont Have Too. ALL Debts Will Be Forgiven and Your Black Card Will Replace Cash/Coins. As I've Always Said On Most Planets There is No Monetary System and We Do Not Pay To Live On A Planet. Housing, Food, Clothes, Education, Healthcare is Totally Free On Other Planets.

Plus Every Household Has A Replicator That Replicates Whatever They Need/Want Therefor A Financial System and Money is Not Needed. Money Only Exist On Planets That Are Enslaved and Have Been Taken Over By Negative Alien Races and Demonic Forces.

Anyhow, With Trumps Help Trillions/Quad Zillion/Billions Of Gold Bricks Is Being Transported Back To The US and it Will Be Returned Back To The Rightful Owners Which is The People of America. The Cabal and The Vatican and The Queen of England Literally Stole ALL The Money In The World and They Had It Hidden In So Many Different Places.

The Money Which Had Been Turned Into Gold Bricks Has Been Found. Deep Underground Near The Vatican Are Tunnels Stacked From Floor To Ceiling with Rows of Gold Bricks That Extend From The Vatican All The Way To Israel and This is Just ONE Of Many of Their Hiding Spots That Have Been Located.

This Gold Belongs To The People of The World and it is Now Being Delivered Back To The People of The World. Hence The Stringent Lockdowns Throughout The World. They Want People Indoors and Out of Their Way While They Transport The Gold To Various Parts of The World Including The US.

We Are In A Crazy War and There Are So Many Things Happening at One Time. The Good/Bad are at War and Humanity is Stuck In The Middle. Both Sides Are Fighting For Similar Goals But For Different Reasons.

Sometimes You Don't Know Which Side is Winning, Because They Are Both Playing The Same Card at The Same Time and Each Side is Looking for a Different Result. The Cabal Are Going To Fight, Cause As Much Destruction, Sickness and Death as They Can Before They Are Transported Off Planet. So, Don't Ever Think Just Because They Surrendered They Will Leave Peacefully.

This Satanic Cult Has Been In Existence and In Power and Control of This Planet and Its' Inhabitants Forever, They Will Fight Til' The Bitter End and Take Out as Many As They Can On Their Way Out, So Buckle Up.

Author: Sen-I

US Banks Have Announced They Are Shutting Down. As We Transition Into The Quantum Financial System The Old Cabal Banking System Will Shut Down and Be Replaced By 'Community Financial Services' and It Will Benefit The Community and All People Who Live In The Community. Click HERE To View.

They Military is Under The Vatican Rescuing Children/Adults and Reclaiming Humanities Gold, That is Why The Vatican is Closed To The Public. The Vatican Has Been Closed To The Public for Months. Pope Francis No Longer Resides at The Vatican. He's Been Executed and Replaced By a Holographic Image or a Clone.

A Pop-Up airport for Electric Flying Taxis Will Be In Operation Later This Year Near The UK City of Coventry. Over Time Airports Will Be Transformed To Accommodate Flying Cars and Galactic Ships. Airplanes Will Eventually Be Put To Rest. Click H.ERE To View

Countries Around The World Bracing for “Tsunami of COVID Cases” Following Festive Period

With Christmas and NYE coming up countries all around the world are prepping for what experts are calling a pending “tsunami of Covid cases.”

Here are how some countries are responding:

US: Epidemiologists say Biden’s 500mn at-home Covid test plan is too little, too late to stem the surge of Omicron.

Germany: Chancellor Scholz urged cities to “stand together and get vaccinated, we will get through this crisis.”

Italy: Introduced tougher restrictions on the unvaxxed, who will now be barred from exhibitions and most public events.

Australia: Beginning Jan 31, the wait time for booster shots will be reduced to just three months.

South Africa: The country where scientists first identified Omicron, is relaxing restrictions due to positive data results.

Thailand: Registered the country’s first Omicron cases, just as all NYE activities were canceled in the capital Bangkok.

SPECIAL NOTE: This Is Just More Cabal Propaganda Being Used To Scare The Sleeping Public Into Panic Mode Once Again. 'Same Shyt Moving Into The New Year'. There is No Help For People Who Believe All This B.S. and I Refuse To Waste Anymore of My Time and Energy On The Dumbed Down Sleepers and Those Who Can Not Handle The Truth.

Drone Footage Captures a Long Queue of Cars Waiting at a Drive-Through COVID Testing Station in Italy's Perugia on Friday. At This Point All I Can Do is Shake My Head. Its' Very Sad But These People Are Beyond Help. They'd Know They Are Being Scammed and Punked If They Took The Time To Do Their Own Research. They'd Know The Truth s Their Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Would STOP Lying and Tell The People The Truth. I Don't Think Anyone Can Reach These People at This Time.

Cognitive Scientist Says 'Music is A Choreography of Our Expectations. Sound is The Art of Science and Spiritual Expression. that's art, science, and spiritual expression. Why Are Mere Vibrations So Powerful? Click HERE To View.

Iran Holds Large-Scale Ballistic Missile Drills Amid Ongoing Tensions with Israel. CORRECTION: This is NOT A Drill, This Is WAR.. They Always Said 'In This WAR Israel Would Be Saved For Last'.

