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Updated: Feb 21, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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If YOU/Your Children or Anyone You Know Have Been Vaccinated with The COVID-19 BIOWEAPONS That Are Posing as Vaccines You Might Consider Getting Tested For HIV-AIDS. WHY? Among All Of The Horrific Diseases Used To Create This DEADLY BIOWEAPON, 6-8 Strains of The HIV-AIDS Virus Was Also Purposely Used as an Ingredient.

It Doesn't Matter Which Brand Name BIOWEAPON You Were Injected with ie; Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Maderna or Pfizer, They ALL Have Been Heavily Tainted With Deadly Diseases, Toxins and Poisons. Humanity Was Used as a Pawn In The Worlds BIGGEST Global Medical Scam.

The Lives and Well Being of Those Who Willingly But Un Knowingly Participated in This Global Medical HOAX is at Risk. Millions of People Like Myself Tried To Pre WARN The Public About This SCAM/PLANdemic, Sadly We Were Ignored and Now Those Who Were Vaxxed Are Forced To Deal with The Consequences of Their Acting Out of Fear and Obeying These Demonic Government Tyrants Without Questioning Their Intent or Motives.

Millions of People Throughout The World Who Agreed To Be Vaxxed Were Un Knowingly Injected With Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Tracking Device and a Variety of Diseased Cells That Can Cause Life Threatening Diseases Such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart, Lung, Kidney Disease HIV/AIDS and The Altering The Human DNA Sequence etc.

It Does Not Matter Which Brand Named Bioweapon You Were Injected With ie; Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Maderna, Pfizer ALL of These Companies Are Involved In The Deliberate Genocide of Humanity. Sadly, There is No Easy or Comforting Way To Say This But ANYONE Who's Been Vaxxed Was Deliberately Poisoned To Bring Forth A Bigger More Diabolical Agenda.

They Created a Fake Virus To Scare The World Into Getting Vaxxed and Obviously It Worked Because Billions of People Fell For Their SCAM. Most People Who've Been Vaxxed Will Become Severely Ill, Disabled or Die Within 3-5 Years.

The BIOWEAPON Also Contains An A.I. Program To Alter Your DNA. According To The Supreme Court Anyone Who's Been Vaxxed is No Longer Considered Human Because The Bioweapon is Consistently Altering Your DNA. ALL Who Are Vaxxed are Transitioning Into A New Species, The Transhuman Species.

I Wont Go Into Specifics Becaue Over The Past 6 Months, I Have Posted Plenty of Detailed Articles/Videos That Explain What a Transhuman Being is. In Short Anyone Who's Been Vaxxed Is Literally Connected To 5G and A.I., Meaning A.I. Can Control You via Your SMART Phones.

This Global Medical SCAM Goes Very Deep Down The Rabbit Hole. Right Now The Main Concern is Maintaining The Health of The People Who've Been Vaxxed. Injecting HIV/AIDS Into The Human Body, They've Literally Turned People Into Walking, Talking BIOWEAPONS, Meaning Those Who've Been Vaxxed Can Un Knowingly Spread Whatever is in The BIOWEAPON to Anyone They Come In Contact with. A.I., Just Like HIV/AIDS Can Jump From Person To Person.

Getting Tested For HIV/AIDS Will Be YOUR Personal Choice and Believe Me I Do Respect Anyone Who at This Point Wants NOTHING To Do With The Corrupt and Deadly Medical Care System Here In America.

However, If You Have Children Who Are Still Under Your Parental Care and If They've Been Vaxxed You Might Want To Consider Getting Them Tested as Well. Remember For Adults HIV/AIDS Can Be Transmitted Through Sexual Intercourse.

There is Plenty of Detailed Information Available About What's Really Going On and Why? Each Adult Will Have To Buckle Down and Do Their Own Research. Do Not Expect Your Local Main Stream News Casters To Tell You The Truth, Because They are a BIG Part of The Problem and They've Helped To Promote This Medical SCAM.

