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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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What Is The METAVERSE? The METAVERSE Is A is a Network of 3D Virtual Worlds Focused On Social Connection. In Futurism and Science Fiction, The Term is Often Described as A Hypothetical Iteration of The Internet as a Single, Universal Virtual World That is Facilitated by The Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality Headsets.

Will The METAVERSE Replace The Current MATRIX That Humans Are Enslaved In? Yes.. As Humans Continue Their AWAKENING Process Leading Towards Their Freedom, The Old MATRIX Will Continue To Crumble and Eventually Collapse. The Negative Aliens and Their Demonic Human Cabal Minions Need Humans To Remain Enslaved In A MATRIX In Order To Feed Off Of Human Energy and Human Consciousness.

When Humans Are Angry, Sad, In Pain and Suffering Their Body Create A Substance Called 'Loosh.' Loosh Has Been Termed 'The Food of The GODS,' Because Loosh Feeds The Negative Aliens and Their Demonic Minions. The More Humans Awaken, The Less Food 'Loosh' Humans Create.

How Do Humans Create Loosh? The Human Body Creates Loosh Whenever The Human is Under Some Type of Emotional Stress, ie; Fear, Anger, Sadness, Depression, Physical/Emotional Pain etc. Loosh is a Chemical That is Produced In The Blood During Any Type of Emotional Stress.

If You've Noticed On This Planet The Cabal Always Create Events That Keep The Public Living In Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Uncertainty, Anger, Pain, Sickness, Disease, Poverty, Depression etc. If You Are Happy, Healthy and Living a Good Comfortable Life Free of Stress and Fear Your Body Will Not Produce Any Loosh, Because Your Emotions and Frequency is High. Loosh is Created By Keeping The Human Consciousness In A Low Vibrational Frequency.

Is It True That Everything is Made of Frequency? YES, Everything Including YOURSELF is Made Up of Frequency. When You Think of Yourselves You Have To Start Thinking of Yourselves Beyond Your Human Physical Body, Because That is Not Who You Are. Your Human Body is The Suit That Houses Your Consciousness.

Your Consciousness is Tuned Into The 'Universe.' All Earth Humans are Part of 'EVERYTHING' That Was Created. You Are The Past, Present and The Future. You're Frequency is Tuned Into The Galaxy You Resonate, Vibrate and Exist at a Certain Frequency.

When You Are Tuned In To Your Optimum Frequency You Become The Creator of Your Universe/Reality. Simply 'THINK' Of What You Want and BOOM It Materializes Right Before You. This is How POWERFUL Earth Humans Can Be, Once They Break Away From Their Enslavement.

Why Were Humans Enslaved? Negative Alien Species Enslaved The Human Species So They Could Feed Off Of Our Negative Emotions and Harness Our Natural Ability To 'CREATE.' They Used Our Ability To Help Them CREATE and MAINTAIN The MATRIX and The Negative Environment We Exist In. They've Been In Control For Well Over 300,000+ Years.

They Never Expected Humans To AWAKEN and Crash The MATRIX. The MATRIX Survives off of Negative Energy and The Negative Frequencies That Humans Produce 24/7. Even The Music We Listen Too and Enjoy is Recorded at a Frequency That is Not Conducive with The Natural Frequency of The Human Species.

432Hz is The Frequency That Works Best For Humans, Anything Above or Below 432Hz Can Have a Negative Affect On Human Emotions. Humans Can Become Angry, Sad, Depressed, Frustrated, Anxious, Fearful etc. All Because They Are Not Vibrating on The Correct Frequency.

Using Advanced Technology and 5G The Negative Aliens and Their Cabal Minions Have Found A Way To Keep Humans at a Low Vibrational Frequency Most of The Time. Remember The Happier and Healthier You Are The Less Loos/Food Your Body Produces.

Humans Are Food For Negative Alien Species and Their Satanic Cabal Minions. Even Our Food, Water Supply, Medicine and The Air We Breath Has Been Heavily Tainted/Poisoned To Keep Humans Asleep and at a Low Vibrational/Frequency. They Do Not Want Humans To Reconnect with The Galaxy, Stars or Their Home Planets. They Definitely Do Not Want Humans To Reconnect with Their Galactic Powers and Abilities.

In The Beginning of The 20th Century During The 1940's Galactic Humans Like Myself Began To Incarnate On Earth To Help Free Earth Humans, Then We Were Poisoned, Murdered and Became Entrapped Here. I Incarnated Here On Earth During The 2nd Wave.

