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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Mar 2, 2022

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Putin Destroys Bioweapons Laboratories In Ukraine. Click HERE To View.

Why All Of A Sudden Do Americans Hate Putin? ANSWER: Because Their CIA Controlled/Cabal Owned Local Main Stream Media News Broadcasters Once Again Created A FALSE Narrative To Trick The American Public Into Believing Putin is The Enemy. Main Stream Media News is Very Good at Mind Screwing The American Public, They Do it All The Time and Sadly The Bulk of The American Public Hasn't Caught On To Their Continuous Mind Games..

For Many People its' Easier To Believe Whatever They Are Told To Believe. Main Stream Media News Broadcasters are Very Good at Manipulating The Minds of The Public. They Play On The Ignorance of Those Who Have Lost Their Ability. To Utilize Their Common Sense, Think, Looking Beyond The Appointed Narrative of The Day.

'Your Lives Depend On What You Allow Yourselves To Learn and Know, Not What You Don't Want To Hear or Deal With' and The Battle For The Survival of The Human Species Requires The Assistance of as Many AWAKENED People as Possible. However When it Comes To NOT 'Knowing' What's Taking Place In Their Own Country Americans are at The Forefront.

The Human Species is a Hybrid of Many Different Alien Species. Human Intelligence and Galactic Abilities Go Far Beyond The Imagination. You Are 'Co CREATORS' of The Present, Past and Future You Have The Natural Ability To Manifest and Create YOUR Reality Out of NOTHING. NOTHING Exist Until YOU Create It. The Creation of YOUR Reality is Based On YOUR Perception of What You 'SEE, THINK & BELIEVE.'

Over Many Centuries The Alien Over Lords and Their Satanic Cabal Minions Have Figured Out How To Harvest YOUR Ability To 'CREATE.' Using a Vast Variety of 'Psychological Warfare' Techniques They Harness Your Abilities and Use To Promote Their Diabolical Agendas and as a Weapon To Keep Your Mind, Body and Spirit Enslaved and Sub Servant To Them.

Television Was Created To Be Used as a Weapon To Subliminally Implant Thoughts Into The Human Brain via TV Commercials and Main Stream Media News Broadcasts.. Ever Heard of The Term 'Television Program?'What Do You Think That Term Means?

Due To Subliminal 'Message' Implants Most Americans Are Under Mass Mind Control. 5G, Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), SMART Phones/Devices Help To Maintain and Enhance The Public's Mass Mind Control. The Perception of What You See, Think, Feel and How You React or Don't React is Being Controlled.

Regarding The Curent War They Created A Narrative To Suit Their Agenda and They Are Using Your Local Main Stream Media News Broadcasters To Continuously Pump Out The Narrative.

The More You Hear Their Narrative The More You'll Believe It and Eventually You Will 'CREATE' The Reality They Want You To Believe. Believe This or Not....... 'NOTHING In Your Reality Exist Until YOU Create It.'

The Creator GOD You Seek Does Not Exist Outside of YOU, It Dwells Within YOU, It Is YOU.' Once You Figure Out Who You Are and The Many Galactic Abilities You Have, Everything Else Will Automatically Fall Into Place.

YOU Manifest Your Reality Based On Information That is Subliminally and Repeatedly Drilled Into Your Subconscious Mind. Currently Those Who Continue To BELIEVE The Cabals Narratives Manifest/Create Physical Time Lines Based On The Subliminal Messages That Were Repeatedly Implanted into Their Sub Conscious. 'Putin is The Enemy of America' That's What They Want People To Believe and They've Succeeded In Brain Washing The American Public To Believe Their Narrative. Those Who Believe Without Question Have Created and Embedded Themselves Into a Time Line That Buries Them Deeper Into The MATRIX That Imprisons Their Mind. Body and Spirit.

Those Who've Taken The Time To Research, Study, Who Are Not Afraid To THINK & L@@k Beyond The MATRIX Have Moved On and Created An Alternate Time Line.

Awhile Back I Talked A Little Bit About The Time Lines and How They Would Eventually Split. Those Who Chose To Remain Entrapped Within The 3D Prison MATRIX Would Remain There By Their Own Choice and Those Who Were Ready To Graduate and Move Forward Would Do So and They Have.

We Exist In Different Worlds That Sometimes Merge Run and Parallel To Each Other. Don't Worry You Can Still Interact with Your Family, Friends, Co Workers etc. Accessing Another Dimension/Time Line/Reality is as Easy as Walking Into Another Room. We Are Also Multidimensional Beings and We Can Exist In More Then One Place at a Time. As We Moved On, Our Avatars or Likeness of Who We Are Remains In 3D. We're Still Here, But Then Again We're Not.