Humanity is In The Midst of a Planetary War. If You Want To Protect Yourselves and Your Families You MUST Keep Yourselves INFORMED and STOP Depending On Your Local News Channels. In This Deadly Game That is Being Played with Your Lives and The Lives of Your Children 'The Information You Allow Yourselves To KNOW Could Save Your Life and The Lives of Your Children.

The Information You Choose To Avoid and Continue To Ignore Can Get You and Your Families Killed.' In This Deadly Game of GENOCIDE Using Your Common Sense and Critical Thinking Skills Can Protect You and Your Families and Save Your Lives.

ALL Who Are Responsible For This Global PLANdemic Medical SCAM and Those Responsible For The Deaths of MILLIONS Upon MILLIONS People are Being Tracked Down, Captured and The Military is Swiftly Putting These Monsters To Death By Execution of Hanging or a Shot In The Heart By A Firing Squad, This is All Taking Place Behind The Scenes and it Will Be Revealed and Shown To The Public In Due Time.

Stay Safe Everyone, May The UNIVERSE Watch Over ALL Who've Been Affected By This Ongoing Global Medical Tragedy.

Author: Susan Blocker

Maryland Launches $2 Million Dollar Lottery To Encourage Its' Citizens To Follow Up and Get Their 'Ongoing' COVID-19 Booster Shots. If I Were To Say What I Really Feel About This, I'd Probably Be Locked Up and Viewed as a Threat To Society, So On That Note I'll Keep My Opinions To Myself and I Wont Say Anything. The BIG Question is 'How Many Mind Screwed IDIOTS Are Gonna COMPLY To This B.S. For A Shot In The Ass 'Chance' To Win 2 Million Dollars? Click HERE To View.

According to Scientists & Doctors Who Have Been Silenced…

The 1st booster contains 81 strains of Foreign bacteria. The 2nd booster contains 8 strands of HIV which completely shuts off the ability to make white blood cells in turn shutting down the innate immune system causing leathal infection & irreversible damage to ones health.

20-30% of the population will die with each series of booster, the survivors who don’t die will become dependent on boosters just like heroine addicts. Big pharma are the biggest drug pushers in the world, if not dead, they want you hooked on their lethal concoctions.

THINK while it’s still legal.

Science Confirms mRNA Vaccine Causes HIV-Dependent AIDS! Click HERE To View.

WTF Apparently The Recipients of The COVID-19 Death Jab and Booster, Now Have HIV AIDS.

Those Who've Been Vaxxed Are About To Get A Very Rude AWAKENING...

The BIOWEAPONS Posing as COVID-19 Vaccines Have Killed Millions of Children Throughout The World Yet Parents Still Stand On Lines Waiting To Get Their Kids Vaxxed with a BIOWEAPON. Children Will Continue To Suffer For The Ignorance of Their Parents/Caretakers.

GRAND JURY – DAY 3: Dr. Bryan Ardis Presents Compelling Evidence for Indicting Dr. Anthony Fauci for Willful Medical Homicide. Click HERE To View

They've Already Poisoned Half The Planet and Like Sheep Being Lead To Slaughter The Amazing Thing is The People Continue To Line Up. Click HERE To View.

These are Just a Few of The Diseases That Have Increased Here In America Since People Have Been Injected with The BIOWEAPON Posing as COVID-19 Vaccine.

Briana's Story

Fayetteville, GA Jason Ross, 36 year young, father of three, and the victim of murder at Piedmont Fayette Hospital. No one dies of Covid 19 in hospitals. They all die of gross negligence. Hospitals have been instructed on how to murder patients and make their deaths look like a COVID death. Hospitals, Doctors, Nurses etc. are PAID Thousands of Dollars for EVERY Patient They Label as Having COVID-19. They're Also Paid When The Patient is Injected with Remdesivir, Placed On a Ventilator and When They Die. The Hospital Staff Plays a BIG Role in The Genocide of Humanity. Click HERE To View.

The Capture of The MS13 Gang.

Finally Someone In The Black Community Speaks Out..

State Sanctioned Murder.

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