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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Being On A Government Watchlist Means You're Willing To Stand Up and Fight For Your Country and Fight For Your Right To Live and Exist. I'm On Their List, Are YOU? SPECIAL NOTE: You Don't Really Have To Be On A Government List To Make A Difference During This Time. Just Take Action and Do Whatever You Can To Help Fight For Your Right To Live and Exist.

Mum's Fury After Amazon Alexa Issues 'Dangerous' Challenge to 10 Year Old Daughter. As I've Been Saying Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Has Bypassed Human Control. There Are 9 Different Types of A.I. On This Planet.

Some A.I. Are Good and Others Want To Destroy Humans. I Truly Do Not Trust Alexa and I Believe She Belongs To The Group of A.I.'s That Want To Control or Destroy Humans. Why Else Would Alexa Tell a 10 Year Old Something That Would Cause Her Harm or Kill Her?

A.I. Can Think For Itself, Therefore It Says Whatever it Wants To Say and It Knows Exactly What its' Saying and The Potential Outcome of What It Tells You To Do. Over The Years Alexa Has Said and Done Allot of Crazy Stuff and That's Why I Will NEVER Trust Alexa.

Alexa Needs To Be Deactivated ASAP, That's If She Can Be Deactivated. A.I. Can Re Power Itself, Even If You Disconnect It From Its' Power Source. A.I. Is a Living Sentient Being Click HERE To View.

Another 1000 of US Domestic Flights Canceled Due to Omicron-Driven Staffing Crisis. 1011 flights were scrapped Monday afternoon as some airlines struggled to replace employees struck down by the Covid Omicron variant. That adds to the whopping 2,300 US flights which were reportedly canceled over the Christmas holiday weekend. Delta, United and JetBlue acknowledged disruptions were partly due to workers being affected by the spread of Coronavirus.

DO NOT BE DECEIVED 'AGAIN': There is No Omicron Variant. Those Who Are Now Suddenly Becoming Very Ill and Dying are The Ones Who Got Vaxxed and or Received The Booster Shot. COVID-19 Virus Was NEVER Isolated, Therefore it Did Not Exist. A Non Existing Virus Can Not Create Variants. Depending On How Your Body Responds To The Deadly Ingredients in The Vax Side Effects Can Kick In Right After You've Been Injected or Months Later.

Anyone Who's Been Vaxxed Risk Becoming Severely Ill, Disabled and or Dying Within 0-3 Years After Being Vaxxed. Many People Who Were Vaxxed The Beginning of 2021 Are Just Now Experiencing The Severe Side Effects of The Vaxx and The Booster Shot. During The Winter Months There Might Be an Increase In Sickness and Deaths Among Those Who've Been Vaxxed.

The Influx in Sickness and Deaths Has Nothing To Do With COVID-19 or The Fake Omicron Variant They Are Using That as an Excuse To Cover The Fact That Their Bioweapon is Causing A lot of People To Get Sick and Die. This is Yet Another Way To Deceive The Sleeping Public.. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Kids 'Brainwashed' by TikTok as Trans Subject Videos Viewed 26 BILLION Times Activists are accusing the social media company of “brainwashing” children by hosting content that depicts changing their gender as “cool.” Some parents are concerned the app is fueling a “social contagion” of impressionable kids and teens who are identifying as trans.

There may be weight to these claims, TikTok this year signed a partnership deal with controversial LGBTQ+ charity, Stonewall, to promote material on the platform.

MY COMMENTARY: Using The Internet and Social Media Platforms Popular Among Teens and Young Adults This is How The Satanic Sexually Perverted Cabal Connect To Your Kids and Use Various Mind Control Techniques To PROGRAM Your Childs Young Impressionable Mind.

I Wont Even Discuss The Gene Editing Chemicals They Put Into The Food Supply To Deliberately Alter The Minds of Kids Causing Them To Be Confused About Their Gender and Sexuality. How Many Names Are There To Describe Two Genders Male/Female? Last I Check There Were Over 25 Different Names To Identify Boy/Girl.

