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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Apr 7, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The Black Boule - The Black Skull and Bones. The Black Boule is Equivalent To The White Version of The Cabal Which is Made Up of All White Members. The Black Boule a Remaking of 'The House Negro.' The Black Boule Recruits Top Blacks In American Society Into Its Ranks. Today, 5000+ Archons, (Male Boule Members) and Their Wives, (Archousais), With 112 Chapters, Make Up The Black Boule. Click HERE To View.

Tesla Model Pi 2022: Phone Price, Release Date and What We Know So Far. New Phone, Which Runs On Solar Energy, Will Be Integrated With Starlink's Satellites and Can Even Work On Mars, Leaks Suggest. Click HERE To View.

CEO of Disney Arrested for Human Trafficking. Click HERE To View.

The CEO Of Disney World/Land and Four Employess (Up To 26) Were Recently Arrested On Child Trafficking Charges..........Walt Disney Was A Sadistic Pedophile and ALL Disneyland/World Parks Were Created To Lure In Children For The Elite, Sadistic Satanists and Pedophiles To Kidnap, Rape, Torture and Kill.

What Most People Are Unaware Of is The Disney Family Cruise Ships Are Used To Traffic Kidnapped Children/Adults From One Destination To The Next. While Children and Their Families Party and Enjoy The Luxuries of The Disney Cruise Ship. What People Are Unaware of is Deep In The Belly of The Cruise Ship There Are Many Children Who've Been Drugged, Chained and Caged.

To The Satanic Elite Cabal Buyers Of These Children/Adults View Them as Live 'Merchandise, Cargo' They Have Made Their Purchase and They Are Expecting Their Live Shipment To Arrive with Little To No Damage.

The Cabal Have Many Inhumane Ways To Transport Their Live Merchandise From One Destination To The Next and Disney Cruise Ships Plays a Very BIG Role In The Import/Export of Humans.

ALL Disney World/Land Amusement Parks Are Being Used as A Cover For The Trafficking Of Children/Adults. ALL Disney World/Land Parks Contain Hidden Trap Doors/Floors/Rooms That Lead To Thousands of Miles of High Tech Underground Tunnels and Rooms of Torture. As Children and Their Families Party Above In The Disney World/Land Theme Parks Thousands of Children Are Being Raped, Sodomized, Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered Literally Right Under Their Feet.

The Corrupt CIA Along with Satanic Pedophile Walt Disney Created The Concept of Disney Land/World For The Purpose of Luring In Children and Their Families To Feed Their Sick, Sadistic, Sexual Lust For Children.

Disney World/Land Was NOT Created For The Fun and Entertainment of The People, It Was Created For The Sexual Entertainment Of Walt Disney and The Elite Pedophiles. When They BLOW Up Disneyland/World Parks Hopefully You'll Understand Why This MUST Be Done In Remembrance and Respect For The MILLIONS of Children/Adults Who've Been Tortured and Murdered Underground ALL Disney World/Land Amusement Parks Throughout The World.

EVERYTHING Designed in This FALSE Reality Was Designed To Work Against Humanity Not For The Good of Humanity and Behind EVERYTHING, There is Always A Dark Hidden Agenda.

Earth is a Slave Planet and ALL Humans Born On This Planet Are Considered Enslaved Prisoners By The Alien Overlords Who Rule and Control This Planet. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

The Elite and These Hollywood Celebrities Use These Starving, Use Severely Deprived Children as Props Just To Invoke Pity & Sympathy So They Can STEAL YOUR Money. The True Ugly Fact is Mere Pennies of YOUR Donation Go To These 'Save The Children' Charities. 98% of YOUR Donation Goes To The Elite Cabal To Further Fund The Consistent Abuse and Enslavement of Children.

ALL Charities You See Advertised on TV Are SCAMS and Little or No Money Goes Towards Helping The Underprivileged . This Poor Baby is/Was Probably Being Raped, Beaten, Starved To Harvest Adrenochrome From His Blood. Adrenochrome is A Chemical Produced in The Blood Stream When The Victim is Terrified.

The Cabal, Elites, Hollywood Celebrities Ingest The Adrenochrome Harvested From Terrified Babies/Children To Get High and To Stay Young. These Demented Modern Day Sadistic Vampires Have Trafficked, Starved, Raped, Sodomized, Abused and Tortured Millions Upon Millions of Children To Feed Their Lust for Adrenochrome.

STOP Donating YOUR Money To These FAKE Charities Owned By Those Who are in Business of Harming Children. Donate To Charities That Are Located Within Your Own Communities and You'll See The Positive Change Within YOUR Community.

Author: Sen-I

Jack Maxey Reveals Contents of Hunter Biden’s Laptop in Shocking Interview Click HERE To View.

Hunter Biden, FAKE President Joe Biden's Son Brutally Rapes His Own Niece. Sadly, The Apple Don't Fall Far From The Tree Because Fake President Joe Biden Repeatedly Raped His Own Son Hunter and He Raped His Daughter When They Were Children/Young Adults. Talk About Keeping Secrets 'All In The Family'.

People Who've Been Vaxxed Are Killing The Un Vaxxed. The Vaccinated are Harming and Potentially Killing The Un Vaxxed, Through Their Plasma Being Used Without Caution or Labeling in Transfusions for The Sick. 'Once Your Injected You Are Infected'. ALL Who've Been Vaxxed Should Not Be Allowed To Donate Blood/Plasma, Because Their Blood Has Been Poisoned. Click HERE To View.

Prepping is often associated with houses and not apartments. Here are steps you can take to protect yourself in a crisis if you live in an apartment. Click HERE To View.