The Concept is a Bit Complicated To Explain, You'll Have To Personally Experience What its' Like To Exist In More Then One Dimension To Truly Understand. When You Are ready and The Time is Right For You, You Will Experience What is Like To Be Multi Dimensional.

I Exited The 3D MATRIX One Day Before 02.22.22. and Many Others Exited The MATRIX on The Date 02.22.22. For Me The Actual Switch To Experiencing A New Dimension/Reality Was as Simple as Walking From My Livingroom Into My Diningroom.

From My Perspective The Current War Is Viewed From a Very Different Aspect. On My Time Line Putin is Not The Enemy of America and Several Years Ago Trump Created an Alliance With Putin and Several Other Countries Including That Included Russia and Ukrain, The Good Portion of The US Army is Also Part of This Alliance To Help Destroy The Satanic Cabal and Their Alien Over Lords.

In This Alien/Human War Russia, Ukrain and The US Have Joined Forces To Annihilate The Alien/Human Cabal, Destroy ALL of Their Building, Structures and Bio Labs Where They Create All Types of Weaponry, Toxins and Poisons That is Used To Cause Harm and Death To Humanity.

As You Can See From This Article Putin and His Army Have Already Destroyed Several Bio Labs in Ukrain. These Bio Labs Were Used For Many Horrific Reasons, Including Human Experimentation and For The Creation of The Deadly Bioweapon Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine. COVID-19 Bioweapon is a Weapon of Mass Destruction it Has Currently Sickened, Injured, Disabled and Murdered Millions Upon Millions Of People Throughout The World. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Main Stream Media News Creating The 'America Hates Putin' Narrative By Digging Up Pictures Of a Woman Who Was Injured in 2018 and Blaming Her Injuries On Putin..

There is More The ONE Reason To This War Then The Pre Scripted 'FALSE' Narrative Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Are Continuously Pumping Out To The Public, As The Bulk of The American Public Continue To Believe The Narrative Being Pushed Without Question. Click HERE To View.

The US guy who runs the US-Ukraine biolabs program can’t get through to his counterparts, but Main Stream Media News Broadcasters knows Putin’s advance is not about bioweapons.

Putin Closing In On Bio Lab In Mariupol. These Deadly Bio Labs Were Supported and Partly Funded By The US Government. Previous Presidents The Bush's and Barrack Obama Helped To Build, Fund and Support These Bio Labs That Were Created To Conduct DANGEROUS Mass and Individual Biological/Psychological Experimentation On Humans With and Without Their Full Knowledge, Understanding or Consent of The Dangers of Severe Health Issues and or Death.

Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence. The Good Faction Of The US Army Who Are Working Under President Trump are Helping To Destroy These Bio Labs, While The US Government Run By The Cabal Retaliate and Try To Hide The Evidence of The Bio Labs That They Built, Financed and Maintained For Decades. Click HERE To View.

Ukrainian-US Bio Labs Click HERE To View.

Joe Biden and His Son Hunter Biden Were Also Heavily Involved Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting Between Ukraine and The US. It is Said That Ukraine is ONE Of The Cabal's #1 Hubs When It Comes To Organ Harvesting and Child Trafficking. It is a Known Fact That Joe Biden and His Son Hunter Biden Were Both Extreme Pedophiles.

They Number of Children They Tortured, Raped and Sodomized In Their Life Time Can Not Be Counted. Joe Biden Also Raped/Sodomized His Daughter and His Son Hunter Biden. This is ONE of The Reasons Joe Biden and His Son Hunter Biden Were Executed.

This is The Monster The American Public Voted In To Be Their President, Because They Hated Trump. 'Those You Love, Worship, Look Up To, Idolize Are The Ones Who Want You and Your Families Dead. Those You Scorn and Hate are The Ones Who Put Their Lives and The Lives of Their Families On The Line To Save Your Life and The Lives of Your Families.' THINK About That For a Minute.

Bio Lab Storing Millions of Vials of The Bioweapon Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine Destroyed in The US..

Ukranian, American and Russian Soldiers Dance, Laugh and Party Together During This War. You Have To Teach Yourselves How To 'THINK, SEARCH & L@@K' Beyond The Current Narrative That Your Local Main Stream Media News Broadcasters Are Shoving Down Your Throats.

The True Meaning of The Christian Cross..

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