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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Globalist Agency Calls for Energy Lockdowns including Banning Cars on Sundays to Achieve Climate Goals. Click HERE To View

Anyone Who Follows & Obeys & Complies With These ILLEGAL Mandates Deserves To Deal With Whatever Consequences That Arise From Their Blind IGNORANCE.. They Are Continuously Gas Lighting The American Public, Because They Know Many Americans are Too Lazy, Too Dumb To Figure Out Their Mind Games, So All They Know To Do is To COMPLY & OBEY Without Question.

Those Who Refuse To THINK For Themselves and Use Their Common Sense Are Nothing More Then The Cabals Sheep Being Lead To Slaughter and I Do Not Feel Sorry For Yall', Because it is YOUR Choice to Remain Enslaved and Stupid.

By The Way Fauci Is No Longer In Charge of A Paper Bag, Matter A Fact I Believe He's Already In Custody and or Has Been Executed By The Military For Committing Heinous Crimes Against Humanity. Those Controlling The Fauci CLONE, Doppleganger, CGI Hologram, A.I. Bot etc. Have Put it Out There That Faucci Is Resigning From His Position, So WTF Is This About?

More People Would Understand and Know What's Going On If They Took Time and Did Some Research. Instead Many Americans Seem Content To Continuously Go Around in Circles With These Non Existing NAZI, Satanic Ass Holes Who Continue To Gas Light and Mind Fuck The American Public.

Author: Sen-I

South Carolina Begins Offering Firing Squad Executions for Death Row Inmates Click HERE To View.

Woman holds in her hands a 2011 newspaper which says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start "Depopulation through compulsory vaccination", as it will be the most "environmentally friendly solution."

Then Central Bank for the World's Central Banks is the Rothschild controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Both are Zygarat designs created by the spawn of Satan. It's no accident.

Eastern Antarctica Is 70 Degrees Warmer Then Normal: Lots to speculate here about East Antarctica warming up dramatically. Could this be related to space arks activating all over our solar system? "It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted." Click HERE To View.

The Long IGNORED History of Missing Children, Child Rape and Sexual Misconduct Happening Within Buckingham Palace. YES, The Now 'Long Ago' Deceased Queen Elizabeth & The Rest of Her Reptilian Royal Family are Responsible For The Rape and Murder of Hundreds of Children Who Went Missing. It Has Been Speculated That Many of The Children's Bodies Have Been Buried In Mass Graves That Surround Buckingham Palace. Click HERE To View.

If You've Been Vaxxed With The COVID-19 Bioweapon You're Physical Body & Your Biometrics is Connected to 5G and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Main HUB. You're Being Monitored and Tracked 24/7. Your Smart Phones, Fit Bit Watches etc. Can Be Remotely Controlled and Used To Control YOU and Your Bodily Functions. They Can Literally Press a Button Make You Physically, Psychologically Ill or Kill You and Your Children If They've Been Vaxxed.

Myself and Many Others Spent Years Trying To WARN The Public About The DANGERS of A.I. and 5G Sadly Not Many Paid Attention, Now Its' Too Late, Like A Piece of Furniture These Satanic Psychopaths Own YOU.

Anyone Who Was Vaxxed Was Injected with a Their Own Identification Number. I'll Say This Again 'Once You're Injected, You're Infected' In More Ways Then You'll Ever Imagine. The Word COVID Stands For (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID)entification. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

B2 Dropping H-EMP Weapon, That Causes Blackouts. This is How Easy it Would Be For Them To Shut Down and or Destroy a Countries Power Grid. Remember We Are In A WAR Make Sure You and Your Family Would Be Prepared In The Event The US or if The Country You Live In Loses Power.

Ukraine's Baby Farm Nothing about Ukraine is as the mainstream media is reporting.. Baby farming is big business. Just a fancy name for kidnapping, extortion, exploitation, money laundering and human trafficking. Click HERE To View.

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