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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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We Have Finally Made It To The ONE Year Mark Since The United States Was Taken Over By Hostile Foreign Enemy Forces That Represent Several Different Countries. Fake President Joe Biden and His MALE Side Kick Fake Vice President Kamala (C)abala Harris Received Tons of Money For Selling America Out To China and Help Screw Up The Election.

China and Several Other Countries Officially Invaded America One Year Ago Today January 20, 2021 The Day They Swore In Joe Biden as The Fake American President. it is a Known Fact That The Democrats Worked With Other Countries To Cheat and Steal The Election and Appropriate Authorities Have Obtained ALL The Evidence They Need To Prosecute ANYONE and Everyone Involved.

ONE Year Later.... What Has Biden and Kamala (C)abala Harris Done To Improve Life For Americans? NOTHING at All, Because They SOLD America To Foreign Entities. For ONE Year America Was Owned and Controlled By Foreign NAZI Entities Who HATE Americans.

They Invested Tons of Their Money To Overthrow America and in Power They Controlled and Suppressed The American People. Their Hope Was To Destroy The Spirit of America and Bring Her Down. They Knew Once They Got Control Over America ALL Other Countries Would Fall Into Place Like Dominoes and This is How They'd Achieve World Dominance Bringing in The 4th Reich NAZI Based New World Order Control System (N.W.O.).

What's Really Sad is During The Take Over of America Most Americans Remained Totally Oblivious as To What Was Going On Right Before Their Eyes in Their Own Country. Those Who Took Over America Said 'It Was Easy To Fool Americans, Because They Don't Bother To Look Beyond Their Comfort Zones, They Tend To Believe Whatever They Are Told To Believe, They Do Not Ask Questions or Research and Their Smart Phones Keep Them Entertained.' Wow....

As For People Like Myself Who Ask Questions, Research and Look For Answers, They Knew Most Americans Would Not Believe Anything We Tried To Tell Them, Because We Are Labeled as Crazy Conspiracy Theorists Who Hate The US Government. So, They Had it All Planned Out Very Well, BUT There Was A Counter Attack They NEVER Expected. I Remember Years Ago When They Started Talking About A Counter Attack. Everything is Happening as it Should.

As of January 20th 2022 Its' ONE Year Since They Swore Biden in and America Has Been In The Control of Hostile Enemies, Legally The US Military Can Take Action to Restore The Republic of America and Reinstate The Original Constitution.

As An Exchange of Power Takes Place The Military and The National Guards Will Be In Control of The US and a Certain Level of Martial Law Will Be Implemented In America. Americans Will Experience a Variety of Changes That Might Alter Their Sense of 'Normal'. However, We Are In A WAR, Nothing is 'Normal'. Listed Below are a Few Tips to Help You Stay Safe and Navigate The Changes That Might Affect Your 'Normal' Routine.

..... To Protect The American Public The US National Guards Have Been Activated.

..... The Military Will Temporarily Take Over America.

..... ALL American Citizens Will Be Placed Under Martial Law.

..... Under Martial Law Curfews Are Set and Travel Might Be Restricted.

..... Under Strict Martial Law You Can Only Go To Work, Go Home, Buy Groceries Once A Week.

..... Under Martial Law Anyone Can Be Viewed as an Enemy, Even an American Citizen.

..... Follow The Rules and Do Not Be Confrontational with The Military or National Guards.

..... They Are Well Trained and They Can Jail and Shoot Anyone Who Acts Overly Confrontational.

..... Under Martial Law Certain Businesses and Entertainment Venues Can Be Shut Down.

..... If There is A Looming Threat The Internet, Electricity, Gas, Water etc. Can Be Shut Off.

..... If Vital Services Are Shut Down Make Sure You Have Everything You'll Need In Your Home.

..... Shipping of Food and Essential Supplies Might Come to A Halt Stock Up On Food & Water.

..... Canned Goods and Non-Perishable Food is Recommended In The Event We Lose Electricity.

..... If Possible Make Sure You Have a Regular Battery Operated Emergency Radio/TV/Flash Light.

..... Keep Your Cell Phones Fully Charged. Look Into Solar Powered Chargers for Your Devices.

..... Make Sure You Have Plenty of Food, Water & Medicine For All Pets In Your Home.

..... Keep CASH On Hand In The Event ATM's/Banks Shut Down.

..... Make Sure You Keep at Least A Half A Tank of Gas In Your Car at All Times.

..... For More Detailed Tips On How To Survive During an Emergency Click HERE To Download .zip File.

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