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Some Doctors To Be Paid $1,000+ Expenses When They Help COVID Patients Die! Being labeled as a pandemic and having the potential to end life on Earth, many governments around the world have seized COVID-19 and used it to push outlandish mandates and strip citizens of the freedoms they hold dear.

Claiming it is all in the name of public safety, government officials have promoted and in some cases forced citizens to adhere to lockdown guidelines, mask mandates, and the COVID-19 jab. The only problem, through all the protocols and safety measures, COVID-19 continues to spread even among those who have taken the drug. But seeing the horrible side effects of COVID-19, the New Zealand Ministry of Health recently confirmed that those suffering from the coronavirus could be eligible for assisted suicide.

Wanting to know more about the End of Life Choice Act (EOLCA), an anti-euthanasia group called DefendNZ sent an Official Information Act asking government officials, “Could a patient who is severely hospitalized with Covid-19 potentially be eligible for assisted suicide or euthanasia under the Act if a health practitioner viewed their prognosis as less than 6 months?”

Startling, the MOH responded to the question on December 7th, writing. There are clear eligibility criteria for assisted dying. These include that a person must have a terminal illness that is likely to end their life within six months.

A terminal illness is most often a prolonged disease where treatment is not effective. The EOLC Act states eligibility is determined by the attending medical practitioner (AMP), and the independent medical practitioner.

Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis; therefore, the Ministry cannot make definitive statements about who is eligible. In some circumstances, a person with COVID-19 may be eligible for assisted dying.

Not only will patients have the opportunity to end their life, but according to the Catholic Herald, “Doctors receive a government fee of $1,000 plus expenses for every euthanasia death they perform.” The outlet added, “96 of the country’s 16,000 doctors have offered to participate, however, and all but one of the nation’s 32 hospices have indicated that they will not permit euthanasia.”

A UK professor of palliative medicine, Baroness Finlay, noted, “It is bizarre that a country which has been trying to protect its citizens by closing down completely from a virus from which people can fully recover…is now suggesting that these patients should be killed by their doctors. It turns the ethos of medicine on its head.”

Finlay added, “You really cannot predict death 100 percent. So why not support them while they are dying and leave the door open in case they are in the group that defies all odds and recovers completely?”

It should also be noted that patients in most age groups, besides the elderly, have close to a 99% success rate at defeating COVID-19.

MY COMMENTARY: This is What Happens When People Who 'THINK' They're In POWER Decide To Play 'GOD' Over Another Persons LIFE. Call Me Stupid But How Can Anyone Determine Who Has a Right To End Their Life. I Don't Condone Suicide, But its' Not My Right To Determine Who's Eligible or Who's Not Eligible Their Own Lives.

The Problem with People In Power Who Are Backed By A Satanic Cult That Has Been In Existence Forever Is They Have An Overwhelming and Sick Need To CONTROL Everything and Everyone. When Control Freaks Backed By a Satanic Cult Give Themselves The POWER To Determine Who Lives and Dies There is Bound To Be Misuse and Abuse.

Those In POWER Based On Their Diabolical Agendas Will Eventually Start Suiciding People They Feel Are Not Worthy To Live. I Could Be Totally Off Cue, But This is What I See Happening if This is Allowed To Go Forth.

No Executive Sitting Behind a Desk or A.I. Computer Should Be Allowed To Intervene and Determine Anyone's Right To Live or Die. Now Add 'MONEY and GREED' Into The Situation and You'll Have Corrupt Doctors Helping To Suicide As Many People as They Are Allowed. Each Patient Will Look Like A Dollar Sign To The Corrupt Devious, Greedy. Money Hungry Doctors.

No, I Don't Condone Suicide But I Respect A Persons Right To Make That Choice For Themselves. I Do Understand When A Persons Feels They've Reached The Point Where They Are Ready To Exit This Planet Because They Are In Pain and Suffering. Suicide is A Very Tragic, Private Ultimate Decision.

As Grim as it Might Be Its' A Persons Right To Make That 'End Of Life' Choice Without Intervention From Greedy, Corrupt Medical System and I Feel Money Should Not Be Added as an Incentive When It Comes To 'Assisted Suicide.'

Author: Sen-I

Hawaii Has Been Placed Under Martial Law and Their Military Has Taken Over Hawaii. A State of War Has Been Declared Prepare For Martial Law To Be Declared in The US and Many Other Countries as Well.

This is ONE Of Many Off The Wall Test That Should Prove How Inaccurate The PCR Test is in Testing for a The Fake COVID-19 Virus. Quietly without media attention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has withdrawn the PCR process as a valid test for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.” The CDC admits that the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

5G Is Heating Up The Planet. Parts of The US is Experiencing The Warmest Winter Ever Recorded.

Beware of Zionist Luciferian Pastors Who are Part of The Vaccine Agenda. Like This One. The Cabal Have Long Infiltrated The Church. They Use Pastors To Influence The Minds and Souls of Their Church Members. ALL Religions Were Created To Be Used as a Form of Mind Control.

Pastors Attend Large Classes Several Times A Year and They Are Taught The Right 'BUZZ' Words To Say, Deceptive Preaching Techniques and Specific Sermons To Preach On Holidays. The Cabal

Know Pastors Connect With Several Dozen, Hundreds, Thousands of People Every Time They Open Their Church Doors.

