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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Apr 17, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

This is Just A Sample of The Thousands of X Rated Pictures and Videos That Were Found On Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell.; Joe Biden and His Son Hunter Biden Have Raped and Molested Thousands of Children. It is Being Said That Joe Biden Was ONE Of The Worse Habitual Child Rapist/Pedophile Ever Known. Joe Biden Also Raped His Own Children.

Any Questions?

This is Hunter Biden and The Little Girl is His Niece, He Savagely Repeatedly Raped Her. Anyone Who Rapes Children In Their Family Should Be EXECUTED and That Includes Any Parent Who Rapes/Molest Their Children. Execute Them or Chop Both of Their Hands Off. In My Opinion Pedophiles Can Not Be Fixed, Because They Lust is For Children.

Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Is Expected To Be Indicted Shortly and The Indictment and or Removal of Fake Joe Biden Will Soon Follow.

Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on Orphans in New York City, Many of The Orphans Were Purposely Infected with AIDS. Click HERE To View.

Dog Torture Labs Funded By Fauci Exposed. Not Only Did Fauci Tortured and Experiment On Animals.. In My Opinion Other Then Turning Fauci Over To A Screaming Mob of People or Making Him Endure and Feel Every Bit of The Emotional, Spiritual, Physical Pain That He Has Caused His Victims , There is No Type of Punishment Good Enough For This Piece of Shit. Click HERE To View.

A Prison On Earth Click HERE To View

Large Group of MS-13 Gang Members Captured.

Children and Adults Are Literally Dropping Dead Soon After They Are Vaxxed.

Death Tolls Around The World Continue To Rise As People Who've Been Vaxxed, Suddenly without Warning Die.

Elderly Woman's Sister Dies Soon After Being Vaxxed.

Kids in the U.S. and Europe Are Coming Down With Mysterious Liver Damage Click HERE To View.

COVID-19 Mandates Are A Death Sentence.

African Inventor From Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 is The First Person In The World To Invent a Self Powered Television That Does Not Need To Be Plugged Into A Wall Socket. The TV runs off radio frequencies by a micro sonic wireless power generator plugged into the back of the television. This means televisions and other devices do not need electricity to run, it can just run off the aether.

Not only has he Invented a tv that does not need electricity he has also invented a car that does not need electricity, water, gas or fuel, nothing it just drives, it’s the worlds first self powered vehicle as we know it, it’s called SAITH.

This technology is being held back from the masses so the powers that be can continue to make massive profits on gas prices, electricity, fuel and charge for clean air zones.

Having Knowledge is one thing, applying it is another.

The Heinous Crimes These Sadistic Monsters Have Forced Upon Humanity Have Just Begun To Be Exposed.... The Truth Is Gonna Get Allot Worse, Buckle Up.

This Ship is Exiting Earth and Being Transported To Another Dimension Via A Portal There is No Need For Aliens/Galactics To Spends Months, Years Traveling To and From Earth When They Can Create a Portal or Wait For A Natural Portal To Open.

As Galactic Humans ALL Of You Have The Genetic Ability To Teleports Your Atherical Body Anywhere Both On/Off Planet, I've Been Teleporting Since I Was 16 Years Old.

In My Life Time Thus Far I've Been Able To Teleport My Physical/Etherical Body Three Times. EVERYTHING That Exist is Made of Frequency, Including YOU. YOU Are NOT Your Human Body. The Human Body is Used ONLY To House Your Etheric Body During Your Life Time On Earth.. You Are Made of Infinite Frequency, Only Your Body Dies, Not YOU...

Author: Sen-I

Archaeologists Discover The Tomb of Ancient Alien ‘Gilgamesh’ in Iraq Click HERE To View.

The Galactic's Are Filling In For Trump, Because The Cabal Want To Kill Him. Whenever You See Trump In Public it is A Galactic Being Filling In For Him.

Giant Robot Catches Unmasked Travelers At Dallas Airport Click HERE To View.

Tarot By Janine - Mid - April Update: Have You Been Checking Out The H2O? More & More Information Keeps Coming Out!! Generally I Do Not Gather News Reports From Tarot Readers, However I Will Listen To Various Sources. However If I Feel an Unconventional Source is Reliable I Will Ad Them To My Repertoire as a TRUSTED Source. 'Janine's' News & INTEL Is On Point. She Reveals Current & Vital Information That I Have Researched and That Has Occurred or Will Occur. This Video Contains Her Most Recent Predictions and Once Again She's On Point. Click HERE To View.

At This Point In Time Unless You Work In The Military or Police Force and Have Access To Have A Special Hand Held Decoder No One Knows For Sure Who's Human, Alien, Galactic, Android, A.I. Bot etc.

YES, Monsters Really Do Exist. This Being Is Just ONE Example of What The Galatic's, Military and The White Hats Are Dealing with as They Blow Up and Clean Out The Underground Bases. Hell On Earth Exist Right Under Your Feet.

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