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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Mar 30, 2022

FOX News Is One of The 1st Main Stream Media News Outlets To Bring Froth The Truth About What's Going On. Its' Way Past Time To Wake Up The Sleeping Sheeple.

This is What Happens When The Green Screen Messes Up During A Live Taping of The News. This Is Why News Reporters Throughout The World Are Currently Being Arrested and Tried For Sedition. Most EVERYTHING You Experience On This Prison Planet is Staged.

President Putin just predicted that many nations will be converting “paper and digital assets into real reserves of raw materials, land, food and gold.”

“We are entering a long season of currency fluctuation that will teach us many hard lessons about our modern financial systems. As many of us know they are fatally flawed because all currencies exist in a fiat status.

This allows for horrific manipulations and seizures of wealth to occur. False currency is the beginning of economic oppression but the cosmic time has come for our currencies and financial systems to be rectified. Hold on to things of real value and be careful about holding large sums of paper. The currency flux is coming to all nations...”

Author: Unknown

And more from JIM STONE: …”MANDATORY VACCINATION FOR THE EU JUST WENT THROUGH UNDER THE RADAR It does not matter if the pandemic is over and the vaccine is proven fraudulent, they are going for it anyway.

This just came into Gmail from a very reliable source. I am going to type in in here and take it verbatim. It is completely legit info.


After June 30 2022

-the European Council has amended resolution 2361 and no longer objects to compulsory vaccination.

-As of July 1 2022 the EU has announced the legislation for the mandatory EU COVID 19 Certificates that deprive you of all freedoms if you do not have a QR covid certificate. If there is a majority of member states sighing the legislation, compulsory vaccination will be introduced.

-at the end of 2022/2023 there will be a digital currency.

-The EU will impose a digital ID on every EU citizen. (The Dutch already have this and are already referring to the EU version on the website)

-All ATMs will be replaced by QR code ATMs in the near future, Belgium is already installing them full swing.

-If these QR code machines are integrated, cash can no longer be withdrawn from banks and/or elsewhere.

-The EU aims to make cash completely worthless within 18 months.

-The EU resolution permanently deprices every person of their physical integrity.

Author JIM STONE POSTED By Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot

All of This Sounds Insane Under The NAZI Based 4th Reich New World Order These Are The Plans They Are Working Hartd To Implement.

An Overview of ET Intervention On Planet Earth Hosted By Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Click HERE To View.

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