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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Feb 8, 2022

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This is The REAL BIOLOGICAL Joe Biden. The Joe Biden Who Raped His Daughter and Son and Murdered His Wife and Baby all To Be In The Cabal's 'Big Boy Club'.







This Is How Stupid Twitter Thinks YOU Are South Africa Has Used Hydroxychloroquine For Over 40 Years It's Only A Problem When The Pedophiles Who Put Nanotechnology Inside You Don't Want You To Remove Their Strings Over You. COVID-19 Is A Live Military Exercise #Boycott Twitter

Author: John F. Kennedy Jr.


MY COMMENTARY: When This COVID-19 Fiasco Began Two Years Ago Trump Tried To Push The Use of 'Hydroxychloroquine.' Main Stream Media Outlets Here In The US and The Bulk of The American Public Ragged Trump So Bad They Made Him Look Like an Ass for Mentioning The Use of Hydroxychloroquine and He Received No Support When He Tried To Get it Approved Here In The US.

If The American Public Put Their Hate Aside and Did Their Research They'd Know 'Hydroxychloroquine' CURES EVERYTHING From Cancer To The Poisons They Are Using To Create FAKE COVID-19.

Just THINK, How Many People Died Here In America, Because They Were Denied 'Hydroxychloroquine.' 'Hydroxychloroquine' an Inexpensive, Non-Invasive CURE/Treatment For Many Illnesses and Diseases With NO Side Effects.

BIG Pharma Controlled By The NAZI Cabal Stated 'Keeping Americans Sick and Dying is How We Make Our Money and There is No Money To Be Made In Curing The People.' When The American Public Shot Down 'Hydroxychloroquine' Based On Their Hate, They Once Again Fell Into The Cabal's Trap.

A Persons Hate Can Grow So BIG Blinds People From Seeing The Truth and It Can Blocks Blessings That Are Hidden In Disguise.

Author: Sen-I

The Worse Thing is This Person Probably Has No Idea What These FAKE PCR Nasal Swab Test Represent. The PCR Nasal Swab Test Have NOTHING To Do With Testing For Fake COVID or Any Other Virus. The Inventor of The PCR Test Stated His Nose Swab Test Were Not Designed To Detect COVID-19 or Any Other Virus. A Few Months After He Made That Statement The Cabal MURDERED Him To Keep Him Quiet.

So, What Are The PCR Test For if They Do Not Detect COVID-19? To The Satanic Cabal, Shoving A Swab Up Your Nasal Cavity is About Breaking Through Your Brain Barrier and Inserting Nanotechnology and POISON Directly Into Your Brain.

Poisoning The Brain and Destroying The Pineal Gland Was A Ritual Egyptians Did To Punish Their Slaves Way Back In The Day. Your Pineal Gland is Your Connection to Your Higher Self and Your Galactic Abilities.

For Many Decades The Cabal Have Weakened and Tried To Destroy The Pineal Gland By Adding Fluoride To Toothpaste, Food and Water Supply. The Use of Fluoride in Toothpaste Has Always Been Heavily Promoted On TV Commercials That Advertise Toothpaste.

Fluoride Destroys Brain Cells and it Deadens The Pineal Gland and Makes People More Docile and Easier To CONTROL. Hitler Added Fluoride To The Water and Food Supply To Dumb Down His Jewish Prisoners and Make Them Easier To Control.

COVID-19 is Merely A Tool They Created and Used To Trick Humanity into Believing There was/is a Pandemic That's Gonna Kill Everyone If They Do Not Get Vaxxed. The Vaccine is a BIOWEAPON Designed To GENOCIDE Humanity. Those Who Survive The Never Ending Doses of The Bioweapon Will Be Transformed Into A New Species, The 'Transhuman' Species.

Sticking Anything Into The Nasal Cavity of A Child or an Adult is Nothing More Then A Form of Torture, Hidden Behind A Medical Procedure. Anyone Who Can Do This Procedure to A Terrified Human Being is an Un Informed Idiot.