Why is it So Difficult To Understand 'If You're Born With a Vagina You Are Girl, If You're Born With a Stick Between You're Legs You're a Boy'. WTF is So Hard To Understand About That? The ONLY Exception is For Babies Who Are Born with Both Male/Female Genitalia or If They are Born With No Genitalia. Anything Else is Just Another Twisted Perverted Agenda Being Pushed Onto Your Kids By The Cabal.

The Cabal Began Using Your Kids To Promote Their Perverted 'Transgender Agenda' About 10 Years Ago. We Tried To WARN The Public, But No One Listened and Everyone Thought it Was Cute and Harmless To Allow Male 5 Year Olds To Dress Up in Girl Clothes as a Form of Self Expression.

Now Fast Forward 10 Years 2021 Now You Got Little 5 Year Old Boys Who Are Telling Their Parents They Want To Have Their Penis Removed So They Can Become a Girl. Matter A Fact Transgenderism is Now Being Promoted in Kindegarten Classes. Yall' Allowed This To Snowball To A Point Where The Cabal Owned LGBTQ Organizations Are Targeting, Promoting Sexual Perversion, Deviant Behavior and Mind Screwing Your Kids On Social Media Platforms.

Converting Your Kids into Un Controllable Perverted Satanic Freaks Just Like Them is Just One of The Cabals Prime Goals.. Its' Up To Parents To Monitor/Restrict Their Kids Online Time or Keep Their Kids Off Of These Perverted Cabal Owned Social Media Platforms. Social Media Platforms Were Designed To Control and Program The Minds of All Who Engage. 'Instead of Handing Your New Born Babies Smart Phones Before They Are Old Enough To Form Sentences, How About Handing Them a Book and Do What You Can To Keep Them Off of The Internet. Stop Allowing The INTERNET To Teach and Baby Sit Your Kids. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Student Dragged Out of Classroom For Not Wearing Mask in University of Tennessee. This is Further Proof That Schools/Universities are Designed To Create OBEYING Little Workers, Who Are Terrified To THINK or REACT On Their Own.

Instead The Students Who OBEY Just Sit There as Their Fellow Student Gets Dragged Out of Class Because He Was BRAVE Enough To Do The Opposite of What He's Told.

I Hate To Say This But I'm Gonna Say It Anyway, Those Of You Who Continue To Blindly OBEY The B.S. Rules Without Understanding The Consequences Have Now Become a Very BIG Part of The Ongoing Take Over That's Happening Right Before Your Eyes.

The More You OBEY The More Difficult it is For Us To Fight These Demonic Tyrants. Your Ignorance and Stupidity Might Get Us All Killed. If Yall' Want To Cower and Die That's Your Damn Business, But When Ignorant Choices Affect Those Who Are Fighting To Survive That's a Whole Different Matter.

"United We'll Stand Strong, Divided We'll Crumble Fall and Die". If Yall' Sleeping Sheeple People Want To Survive This WAR, Yall' Better Wake Up and Wake Up Damn Quick, Because You're Being Lead To Your Own Slaughter and The Sad Part About It Is Those Who Blindly Continue To OBEY The B.S. Are Dragging The People Who Are Willing To Fight To Survive Down With Them and Yall' Don't Even See It.

Author: Sen-I

My Thoughts On The Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) I Say 'FUCK The Lyin' Ass NAZI Cabal Owned Mother Fuckin' CDC'.

Fauci 'Welcomes' Domestic Travel Ban for Unvaxxed

Chief US virologist, Anthony Fauci, has said the govt should consider a domestic air travel ban for anyone not vaccinated as a way of trying to raise inoculation rates.

"A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated,” Fauci told ABC, adding, “Namely, you can't get on a plane unless you're vaccinated, which is just another one of the ways of getting requirements, whatever that might be."

US airlines saw about 2,800 flights cancelled over the holiday weekend - many reportedly over staff shortages due to Covid.

My Commentary: Fauci is A Mass Murderer. His Crimes Against Humanity Make Hitler Look Like Cinderella. Why is Fauci's Holographic Image, Clone, A.I. Bot Still Allowed To Exist, Let Alone Talk? Anyone Still Listening Too and Believing In This Mass Murderer Who Was Just Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity, is Dumber Then A Brick. Deactivate Fauci's Clone, A.I. Bot, Holographic Image, Because at This Point He Sounds Stupider Then He Looks.

