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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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This Young Man is Straightforward and To The Point.

Every Traumatizing Event We Endure On This Planet as a 'Collective' Was Preplanned Months, Years, Decades and Even Centuries in Advance. What We're Experiencing In The 21st Century Was Planned Out By John D. Rockefeller In The 18th Century. Listen To This Short Exerpt Written By John D. Rockefeller.

The Movie 'PULSE' Highlights The Chilling 'What If' Scenario of a Deadly Mind Altering Virus Fueled By 5G WiFi This Virus Infects ALL Smartphones, Turning A Town of 7 Million People Into Crazed, Bloodthirsty, Zombie Murderers. Hmmmm, Sounds Like A Good Sci Fi Movie Based Solely On Fantasy, Huh?

Well, Guess What The COVID-19 Nightmare That Has Affected The Entire World Was Also Based On Quite A Few Sci Fi Movies, That Have Been Viewed at Home and In Movie Theaters as Fantasy, Sci Fi and Entertainment By Millions of People Throughout The Decades Who Are Now Living Through The Nightmare That Was Once Viewed as 'Entertainment Solely Based On Fantasy' .

The Cabal Who Own and Control ALL Entertainment That We Experience and View Use Hollywood and Celebrities To Create Movies That Depict TRUTH Based On Their Future Diaboloical Agendas.

The Cabal Have Been Revealing To The Public Through Movies and TV For Centuries. Every Human Has Experienced at Some Point In Their Lives The Hardships, Emotional, Physical Traumas and Deaths That Was Based On a Movies or a TV Series Produced In Hollywood.

Don't Think For ONE Moment That The Cabal Can Not Flip A Movie You View as Entertainment and Turn It Into Reality, Because That's What They've Been Doing All Along and This is Part of What They Refer Too as 'Predictive Programming'. Programming Your Mind By Implanting Subliminal Messages Into Your Brain By Use of Movies and TV Series That Most of The Public View Only as Fun and Entertainment.

Before Warned The Cabal Want To Make The 2006 Movie 'PULSE' Your Next Reality.

Author: Sen-I

If The Twisted Demented Cabal Deceive The American Public/World To Believe The 1st US Moon Landing Was Real. Using Hollywood Props and Scripts The Public By Now Should Be Wondering 'What Else Have They Staged and Faked?'

During a Demonstration Against The Israeli Government One of The Protesters Started Screaming, Spewing Smoke From His Eyes, Mouth, Nose and Ears. His Brain Burned From The Inside Out. Surprised Protesters Tried to Put Out The Fire, Which Came From Inside The Zombie Man's Head, With a Jacket and a Bottle of Water and a sack That Encloses with a Drawstring.

There is Another Video Circulating in Which Two Men Smoke From Their Heads. Both Men Have Been Vaxxed. It Seems That Something Inside Their Head Short-Circuited, Perhaps Caused by Microwaves or 5G, Electromagnetic Radiation. What is Known is That People Who Have Received The Death Jabs are subject to Internal Damage Caused by The Dangerous Ingredients in The Vaccine and Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves, Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide, etc.

An Endless Line of People Sitting In Cars In The Dead of Winter Line Up To Get Tested For COVID-19. Oooooops They Must Not Have Got The Memo That The COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Not Only A SCAM But They Are Very Dangerous Were NOT Designed To Test For Any Virus, Especially A Virus That Doesn't Exist.

This is What Happens To The Sheeple People When They Don't Take Time To Do Their Own Research and They Choose To OBEY Without Question. There is Way Too Much FREE Informstion Being Made Available To The Public For People Not To Know By Now This Entire COVID-19 Fiasco is A Global Medical SCAM Created To Scare People Into Getting Vaxxed with a Deadly Bioweapon.

Any Questions?

'TRUTH Is In The Movies'. See If YOU Can Locate Any Clues Relating To Our Current Reality. ( 'The Island') Movie Clip.

