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Updated: Feb 11, 2022

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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The Fall of Atlantis Occurred In Antarctica and The City of Atlantic Continue To Rise Out of The Ashes as Antarctica's Snow and Ice Continues To Melt.

Secret Space Program Alliance: The AWAKENING Of Ancient GODS. In Antarctica The Awakening of an Ancient Alien Species is In Process. These Ancient Alien GODS Are Known as The 'Pre Adamites' and They've Been Kept Alive In Their Stasis Chambers In Suspended Animation For Thousands of Years and Now It Is Time For Them To Awaken. Click HERE To View.

Gigantic Alien Space Arks Are Appearing and Activating Throughout Earth and Off Planet.

These Mysterious Arks Are More Then One Mile in Length and Width and Each Ark Creates Its' Own Natural Teleportation Portal That Can Transport Humans and Supplies To Other Planets and Dimensions.

These Gigantic Alien Arks Began Appearing and Activating On Earth and Off Planet When A Humongous Mother Ship Landed On A Planet Known as Gayanede a Few Months Ago.

Once The Mother Ship Landed Portals On Earth Became Active. About A Week Ago John F. Kennedy Jr. Stated 'The Ability To Teleport Is Now Available To ALL of Humanity.' Meaning Earth Humans are Free To Leave Earth When/If They Choose To Do So.

Utilizing Your On Galactic Abilities All of You Were Born With The Natural Ability To Teleport Yourselves Anywhere You Want To Go Without The Use of Teleportation Devices.

However To Keep Humans Enslaved In This MATRIX When You Were Created By Alien Species They Turned Off Your Memories and Your Galactic Abilities.

These Alien Arks Have Been Activated To Transport Those Who Want To Exit The MATRIX Here On Earth. All of You Have Always Had The Ability To Free Yourselves, You Just Could Not Remember Your Galactic Heritage.

The Video Below is Hosted By Michael Salla and His Guest a Military Servicemen Explains In Detail His Experience Inside One of The Alien Arks That is Located In The Atlantic Ocean Near The Bermuda Triangle.

Recently The US, Russian and Chinese Military Entered The Space Ark To Rescue 15 Men Who Wondered Off on Their First Trip To The Ark.

These 15 Men Wandered Into an Active Portal That Was On The Ark and Wound Up Being Teleported To Anther Planet. The Rescue Mission Was Successful. The Video Will Explain All That Happened Inside The Ark. Click HERE To View.

Artistic Depiction of ICC Antarctica Base Witnessed by Corey Goode. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance. To View Corey Goode's Articles of His Experience In The Secret Space Program Click HERE To View.

Artist Depiction of Pre-Adamites. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance. Click HERE To View.

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