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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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US Marines Investigate Three Ancient Pyramids In Antarctica. Finally The Truth About What's Going On In Antarctica is S-l-o-w-l-y Being Revealed To The World. There Are Several Different Things Happening In Separate Areas of Antarctica.

Section #1 Reveals The Mysteries of The Ancient Pyramids.

Section #2 Reveals The Rise and Re Surfacing of The City of Atlantis

Section #3 Reveals A Large Gigantic Door That Leads Into A Mysterious Set of Rooms.

Section #4 Reveals A Plethora of Very Powerful Alien Technology That Is Billions of Years Old

Section #5 Reveals The Gateway To Natural Star Gates & Portals That Lead To Other Worlds.

Section #6 Reveals The Wreckage of a 100+ Mile Galactic Ship That Crashed In Antarctica Thousands of Years Ago and Was Buried Under 100's of Tons of Snow and Ice. When The Ship Was Finally Located and Dug Up Many of The Very Tall and Thin Alien Occupants Were Still Alive and Well and Thankful To Have Finally Been Rescued. This Race of The Aliens Rescued Are Known Simply as 'The Ancient Ones'.

The Above Mentioned Are Just a Small Sample of All That's Been Kept Hidden In Antarctica. As Antarctica Continues To Melt More and More of Its' Mysteries is Being Revealed. From What I Understand at Some Point In Time Antarctica Will Be Transformed Into A Museum of Sorts and Visitors Will Be Able To Access Antarctica By Using Star Gates and Portals To Teleport To and From Antarctica.

Author: Sen-I

Military Helicopter Hovering or Entering Into One of The Three Gigantic Ancient Pyramids.

Military Helicopter Entering One of The Three Ancient Pyramids. To Explore The Inside of The Pyramid Click HERE To View.

Three Pyramids Were Discovered in Antarctica in 2012 by a Team of European and American Scientists. When preparing to enter the first of the three pyramids, their audio and video lost touch with their foundation, leaving them totally in the dark as they explored the pyramids.

Some speculate that this is just a ruse to allow them to visit the pyramids without having to report it to their representatives, but none of this has been proven.

Antarctica used to be a green continent, according to the ever-popular Piri Reis map, until A Change In Climate took its toll.The Piri Reis map, despite being ignored by experts several times because it utterly undermines what they consider to be accurate and whatnot, is still an impressive avenue to say the least.

Some claim that the civilization that constructed the Egyptian Sphinx even built these ancient pyramids. A myth is currently circulating that claims the Sphinx is at least 10,000 years older than any other Egyptian pyramid. The mysterious Atlanteans are said to have constructed both the pyramids and the Sphinx, according to others

Author: Ancient Earth News

MY COMMENTARY: Based On My Research It Wasn't 'Climate Change' That Transformed Antarctica Into Snow and Ice It Was A Sudden Flash Freeze That Froze Antarctica and Other Parts of The Planet. This Flash Freeze Was Created By an Alien Race Who Wanted To Destroy The Present Giant Human/Alien Inhabitants That Lived On Earth.

Humans Self-Mutilate Their Own Bodies to Resemble the Elongated, Egg-Shaped Heads of The Off World Travelers, Aliens etc.

This Woman Appears To Be Talking Into Her Hand or is She Talking Into a Cell Phone? Could She Have Time Traveled To The Future Grabbed The Cell Phone and Then Returned Back In Time To Her Era? Unless You've Experienced it Yourself You Most Likely Will Not Believe That Time Travel' Does Exist.

In My Life Experience I've Traveled Back In Time and Into The Future. When Your SOULS Energy Matches The Frequency of Other Worlds, Dimensions, Planets You Can Be Teleported Forward or Back In Time. To Read The Stories of Those Who've Teleported To Back and Forth in Time Click HERE To View.

25 December, A Day With The Same Story But at Many Different Times, In Different Places In The World, and With Different Characters. Click HERE To View.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL at Your Convenience, Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

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