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: This is Just ONE Of The Horrific Ways They Torture Children To Drain Their Blood and Harvest it for The Adrenochrome. When Humans Are Terrified Their Body Produces Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome Flows Through The Blood Stream. Victims Must Be Tortured and Terrified To Get Their Body To Produce Adrenochrome. Once The Torture is Complete Their Blood is Drained From Their Body.

Adrenochrome is Sold To Hollywood Celebrities, The Cabal, Government Officials etc. Among Other Things These Discusting Modern Day Vampires Use Adrenochrome To Get High and as an Anti Aging Syrum. They Stay Young Because They Drink and Bathe In The Blood of The Children and Adults They've Tortured, Sacrificed, Murdered and Consumed.

Author: Sen-I

NYPD Cops Boot Mother and Child Out of Restaurant for Defying Vaccine Mandate As New York City Begins Arresting Those Who Refuse To Get Vaxxed. Video posted to Twitter shows a gang of police officers kicking out a mother and child from an Applebee’s restaurant in the borough of Queens during an anti-mandate protest.

“If you leave voluntarily, you will not have charges pressed against you. Otherwise, you will be arrested for trespass. This will be your only warning,” one officer is heard saying.

According to the Sunnyside Post, four people were arrested during the incident and charged with criminal trespass. The mother and child were not among that group.

Author: RT-News

Many Americans Horrified At NYPD Demanding To See “Vaccine Papers” And Roughly Arresting Burger King Diners. Click HERE To View.

MY COMMENTARY: This is Yet Another Form of Emotional Torture On Children. They Will Continue To Harass The American Public Until The American Public Wakes Up and Fights Back. Situations Have Become So Bad in Canada and Other Countries.

Citizens Can Only Leave Their Home To Go To Work or To Get Groceries. They Can Only Stay Outside For An Hour and A Half A Day and They Are Only Allowed To Travel A Few Miles Away From Their Home Just To Get Groceries and They Can Not Visit Family or Friends. If They Are Caught Disobeying The Rules They Are Fined $1,500.

I Have Friends That Live In Canada and They They Feel Like They Are Living in NAZI Camp, But They Are Confined To Their Homes. I Have A Few Friends That Live in The UK and They've Been On FULL Lock Down For Over One Year. This Type of Oppression Causes Severe Emotional Trauma and Depression For Both Children and Adults.

Its' Time For This PLANdemic To End. More Deaths Have Occurred as a Result of This B.S., as Opposed To a COVID-19 Virus. The People Who Died, Died From The 'FLU' and Gross Negligence That Occurred in Hospitals. 'They Will Only Do To Us What We Continue To Allow Them To Do.'

SPECIAL NOTE: I Have Not Finished Researching These Incidents, But Keep In Mind The Cabal Are Known For Their 'False Flags, Pre Planned, Staged Events'. They Stage Events When They Want To Instill Fear and Make People Comply With Their Diabolical Agendas.

Looking at These Videos I Believe These Incidents Are Staged. Give Me a Little More Time To Do A Little Research and I'll Have an Answer Shortly. I Also Encourage Everyone To Do Their Research and Draw Their Own Conclusions. Remember We Exist in a False Reality and Most of What We Experience as a Collective Is Staged.

Author: Sen-I

CIA-Backed Secret Experiments on Danish Orphans Several hundred children were unknowingly subjected to electrode experiments to reveal psychopathic traits and find links to schizophrenia - documentary "The Search for Myself" claims.

The experiments began in the 1960s to find if schizophrenia was heredity and reportedly took place in Copenhagen Municipal Hospital's basement.

Filmmaker Per Wennick, who says he participated as a child, recalls electrodes being put on his arms, legs, and chest and having to listen to loud, shrill noises.

Danish Radio points to US psychologist Zarnoff A. Mednick, a professor at Michigan univ, for the idea. When no suitable study group was found, he turned to Danish research peers.

It's said the National Archives show the project was co-financed by the US health service, and later received money from the Human Ecology Fund... operated on behalf of the CIA. Click HERE To View.

Author: RT-News

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