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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The Opening Ceremony of The 2012 Olympics Hosted In London Shows In Graphic Realistic Detail How The Cabal Used 'Predictive Programming' Methods To Subliminally Prepare The World For What They Planned On Doing To Humanity In The Future.

They NEVER Do Anything To The People Unless They Show and or Pre Warn The Public. In The Minds of The Cabal If The People Are Too Lazy and Stupid To Figure What The Fuck They Are Planning To Do, That Aint' Their Problem and Its' ok For Them To Do whatever If The People Allow. Yeah,

I Know Its' Twisted and Fucked Up The Way They Think, But Do Not Forget These Are Hardcore Satanist and Their Only Interest is 'Themselves, Not YOU or Me. We Are Nothing More The Ignorant, Useless Eaters To Them. They Believe We Should Be Grateful That They Pre Warn Us of Their Diabolical Agendas, l If We Can't See It or Figure It Out, Oh Well. These Are True Satanic Psychopaths. Click HERE To View.

London's 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Rehearsal Click HERE To View.

Picture #1 of London' 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Picture #3 of London' 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony. People Might Not Understand But These Type of Large Over The Top Ceremonies/Performances are Actually Satanic Rituals Being Performed In Front of a Very Large Live Audience and MILLIONS of People are Un Knowingly Watching and Participating In These Satanic Rituals From The Comfort of Their Homes. Every Tie The Audience Claps and Cheers They Help To Summons The Demons Called Upon To Appear at The Ceremony/Ritual/Performance.

Whenever The Cabal Have No More Use For Their Trained, Groomed Minions No Matter Your Age They Will Kill You, Especially When They Feel You are A Potential Liability. If They Can Not Control What You Say/Do In Public You Gotta Go. President Vladimire Putin Was Taken Out and Replaced By a Clone(s) Years Ago.

As For Bide Both The Cabal and The White Hats Wanted To Get Rid of Biden, Which Side Took Him Out I Can't Say For Sure. What I Do Know is Biden's Fake Image is Now Controlled By The White Hats.

They Make The Clone/Actor Do Stupid Shyt To Help AWAKEN The Public To The False President. I Don't Think Many Americans Took Note To The Fact That Joe Biden NEVER Addressed The Nation After He Was Supposedly Sworn In Last January and No One Questioned That Fact. People Like Myself Who Spoke Out Were Shut Down.

To This Day They Are Trying To AWAKEN The Public To The Fact That The 2020 Presidential Election was One of The BIGGEST SCAMS Ever and They Have ALL The Evidence To Bury Everyone Who Took Part.

Anyway Putin Is a Clone or His Scripted Role is Being Played Out By a Human Actor. In Any Case Putin Represents The White Hats, Not The Cabal, But During The War He Might Have To Play Out Both Good/Bad Scripted Roles. Click HERE To View.

Thousands of NAZI Doctors, Lawyers, Scientist, Political Figures and Hitler Were Allowed To Take Up Residency Here In America After WWII. The NAZI's Have Since Infiltrated Every Aspect of Human Life Both On/Off Planet. As Crazy as it Might Seem Hitler Was Obama's Biological Grandfather. If You Search My Site You'll Come Across Very Detailed Information Explaining Barack Obama's Biological Link To Hitler.

Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) Being Used To Cause 'Non Traceable' Innocent Citizens. For Years I've Talked In Detail About Direct Energy Weapons Being Used To Sicken, Harm and Murder People at The Click of a Button. In The Past People Mocked and Laughed at Mocked People Exposing These Weapons, Well Maybe Now Will Believe Us.


Well would you look at that. Russian ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya says that Trump is the rightful President of The United States.

Savvy Internet users are circulating “CONFIDENTIAL” data quietly released from Pfizer showing many dangerous adverse events stemming from the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine.

Pfizer sent the document to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of its authorization process with the revolving-door regulatory agency, and now the document is out there and people are very angry. The “post-authorization” adverse events list starts on page 30 of this document.

The report, compiled by the “Worldwide Safety” division of Pfizer, is entitled “CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021.” HERE IS THE LINK TO A PDF OF THE DOCUMENT. ( shows that the Pfizer Vaccine has a 3% mortality rate, which is 12 times the COVID death rate.)

*Watch video at 0.25 speed

Actor George Clooney and Former Fake (Now Deceased) President Barack Obama With a Little Chinese Girl On Her Knees. Now You Tell Me WTF Is Going On Here. These Are The Baby Rapers Yall' Look Up Too and Idolize.. Click HERE To View.

Bill Gates's Ex-Wife Speaks Out About Infamous Epstein Meetings

"Any of the questions remaining about what Bill's relationship there was, those are for Bill to answer, but I made it very clear how I felt about him," Melinda Gates told CBS, regarding her billionaire ex-husband’s ties to the pedophile financier.

Gates also revealed that she herself met Epstein, supposedly to get the feel of her then-husband’s associate.

"I wanted to see who this man was, and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door," she said, describing him as "abhorrent," and "evil personified”.

SPECIAL NOTE: This Is Being Aired To Help Prepare The American Public For The Harsh and Ugly Truth Concerning How Government Officials, Hollywood Celebrities, The Elite etc. are Heavily Involved In Global Child/Human Trafficking and The Torture, Rape, Sodomy,Blood/Organ Harvesting and The Murder of Millions Upon Millions of Babies, Children and Adults Who Go Missing Without A Trace.

