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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The Cabals Next Agenda is to Create A Global Food Shortage To Create Starvation. It is Vital For Your Survival That Everyone Make Sure To Stock Up On Extra Food & Supplies That You'll Need To Survive In The Event They Push This Agenda To The Max.

Currently Many Stores Here In America Are Running Low On Essential Food and Supplies, Some Stores Have Ran Out Of Stock of Certain Popular Food Items, Including Food and Supplies For Pets. In Some Areas Parents Are Having Trouble Purchasing Enfamil for Infants and Baby Food.

Please Understand In America There is No Shortage of Food, Its' The Cabal Creating The Illusion of a Food Shortage By Purposely Preventing Certain Food Items From Reaching Your Local Grocery Store Shelves.

They Have Recently Slowed Down The Delivery of Grain By Railway. Grain is Used To Produce a Variety of Foods Including Breads, Hot/Cold Cereals etc.

Every Diabolical Agenda The Cabal Put Forth is Part of Their End Game and That is To Kill Off This Version of The Human Species. YES, Over The Past Two Years They've Murdered Millions of People Globally with Their COVID-19 PLANdemic SCAM.

Humanity is in The Midst of a Global War Unlike Any Other War and The Cabals Diabolical Agendas Will Continue Until The Head of The Snake is Cut Off.

Keep In Mind This War is Being Fought On Many Different Levels and it is Being Fought Underground, In The Oceans, In The Sky, In Space and On Several Other Planets. It is A Galactic War, An Earth Based War, Cyber War, A War For Your Mind, Body & Spirit.

The Rulers of This Planet, This False MATRIX Are of Alien Origin. They Are In Battle with Humans, But They Are Battling With Each Other For Control Over This Planet and Control Over Several Other Planets.

Over Many Decades Earth Humans Were Abducted and Transported To Other Planets Such as MARS, Venus, The Moon etc. It is Said That Millions Upon Millions of Esarth Humans Are Enslaved On Other Planets, This is ONE of The Reasons Why This Current War Extends Off Planet.

To Understand How Deep The Current Situation is You'll Have To Invest Some Time in Doing Your Own Research. Behind The Scenes This War For Control Over Earth Has Been Ongoing For Thousands of Years and it Began with Anunnaki Alien Brothers Enki and Enlil.

The War Between These Two Alien Brother Never Ceased. As Humanity Continues with Their AWAKENING Process The War Has Intensified and Become More Visible To The Average Person.

They Do Not Want Humans To AWAKEN, Because AWAKENING Means Humans Will Find Out Their True Galactic Origins and They'll Discover Their Galactic Powers and Abilities. Imagine 7.5 BILLION Humans AWAKENING at Once. The Aliens Who've Enslaved Humanity Would Lose Control.

Everyone of You Have The Galactic Abilities of 23+ Different Alien Races. You Can Literally Create & Move Planets, Blow Up Buildings with The Power of Your Thought. You Can Fly, Teleport, Walk and See Through A Concrete Walls.

Your Abilities Are Endless and They Know That and That's Why When They Created Humans They Purposely Shut Off Part of Your DNA. As You Continue with Your AWAKENING Process Your Dormant DNA is Turning Itself Back On.

They Never Imagined The AWAKENING of Humanity and This is Why They Are Now Doing EVERYTHING In Their Power To Destroy The Human Species.

Trust Me When I Say 'They Fear YOU'. To Get an Idea of How Powerful All of You Are If You Can Watch The NetFlix/HULU Series 'Black Lightening or Raising Dion'. Those Two Series Highlight Some Of Your Galactic Powers and Abilities.

My Galactic Abilities Kick In Full Force When I Am Sent Off Planet To Complete a Task or Mission. I'll Just Say There is Nothing I Can Not Do When I Am Powered Up Off Planet.

Here On Earth Due To Prior Agreements Before I Incarnated On Earth My Abilities Are Minimal, Because In This Life Time I Wanted The Full Experience of Living as a Human in a Human Body.

Ok, Getting Back To The Original Topic "Stock Up' On Food, Supplies etc. If You Have Your Own Garden Start Planting Seasonal Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs etc. You Can Also Create A Small Indoor Vertical Garden If You Live in an Apartment or Don't Have Access To A Private/Public Yard.

Your End Goal Should Be to Become Self Sufficient in You Own Right.. Meaning if They Were To Shut Down Your Local Grocery Store You'd Have Enough of What You Need To Survive Comfortably For 6 Months To 2 Years. This Includes Providing Food/Supplies For Pets That Live In Your Home.

Hopefully it Wont Drag On For 2 Years, But Iin War NOTHING Is Hand Carved In Stone, The Situation and Agendas Can Change From Moment To Moment. You Must Expand Your Horizon, Pay Attention To What's Going On Globally, Not Just In Your Back Yard. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

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