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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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Anyone Who's Been Vaxxed Is Viewed as a 'Genetically Modified Human.'

Ukranian Solder Places a BOMB In A Playground. WHY? When The Bomb Explodes They Can Blame Putin For Injuring and Murdering Children. Take Note: The Ukrainian Army and Government Are Purposely Attacking and Killing Their Own People So They Can Blame Putin.

Russia Did Not Invade Ukraine, They Are In Ukraine To EXPOSE and Destroy The Cabals Bio Labs. 26+ Bio Labs Belong To The US. Russia is Also In Ukraine To Rescue Children Who Were Trafficked Into Ukraine.

They Are ONLY Taking Down Precise Targets and Putin Made Sure The Ukranian People Were Moved Into Bomb Shelters A Few Weeks Before Russia Entered Ukraine. It is The Ukranian Government and Army Murdering The Ukranian People NOT Putin.

Author: Sen-I

Information Regarding The Nuremburg 2.0 Trials..

This is One of Alex Collier's Classic Videos. In This Video Alex Collier Talks About His Life Long Connection With The Andromedan Alien Species. Click HERE To View.

Dozens of Starlings Drop Dead On A Highway in Holland After a 5G Tower is Turned On

"It's a Vodafone 5G tower and it really happened, as the story was confirmed by someone who lives in the area. There is even a local news release ( archived in English.

This is one of quite a few examples of whole flocks of birds just falling out of the sky dead.

The article mentions "bird flu" as one possible cause of what happened. It has not yet been proven that the birds are dropping dead because of any disease."

The operation Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffery Epstein were running is one of many of it’s kind.

Walt Disney and Hugh Hefner / Playboy Enterprise fronted operation, which included using children as honey pots for sex unto blackmail, operated under full protection of NSA/CIA military apparatus.

They Are Blowing Up The Underground Bases. ALL Disney Land Parks Are Used To Traffic Children. Thousands of Children Are Enslaved In Cages Underneath ALL Disney Parks. They Are Raped, Tortured, Sacrificed, Murdered and Eaten In These Underground Bases. While Disney Tourist Enjoy The Park Above Ground Below Their Feet Thousands of Children are Being Tortured and Killed. EVERYTHING Related To The Disney Brand Should Be Destroyed ASAP.

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