This Is a Animated CGI Version of Joe Biden. The Real Biological Joe Biden Was Taken Out Years Ago. Those Who Voted For Joe Biden Voted in a Fake Person That No Longer Exist.

ALL This Satanic Transgender Bull Shit Needs To STOP. Especially When it Comes To Altering a Child's Gender. Other Then Being Born a Hemorphodite There are No Other Genders. You're Either Born Male/Female/Hemorphodite. Switching Genders is A Cabal Satanic Ritual. Confusing a Child of Their Own Birth Gender Is ABUSE and it Causes Long Term Psychological Damage.

Lets' Not Forget About The Babies and Children Who Are Molested and Raped By Family Members, Friends of The Family and 'Step Parents.' Rape of Children In Their Own Homes Has Been Ignored and Systemically Been Allowed To Continue For Many Decades. Being Sexually Abused Raped By Family Members, or Close Friends of The Family Can Also Cause A Child To Become Gender Confused.

Rape Within A Childs Home Also Needs To Be Addressed and Not Pushed Under The Rug Like it NEVER Happened. RAPIST In or Outside of The Home Need To Be Held Fully Accountable For Their Heinous Acts Against Children. RAPE Is Not Acceptable Behavior and it Should Be Dealt with Harsh and Swift Punishment.

Anyone Who Molest and Rapes A Child Should Be Executed ASAP, No More of This Ignoring Shyt. You Rape a Child or an Adult Be Prepared To Forfeit Your Life and if You Alter The Gender of Child You Need To Be Jailed For The Rest of Your Miserable Pathetic Lives. Its' Time To Protect Babies and Children Against All RAPIST.

Parents Who Do Not Protect Their Children Against RAPIST That Live Within Their Home Should Also Be Held Fully Accountable. No More Acting Like You Didn't Know Your Kid Was Being Raped By a Family Member, Your Husbands, Wives and Live In Lovers, Because You'll Be Just as Guilty as The Rapist and Your Ass Is Going To Jail or Worse.

WARNING: In The 3D Reality/Time Line That Many People Have Chose To Remain In, The Old Ways of Dishing Out Punishments To Criminals Coming Back is Returning and YES That Includes Public Humiliation and Public Hangings. Its' Time To Remove The Low Life Rift Raff, Because Many of Threm Are NOT Human. Anyone Who Can Rapes a Baby Aint' Human. Click HERE To View.

These Are Just A Few of The Crisis Actors The Cabal Hire To Deceive The American Public. Some Crisis Actors Get Killed Off In A Staged Event, Then They Magically Pop Up In The Next Staged Event Wearing Different Make Up and Costume. I Labeled Them 'Recycled Crisis Actors'. Its' All A Staged Show and Game and Humanity Has Always Been The Butt End of The Aliens and Their Satanic Cabal Minions Jokes.

What's a TIE fighter from Star Wars ( doing in the middle of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

Israel's Channel 13 News is catching some heat online for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it mistake in one of its Russia-Ukraine reports on Monday.

A military plane crashed in the middle of a highway in Ukraine, - Israeli Channel 13 News report.

The video is actually a video montage created by the Polish Star Wars Artistic Team in 2014.

Twitter users commented on this with the phrase: "Believe the media"!

One Year After The World Trade Cener in NYC Was Purposely Blown Up For A Variety Of Sadistic Reasons The Cabal Sent Some of Their Satanic Minions Out To 'Ground Zero' To Perform a Satanic Ritual On The Ground Where Thousands of People Died. The Bombing of The World Trade Center Among Other Things Was One of The Cabals Most Largest Satanic Ritual. There Were No Planes. The Planes We Saw Were High Tech Holographic Images. The Towers Were Blown Up From The Inside Out. Months Before The Towers Were Blown Up College Students From Israel Were Filmed Placing Bombs In The Basement of The WTC. I've Posted The Actual Video On My Website Several Times. ALL Large Events Such As The WTC Bombing are Pre Planned, Staged Months, Years, Decades in Advance.

See, No Planes On 9/11.

"Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack."

-Robert David Steele

Former CIA Operative

A Few Months Ago The Cabal MURDERED Robert Because He Helped To Expose heir Crimes. R.I.P. Robert David Steele.

Wow Rob Potter and Alfred Lambremont Weber Explain In Detail What I've Been Talking About For Awhile Now Regarding The Splitting of Earths Time Lines. Each One of Us Creates Our Own Reality Based On Our Beliefs and Our Frequency. During Tghis Time of Change it is Important That Everyone Try To Keep Their Vibrational Frequency On A Positive Vibe In Order To Create The Healthy Reality We Desire. If Your Vibration Remains Low You Will Create A Reality Full of Strife. In Other Words You'll Remain In The Cabals False 3D Lower Earth. Click HERE To View.

EVERYTHNING That Exist Was Created Through Sounds, Vibration, Colors and Frequency. We Are The Co Creators of EVERTHING That Exist. We Are The Past, Present and Future. No One Stands Above or Below YOU. We Are ALL Light In The Dark.


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