Over The Past Two Y ears We've Posted Tons of FREE Information WARNING The Public About The DANGERS of These FALSE PCR Tests. I'm Not Even Going To Mention How Many Babies, Children and Adults Have Died and Suffered Severe Permanent Injuries, Disabilities, Brain Damage, Brain Bleeds Behind These Un Necessary FALSE PCR Tests. You Can Test For Any Virus By Simply Swabbing The Inside of Your Mouth, So Why Are They Damn Near Swabbing The Tip of Your Brain Stem?

If People Would Just Do A Little Research Infants, Babies, Children, The Elderly, People with Disabilities and The Public In General Would Not Be Subjected To This Type of Torture. Tons of FREE Information is Available To Anyone and Everyone So Why is This Baby Being Tortured By This Woman, Who Might Veery Well Be His Mother.

Anyone Who Allows This To Be Done To Their Child Without Doing Any Research is a Mind Controlled Brain Dead Being. Instead of Running From Genocide, Too Many People Here In America are Making The Job of The Cabal Injuring and Killing You and Your Children Very Easy, Because Many of You Are Un Knowingly Genocide Yourselves and Your Children.

So Many Americans Have Stood in Long Lines with Their Children To Get The Free Home PCR Kits, So Now Yall' Can Participate In Genocide Yourselves and Your Children @ Home. How Convenient is That?

Imagine Having To Do This To YOUR Child 2-3 Times A Week, Just because They Want Your Child To Be Tested A Few Times A Week So They Can Attend School or Play In The Park. ANYONE Doing This To A Child or Allowing This To Be Done To Their Screaming Terrified Child Without Question or Research Should Be ARRESTED and Thrown Under A Jail Cell FOREVER. In Case Yall Are Unaware This is One of The Cruelest Forms of Child Abuse.

This Nonsense Has Been Ongoing For Two Years in America, By Now Every Mentally Stable Adult Should Know WTF Is Going On, No Excuses, Because From The Very Beginning We Posted Tons of Detailed Information About EVERYTHING and Still Today Many Children Continue To Suffer Because of Their Parents/Caretakers Arrogant Ignorance and Stupidity.

Too Bad If Yall' Don't Like What I Am Saying or if I Sound Angry and Harsh, When It Comes To The Deliberate Harming of Those Who Are Defenseless, I Am and Always Will Be Their Voice and Too Bad, If Yall' Can't Understand That.

At This Point We've Been Advised To Move On and Leave Those Who Choose To Remain Asleep Alone. The Sleepers Have Made Choices For Themselves and Their Children and Nothing We Say or Do Will Change The Consequences They That They Have Set Themselves Up To Experience.

Author: Sen-I

Sticking an Object Up The Nose Was How The Egyptians Punctured The Brain and Removed or Punctured The Pineal Gland. They Would Do This Type of Invasive Surgery On The Slaves Who Were Uncontrollable. If The Slave Survived The Procedure He/She Would Become More Docile and Controllable.

How 5G Will Interact and Connect To Those Who've Been Vaxxed. Click HERE To View.

Recently A Multinational Rescue Mission Took Place On A One Mile Long/Wide Space Ark Located In The Atlantic Ocean Near The Bermuda Triangle. In This Video US Army Serviceman Explains In Detail What He Experienced Aboard The Alien Space Ark.

Presently Throughout Earth, The Moon and Many Other Planets Gigantic Alien Space Arks and Portals Are Mysteriously Activating and They Are Now Able To Teleport Earth Humans Off Planet. A Few Days Ago John F. Kennedy Jr, Made an Announcement Stating ALL Portals Are Now Active and Teleportation is Now Available To ALL Earth Humans and A General in The US Military Gave The Coordinates To Several Active Portals.

Meaning You Are No Longer Enslaved and You Can Leave Earth When/If You Want Too via One of The Natural Portals.. Click HERE To View.

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