ALL Pastors Who Work Under The Cabal Are Rewarded Financially and They Receive Funds For All of Their Community Based Projects. Pastors Who Choose Not To Work For The Cabal are Harassed, Shamed and Eventually Their Church is Shut Down.

Defines The 'MAN' as Being Superior To Women. In These Countries Women Are Treated With Abuse, Disrespect and Brutal Death If They Don't OBEY Men. Religion is Also Used as The Foundation That Creates These Diabolical Cults.

If Anyone Has Access To NetFlix I Encourage You To Watch 'The Series, Church Of Scientology' Starring Actress Leah Remini. Its' an Excellent Source of Information On Satanic Cults Hiding Behind The Word ' Church'.

Former Members of The Church of Scientology Talk About How They Were Lured Into Scientology, Abused Physically, Sexually, Used as Work Slaves, Isolated From Their Family, Friends and The Outside World. Basically They Are Being Held Against Their Will.

When You Join Scientology if You Have Children Your Children Become Members as Well. Children Are Separated From Their Parents and They Too Are Used for Slave Labor.

There is a Very Strong Possibility That The Children Who Live Behind The Walls of Scientology Are Being Physically, Sexually Abused. The Children Are Not Allowed To See or Communicate with Their Parents and Their Parents Live Right Their in The Same Facility.

The Living Conditions For Scientology Church Members Its' Not Good at All and The Children and The Parents Are Being Held Captive. The Only Way To Leave The Church of Scientology is To Plan an Escape and Some People Were Able To Escape, Actress Leah Remini She Escaped.

Once You Escape You Are Black Listed and You Are Constantly Harassed, Spied On and They Make Your Life Outside of Scientology a Living Hell. Their Goal is To Scare Escapees To Keep Them From Talking About What Goes On Behind The Doors of Scientology.

For Centuries Religions Have Wreaked Havoc On This Planet. People Are Willing To Fight Each Other, Go To War, Hate and Kill Each Other All in The Name of Their Religion. It Is Known That Religion is One of The Biggest Weapons of Mass Destruction. Pastors Who Work Under The Cabal and Promote The Bioweapon Will Be Executed For War Crimes Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority Worker Told Train Conductors/Drivers Must Go Back To Work If They Have A Positive PCR Test, But No Symptoms. The Cabal Are Losing Tons of Money Every Day and They Don't Like That, So They Want People To Go Back To Work Now. The People Believe There is a Deadly COVID-19 Virus Out There Along with The Omicron Variant, So They Will Not Understand Why They Are Being Told To Go Back To Work if Their PCR Test is Positive.

Many People Also Don't Know That The PCR Test is Total B.S. and as of Today December 31st, 2021 The Food Drug Administration (F.D.A.) is Putting Out a Recall on The PCR Test. The Only Thing They Are Using The PCR Test For is to Steal Your DNA and Place Poisons and Nano Particles In Your Brain. That is What The PCR Test Does, Nothing Else.

Years Ago I Read That The Cabal Would Eventually Get Tired of Losing Money and They'd Want The People To Forget Everything and Just Get Back To Work and Here We Are Today. The Public is Gonna Have A Hard Time Understanding This, Because Through This Entire Fiasco They Believed and Did Whatever They Were Told To Do They Reacted Out of Their Fear and Not Their Common Sense and Not Many People Asked Questions or Did Their Own Research.

The People Are Getting Angry and Frustrated Because They Know Something is Not Right and They Are Tired of This Inconsistency. This Fiasco Has Been Ongoing For Almost Two Years and Its' Falling Apart More and More Every Day, Because Truth is Being Revealed. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Transhumanism Part 1 to 2.0 By Injection. Click HERE To View.

World Question & Answer Session With Gene Decode. Click HERE To View.

Healing The Body Through Sound 528 Hz. Click HERE To View.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

SPECIAL NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS: As of January 01, 2022 I Will No Longer Publish New Articles On My Web Site's News Blog Section. I've Been Reporting The News For Many Years and I Enjoyed It, and I Will Continue Posting News Articles INTEL Every Day and My Commentaries (Sometime), but It Will Be Through My Telegram Account.

Its' Time For Me To Focus My Attention In Other Areas of Interest That I Enjoy and Continue Being of Service To Humanity. Over The Years I've Researched Tons of Information On The History of Earth and Now its' Time For Me To Share The Information with All of You and Then You Can Pass it Onto Your Families and Friends.

As of January 01, 2022 My Websites News Blog Section Will Be Used To Post Historical Facts About The History of Earth, Aliens, Life On Other Planets and Many Other Informative Topics.

For Those Who Want To Remain Informed You Can Freely Join My Telegram Page To View Current News & INTEL at Your Convenience. All The News I Normally Post On My Website News Blog Will Now Be Posted On My Telegram Page. If You Decide Not To Join My Telegram Page Remember There Are Many Great News Sites Out There, Find a Site That Works Best For You. The Most Important Thing is To Keep Yourselves Informed.

Feel Free To Visit My Website 'Rise And Shine Humanity Awakens' Any Time.. Thankyou..

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