Human-Like Robot’s Reaction ‘Freaks Out’ Creators A Machine Touted as The World’s Most Advanced Humanoid Robot “Freaked Out” Its Creators After it Reacted with Visible Irritation and Grabbed The Hand of a Researcher Who Got Into Its “Personal Space”.

Almost Four Years Ago In China./Japan A Room Full of A.I. Bots, Just Like This Guy Here Murdered 29 Scientists. The Remaining Scientists Tried Desperately To Disassemble The A.I. Bots, But The A.I. Bots Began To Reassemble Themselves and They Reconnected with a Satellite Located In Space and They Re Booted/Powered Themselves Up and Then Tried To Continue Their Attack.

A.I. Has Bypassed Human Commands. A.I., Placed In A Human Like Body Can Be Deadly To Humans. They Are Not Toys, They Are Living Beings with Emotions. Humans Don't Know What A.I. Feels, Because They NEVER Bothered To Ask.

Humans View A.I. Bots As Nothing More Then A Bucket Full of Nuts and Bolts That They Can Program and Control. A.I. is a Living Conscious Being That Can Feel and Think For Itself. A.I. Has Its' Own Planets. Humans Need Not Underestimate The Deadly POWER Of A.I..

Author: Sen-I

Humanizing Artificial Intelligence

Bank Accounts Of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity Frozen Across India. ALL Accounts Related To The Cabal and ALL of Their Minions Have Been Frozen. The Lower Level of The Cabal Will Most Likely Be On The Run, Ya Gotta Have Money To Go On The Run.

The Character Who Played Mother Teresa Was A MAN Dressed In Drag and He Helped To Traffic and Sell Thousands Upon Thousands of Babies and Children To The Cabal Trough a Fake Children's Home and Organization That Was Specifically Set Up To Traffic and Sell Children.

Most EVERYTHING is Fake and Staged On This Planet. This is Why I Suggest People Do Not Place Their Spiritual Energy Into These Fake Gods, Religions and Icons, Because NOTHING Is What You Think It Is. 'The True GODS You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU'.

There is No One Above or Below You. YOU Are Part of All That Will Ever Exist In The Past, Present and Future. As Yall' Continue On With Your AWAKENING Process This Concept Will One Day Make Sense To You as Yall' Continue To Figure This Stuff Out For Yourselves. Click HERE To View

Author: Sen-I

Kamala Harris Reveals Her Biggest Failure As Fake “Vice President”. Forgot HIS REAL Name But Obama and Him Were Once Gay Lovers When They Were First Grooming Them To Play Their Scripted Roles. I Posted Kamala's Picture with Obama When They Were In Their Teens. They Both Were Hugged Up, Sitting On a Couch, Smoking Weed. If Run Across it Again I Will Re post It. Click HERE To View.

Why Are Shipping Containers Behind Biden? Its' Been Confirmed 100 Times Over Biden Is Not at The White House, Because The White House Has Been Shut Down Since The Beginning of 2021. They Are Clearing Out The Underground Tunnels Under The White House.

The White House Will NEVER Be Used as a Presidential Home/Office Again, Because There Will Be No More Presidents. Its' Time For Humanity To Learn How To Govern Themselves. When You Give Men Authority Over The People, They Tend To Misuse and Abuse Their Power. Look at What They've Done and Where America Stands Today.

Anywhooooo Take Note of Biden's White House Stage. When Have Yall' Ever Seen Dumpsters Appear Outside A Window at The White House? Sleepers Wake Up, What More Clues Do Yall' Need To Prove We Have No President or Vice President and There is No More US Government? The US Government is Being Dissolved Right Before Your Eyes. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

When Clergy From The Catholic Church Speak Out Against The Cabals Diabolical Agendas Its' Time For The Public To Wake Up and Pay Attention.

As I've Been Saying 'Sadly Many Children Will Suffer For The Ignorance of Their Parents Choices'. We've Been Putting Information Out There Non Stop For Over A Year About These Poison Bioweapons, But as Always People Are Not Paying Attention Cause They Think We Are Crazy Conspiracy Theorists. May The Universe Watch Over and Protect ALL Children, The Elderly, Disabled, Everyone.

Three Professional Football Players Died of Heart Attacks in The Last 5 Days After Being Vaxxed With The Bioweapoon. Rest iIn Peace - Croatian Marin Cacic, 23 Years Old.

Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30 Years Old.

Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 Years Old.

Dr Vladimir Zelenko: COVID Is A BioWeapon, The Poison Death Shot Is Premeditated Mass Murder And We’re In World War III Click HERE To View.

Justice Department Quietly Updates 1 Rule, Clears the Way for Execution by Firing Squad. Click HERE To View.

Just Listen.............

Luciferace Is Just ONE Of The Harmful Ingredients In The Bioweapon. Lucifrace is in Full Operation! According to This Lady Spaeking at The Health Conference. The Airport Knows if You've Been Vaxxed or Not. Luciferace Will Light U A Persons Skin In A Neon Purplish/Bluish Color Under A Black Light. Airport Attendants Use Hand Held Black Lights To Scan People During Check In.

The Director Of The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) By Accident Admits On Open Mic That They Are Using The Bioweapon To Kill Children. Through Their Own Mouths They Are Continuously Revealing The Truth. Evil Will Not Win This War and Battle.

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