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This Remains of an Annunaki Alien. His Body Was Found Several Years Ago Buried In an Elaborate Tomb Was Built and Decorated For A God/King. It is Believed He Died More Then 10,000 Years Ago, Yet Amazingly His Body Remains Fully Preserved as if He is Just Asleep.

Annunaki Aliens The Sumerian GODS Have Returned To Earth - 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. Click HERE To View

Super Soldiers Sent Off Planet To Battle In Alien Wars In this revealing interview Penny Bradley bravely shares her story of how she survived experimentation at Montauk, childhood CIA assassin training, and 60 years in U.S. Navy exchange program with the Deep Space fleet and Mars Colonies. After her service she was re aged and sent back to earth to live out the remainder of her life with health disabilities. Click HERE To View.

James Rink Was a Super Soldier and He is Now The Owner of 'Super Soldier Talk' A Web Site Dedicated To Super Soldiers Who Were Abducted Into The Secret pace Program (S.S.P.) This Site is Packed With Video Interviews Of Earth Humans Who Were Kidnapped Into The Secret Space Program When They Were Children. The End Goal of the S.S.P. Is To Awaken or Enhance The Persons Galactic Abilities and Then Force Them To Use Their Strength and Abilities To Fight In Alien Wars and for Other Diabolical Agendas .

Most Super Soldiers Are Shipped Off Planet Where They Are Trained How To Harnes and Use Their Galactic Abilities as They are Physically/Emotionally Tortured. Once They Are Trained and Submissive To The Cabals Demands They Are Forced To Use Their Abilities Fight In Battles Against A Variety of Aliens That The Cabal View as Their Enemies. A Super Soldier Uses a Combination of His/Her Bodily Augmentation and Natural Galactic Abilities. Many Super Soldiers Have Been Augmented To A Point Where They Are Part Human and Part Machine. Click HERE To View.

Blue Room Media Is A YouTube Channel That Specializes In Publishing UFO/Alien Encounters of Regular Ordinary People. Click HERE To View.

GRAND JURY – DAY 3: Dr. Bryan Ardis Presents Compelling Evidence for Indicting Dr. Anthony Fauci for Willful Medical Homicide. Grand Jury Charges Fauci With Murder. SPECIAL NOTE: Anthony Fauci Was Arrested Proven Guilty at His Military Tribunal of Mass Murder/Global Genocide and He Was Executed By The Military By Hanging Behind The Scenes In 2021. Just Because You Don't See It Upfront, Doesn't Mean Its' Not Happening. There is So Much Going On Behind The Scenes on a Global Scale. Most of This is Being Played Out For The General Public Who Are Not Aware of What's Taking Place Behind The Scenes. Click HERE To View.

New Zealand is Now Fining People Who Refuse To Get Tested For COVID-19. The creepy part is what happens when you fail to pay the fine. You’re subject to arrest They can seize your bank account. They can restrict your ability to sell property. Oh, and they can prohibit you from traveling.

The Main Goal COVID-19 PCR Test is To Inject Nanotechnology Into Your Body. Once They Puncture Your Brain Barrier The Nanotechnology Can Be Inserted Into Your Brain via The Nasal Swab. The PCR Test Are Also Being Used To Harvest DNA From Anyone Who Takes The PCR Test. They Are Testing Your DNA To Determine What Species of Alien You Are Connected Too and How Dangerous You Can Become When/If You Tap Into Your Galactic Abilities. When The Public Finds Out They've Been Duped and Poisoned The Shock Of Knowing The Truth Could Spontaneously Cause Their Galactic Abilities To Kick in.

Captain Mark Richards: 'TOTAL RECALL' The Secret Space Programs Space War. ALL 12 Interviews Now Available Free Of Charge On Kerry Cassidy's 'Project Camelot's Website Click HERE To View

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