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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Wearing a Cloth or Paper Mask Does Not Protect You From Catching A Virus/Disease. If Anything Continuously Wearing Cloth/Paper Masks Causes Disease/Illness and Kills off Brain Cells From Lack of Oxygen.

During The Era of The Spanish Flu, MILLIONS of People Died But Not From The Spanish Flu, They Died From A Septic, Toxic Pnuemonia Caused By Wearing Masks Day In and Day Out. Look It Up.

The Cabal Idiots Who Think They Are In Charge are Well Aware of This Fact, Yet They Still Push People To Wear A Mask. 'Dr' Fauci The Rat Man Back In The 1970's Studied The Dangerous Effects of Long Term Mask Wearing Yet He Too Continued To Push Mask Mandates During Fake COVID-19 PLANdemic.

Children and Babies Who Wear Face Mask Can Suffer irreversible Physical, Emotional, Cognitive Brain Damage That Can Cause All Types of Developmental Delays.

One of The Most Important Ways Humans Communicate is Through Facial Expression. Babies/Toddlers/Children/Adults Have a Natural Instinct and Need To See and Communicate Through Facial Expressions, That's How Adults Communicate and Children Learn Verbal Skills.

When Everyone Around Us is Wearing Masks Communication and Personal Contact/Self Facial Expression is Lost. When Babies/Children Are Surrounded By People Wearing Masks How Do They Learn Communication and Verbal Skills? If Their Faces are Constantly Covered with a Mask How Do They Communicate Their Needs/Feelings with Their Parents, Teachers, Peers, Relatives, Siblings etc.?

From The Very Beginning We Were LIED Too. Masks Are A Hinderance and They Do Not Help The Situation. If There Were A REAL Virus Out There We'd All Be Dead By Now and We'd Have To Werar HAZMAT Suits Because A Cloth/Paper Mask Wont Protect Us From A Deadly Virus. Yet, Millions of People In America Are Still Listening To and Obeying The Draconian Rules These Satanic Psychopaths Put Forth as They Have a Diabolical Agenda To Kill Off 95% of The Human Population.

Another Point I'd Like To Bring Forth is No One Talking About The Thousands of People Who've Suffered Severe Injuries From Wearing Masks, No One Talks About The Deaths Caused By Forced Mask Wearing. No One Talks About The Thousands of Children and Adults Who've Committed Suicide Over The Past Two Years Because They Were Forced To Comply With These Fake Mandates.

No One Talks About The Word 'MANDATE' and How This Word Has NOTHING To Do with LAW. A Mandate is a Mere Suggestion, it is Not Written Into 'Law', Therefore You Do Not Have To Comply.

These False, Draconian Mandates Are Nothing More Then The Cabals Way of Using 'Big Word' To Instill Fear and Make People Comply & Obey Without Question or Using Their Critical Thinking Skill. They Know if Someone in a Position of Authority, Position of Power and Influence Tells The People To Do Something, The People Will Will Comply Out of Fear, Love and Respect Towards That Person.

Its' Time For The People of America To Use Their Critical Thinking Skills, THINK For Yourselves and STOP Obeying Orders Just Because You're Being Told Too.

I'm Sorry To Burst Your Bubbles But America/The World is Being Ruled and Controlled By a Satanic Cult That Has Been In Existence For Many Thousands of Years. To Make Situations Worse The Obama, Bush, Biden Administration Literally Sold America To The Chines Communist Party (C.C.P.) and The NAZI Based 4th Reich Cult Created By Hitler's New World Order Vision Has Invaded America and Many Other Countries..

All of These Negative Totalitarian Groups Work Under The Command of Various Negative Alien Races Who Want Supreme Control Over Earth and What Would Be Left Of The Human Species After This 'War Of The Worlds' Scenario Plays Itself Out. So, if You Truly Believe These Self Centered Satanic Psychopaths Care About You and Your Families Health And Well Being Go Ahead Continue Obeying and Complying and Do Whatever They Tell You To Do.

Just Keep In Mind Their End Goal is To Kill You and Your Families, By Any Means Necessary. You Can Make Their Task Easy For Them By Lying Down and Being Their Door Mat or You Can Stand Up and Fight For Your Right To Live and Exist, The Choice Will Always Be Yours To Make.

Its' Way Past Time To REMOVE The Masks.


Disney Linked to Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell’s PEDO Island; Disney Cruise Line Offered Snorkeling Trips to Island Click HERE To View.

"It's Not Just Autism" - Chronic Illness Is Exploding in Children - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

All tunnels worldwide will fill up and collapse. Nature reclaims its habitat LAW = L = Land A = Air W = Water Vatican (Religion): Cleaned and currently flooded to become a lake and nature park | bird paradise City of London (Finance): Cleaned and currently being flooded to become a lake and nature park | bird paradise Washington DC (Military): Cleaned and currently being flooded to become a lake and nature park | Bird Paradise THE END OF THE PEDOPHILE SATAN DEEPSTATE WATCH THE WATER.. CLEANING and Flooding the D.U.M.B.S and Tunnelsystems WORLDWIDE NEEDED - PURE EVIL

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