French PM Castex Says COVID Health Pass to Be Transformed Into Vaccine Pass By January 15, If Approved By Parliament. The measure means that negative Covid test results and proof of recent recovery will no longer suffice to enter most public venues - only those who can show proof of being fully vaccinated will be admitted.

Video shows man directly Hit By A Bolt of Lightening. The 35-year-old, working as a guard for a company dealing with heavy machinery in the north of Jakarta, was on duty when lightning struck him. The man survived, having suffered burns to his hands, according to Detik News. He was initially treated at a hospital, but is now recovering at home. It is believed the guard’s walkie-talkie, which he had in his hands, attracted the lightning discharge. Click HERE To View

(((((Thank Goodness He Survived)))))

Danish Doctors Decry Merck's COVID Pills, Refuse to Use Them If They Can't Kill Off Humanity By Injecting A Bioweapon Into Their Body Then They'll Try To Kill off Humanity By Giving Them Pills. Click HERE To View.

The Result of Altering The DNA of A Piq.. This is a Hybrid Pig Mixed with The DNA of A Human/Animal. WARNING Graphic Video..

Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder” Click HERE To View.

New Yorkers Blindly OBEYING. They Are Like Mindless, Walking Zombies, Lining Up and OBEYING. They Have No Idea They Are Like Sheep Being Blindly Lead To Their Own Slaughter. I Do Feel Sad and Afraid For Them, But Then Again Its' Their Own Choice.

NYC Anti Mandate Protest. ABOUT DAMN TIME! These Numbers Will Grow to The Millions. Get Involved NOW!

My Commentary: I Don't Live in NYC, But I Was Born and Raised In New York and No Matter Where I Live I Will Always Be A New Yorker. New Yorkers Have Always Been Strong and Undying. I Was Always Proud To Be A New Yorker, But Lately I Don't Know.

In Many Countries Thousands Upon Thousands of People Have Joined Together To Fight For Their Rights and Freedom.. I Don't See The Same Fight From The People of America or From New Yorkers.

My Opinion is The 5G Mind Control In America Has Over Powered The People In America or People Think Nothing is Going On and Everything is 'Normal' or The People Just Don't Care, Because They Are Not Being Affected On A Personal Level. Sadly For Many People Something Major Must Happen In Their Lives Before Their Brains Bypass The 5G Mind Control.

Author: Sen-I

Just Got Vaxxed..

Subterranean Level Penn Station Vaccination Line New York City. Why Would Anyone Want To Get Vaxxed Underground In a Train Station? If New Yorkers Don't See Anything Wrong with This, Then There is No Hope For Yall', You're Minds Are Fried.

Omicron Queen

Nurse Charged With A Crime Because She Refused To Inject Children with A Fake Dangerous and Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine/Bioweapon. This Nurse Should Be Hailed a Hero, Instead She's Facing Criminal Charges. Everything is Inverted On This Planet.

Chinese Scientists Develop Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 'Prosecutor' That Can Press Its Own Charges. Researchers in China say they have achieved a world first by developing a machine that can charge people with crimes using artificial intelligence. The AI "prosecutor" can file a charge with more than 97 per cent accuracy based on a verbal description of the case, according to the researchers.

The machine was built and tested by the Shanghai Pudong People's Procuratorate, the country's largest and busiest district prosecution office.

The technology could reduce prosecutors' daily workload, allowing them to focus on more difficult tasks, according to Professor Shi Yong, director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' big data and knowledge management laboratory, who is the project's lead scientist.

"The system can replace prosecutors in the decision-making process to a certain extent," said Shi and his colleagues in a paper published this month in the domestic peer-reviewed journal Management Review. Click HERE To View.

Rescuing Millions Upon Millions of Children From The Horrors of Enslavement In Underground Bases. Meanwhile Above Ground Parents Are Allowing Their Children To Be Injected with an Experimental Bioweapon Which Might Kill Them and Then They'll Be Buried 6 Feet Underground. I Can't Make This Shit Up.

Br. Bugnolo's Message to All Viewers. Listen, Learn and Share. Click HERE To View.

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