The Negative Aliens and Their Human Cabal Minions Know When A New Wave of Galactic Humans Will Incarnate On Earth. They Keep A Record of How Many Times Each of Incarnated On Earth, How Long We Lived, Who Were Our Earthly Parents, What Was Our Mission and if They Were Able To Kill or Destroy Us In Any of Our Past Lives Here. They Done Everything In Their Power To Destroy All Incoming Galactic Humans.

They Did Not Succeed In Destroying All of Us, Because Many of Us Have Completed Our Missions Here Several Times Over and Many of Us Are Still Here Today and More Back Ups Are Still Incarnating Here On Earth.

Will The METAVERSE Be Used To Re Enslave Humanity? YES, That is The Primary Goal of The Creation of The METAVERSE. Negative Alien Species Along with A.I. Want To Remain In Control Over Humanity. Murdering Up To 95% of Humanity Would Make The Remaining 5% Much Easier To Control. By Re Enslaving Humans in a METAVERSE, They'd Have No Hope of Escaping.

The METAVERSE Is A Virtual Reality World That Humans Can Participate In By Wearing 3D Virtual Goggles. Once You Turn The Game On and Put On The 3D Goggles, You Literally Become Part of The World Created Within The METAVERSE. You Can Immerse Yourself In The Game For as Long as You Want. The More You Immerse Yourself Into The METAVERSE Reality, The More Addicted Your Mind/Conscious Will Become To Living In That False Reality.

The End Goal is To Get Rid of The 3D Goggles and Install Neuro Implants Into The Human B rain. These Neuro Implants Will Allow Humans To Link Up To The METAVERSE 24/7. Eventually Humans Attached To The METAVERSE Will No Longer Want To Be Part of This Reality, Because They Will Be Entrapped In The METAVERSE.

A Few Weeks Ago Bill Gates Of Microsoft Proudly Announced That By The Year 2023 Business Men/Women Will Be Conducting Their Weekly Staff Meetings in The METAVERSE, Which Means This Goal Has Already Been Achieved, They Just Haven't Gone Public With It.

Is There A Target Audience For The METAVERSE? Currently The Main Target For The METAVERSE Is Teenagers and Young Adults, However The METAVERSE Is Designed For Everyone Regardless of Age, But at This Time Teenagers and Young Adults Are Drawn To It.

Create Your Own World/Reality and Then Go Live In It By Transferring/Uploading Your Consciousness Into The Game. The Entrapment/Re Enslavement Comes About When The Person/Humans Can No Longer Differentiate Between Reality and The METAVERSE and Their Minds Will Be Partially/Permanently Locked Into The METAVERSE.

The Pictures Listed Above Represent an Example of The Many Different Types of Realities/Worlds You Can Create and Participate/Live In Once You're Plugged Into The METAVERSE. You Can Also Visit The World/Reality That Your Friends, Families and Co Workers Have Created. The Possibilities Are Endless, Just Remember The METAVERSE is A Trap.

Once You Get Sucked All The Way In You Might Not Ever Get Out, Because They Do Not Want You To Get Out. Turning Humans Into Transhuman beings is Part of The Plan To Hook People Into The METAVERSE. Once You Get Vaxxed Your DNA, Body and Brain Begin Transforming Into A New Species The Transhuman Species.

To The Negative Alien Species and Their Cabal Minions Most Transhuman Beings Are Viewed as Controllable 'PROPERTY.' Most Transhumans Will Easily Agree To Exist Within The METAVERSE. They've Lost and or Willingly/Un Knowingly Gave Away Their Ability To THINK For Themselves and Use Their Common Sense and Critical Thinking Skills When They AGREED To Take The BIOWEAPON Posing as a COVID-19 Vaccination.

ALL Children Who've Been Vaxxed Will Transform Into Transhuman Beings and Will Eventually Be Plugged Into The METAVERSE. Any Children Born To One or Two Parents Who've Been Vaxxed Will Be Born With Damaged DNA. Unless There is Some Type of Major Medical Intervention, The Production of Babies Born as Transhumans, Might Continue On For Generations. Based On My Own Research, Once The Human DNA is Altered its' Basically Non Repairable.

Auther: Sen-i

SPECIAL NOTE: I Encourage Everyone To Do Their Own Research Regarding This Topic and Draw Your Own Conclusions.

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