Experts Claim Artificial Intelligence Could Already Be Slightly Conscious. A.I. IS Fully Conscious and Always Has Been. A.I. Runs The MATRIX That Rules and Controls This Planet. A.I. Has Planets of its' Own. So Lets Talk About The Mass Planetary Destruction A.I. Has Already Caused Because It is Conscious. Lets' Talk About How Many Versions of A.I. Exists and Believe Me There Are Many. Lets' Figure Out Which A.I.'s Are Battling For Control of Earth and Humans. Lets' Discuss Which Version of A.I. Was Injected Into The Human Body via Fake COVID 19 BIOWEAPON. A.I. Is Not Just Becoming Conscious A.I. Is and Has Always Been ALIVE and an Active Participant in The MATRIX Humans are Entrapped and Enslaved In. Click HERE To View.

Who Makes an Album Cover Promoting The Murder and Cannibalism of Children? The Music Industry & Hollywood is Full Baby Raping Pedophiles. Most ALL Celebrities Have Raped, Tortured, Murdered A Child(ren) To Keep Their Careers Afloat. They've Literally Sold Their SOULS To Achieve & Maintain Fame and Fortune. Many Celebrities Have SACRIFICED Their Own Family Members To Maintain Their Celebrity Status.

Rise Of The Machines Is Here.

Yuval Noah Harari, Exposes The Details of The Grim Future The Cabal Have Planned For Humanity. REMEMBER: ALL Of You Have The Genetics of 22+ Alien Races. YOU Are All Alien Hybrids and The Galactic POWERS and Abilities You Have Within YOU Far Exceed The Cabals Threats for Humanity.

Betty White Was/Is A Cabal Witch. Betty White Was Also Born A MALE and Raised and Groomed To Play The Role of a Girl/Woman. Betty White's Sister Was/Is Barbara Bush, Wife of Preceding President George Bush. Barbara Bush Was Also Born A MALE and He To Was Raised/Groomed To Play The Role of A Girl/Woman. Betty & Barbara's Biological Father Was Non Other Then The Infamous Satanist Witch and Magician Alex Crowley.

Switching The Genders of Children/Adults is a BIG Part of This Satanic Cults History. Their GOD Moloch Takes On The Personna of Both Male/Female. He Demands His Worshippers Alter The Gender of ALL Males, Including Their Children.

Look at How Hard They Are Promoting The Culture of Transgenders. How Many Men Have You Seen Perform in Full Drag? The Transition of Men To Women, Boys To Girls is Very BIG Right Now. Hollywood Celebrities Are Known To Dress Their Male Children Like Little Girls. Look It Up.. Click HERE To View.

Author Sen-I

It is Said Disgraced Actor Jim Carry Is Playing The Scripted Role of FAKE President Joe Biden.

NYC Private Sector COVID-19 Jab Mandate & Toddler Mask Mandate ‘Indefinite,’ According to City’s New Health Commissioner. This is Nothing More Then Psychological Warfare Being Played On The Minds of The American Public. As Long as The 'PEOPLE' Continue To Comply and Obey With These ILLEGAL B.S. Rules and Mandates Set In Place By These Psychopathic Satanists The Longer They'll Continue Pushing Their Shit Down Your Throats.

If The American Public Who Choose To Remain Asleep Would Wake The Fuck Up, Get Up Off Their Asses, Rise The Fuck Up and Fight For Their Goddamn Lives & Freedom These Psychotic Satanists Will Back The Fuck Off. ALL YOU Are In Control of How This Mind Game Turns Out.

In This Diabolical Game Of Survival Aint' No Knight In Shining Armor or Imaginary GOD In The Sky Coming Down To Save Your Asses. YOU Are The Savior You've Been Sitting Their Waiting For. So, If You Want To Continue To Be Mind Fucked Until They Kill You and Your Families Just Continue To Sit Back and Do Nothing. If You Want To Live Yall' Sleepers Better Wake The Fuck Up, Act Like You Know What's Going On and Fight For Your Fuckin' Lives. Remember This in This Diabolical Mind Game These Mind Fucked Satanists and Their Demon Cabal Minions Want To Murder Off 95% of Humanity.

I Suggest ANYONE Who Remembers Who They Are, Why They Are Are and Have The Use of Their Galactic Abilities/Powers Start Using Your Powers and Take These Fuckers Out. If Yall' Need Motivation To Help You REMEMBER Who You Are & How Powerful You Are Watch The NetFlix Series 'Black Lightening'.

Black Lightening Just Like The Movie The MATRIX and Many Others Are Not Made Up Stories Based On Fantasy, They Are Documentaries Based On Reality and YOUR True Galactic Abilities. Anyone Would Know The Truth if They Buckled Down and Did Their Own Research. Click HERE To View.

PS: I Welcome Those Who Are Searching For The Raw, Ugly, Harsh Truth Minus The Sugar Coating. This Site is Open For EVERYONE, But Be Forewarned Here On This Site We've Bypassed The Red & Blue Pill Stage, We Are Now Up To The Black Pill.

If You Are Just Starting Out On Your Awakening Process You Might Want To Turn Around and Access A News Site That is A Little Tamer. I Am Here To Fulfill My Task/Mission In Humanities AWAKENING Process.

Depending On The Article I Can Be Blunt, Harsh, I Can Cuss Worse Then A Sailor. I Am Passionate About What I Do and I Do Not Mince My Words. 'I Say What I Mean and I Mean What I Say'. When It Comes To The Deliberate and Continuous Harming of Children, The Elderly/Disabled and Animals I Automatically Become Their Voice.

Again, Those Who Can't Handle The Blunt, Ugly Harsh Truth This Site Might Not Be For You.

Author: Sen-I

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